Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Anonymous sources. I don’t follow her on any social media platforms.


I love you guys, my vocabulary increases daily. :clinking_glasses:


The expectation that Lauren will change her spots after 20+ years of questionable behavior is misplaced. She has no reason to change and is never held accountable. I hope her frantic need to lash out continues for sometime so the proof of her behavior spreads far and wide. She will always have 2-3 supporters whom she has never met but who will lay on the tracks for her and continue to embarrass themselves for her attention and that’s okay. No one cares.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


Please do not reword my posts. You can plagiarize it and make it your own but changing it is just telling tall tales.

Edited to change the word “lying “ to “telling tall tales.”

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Oh gosh I’m so sorry, it’s just your post made absolutely zero sense with that error.
Thought I was doing you a favour, but I can see you’re a little over sensitive about your mistake and didn’t want it pointed out.
I’ll just leave your nonsensical tosh as it is in future sweetheart :kissing_heart:


Lol. I had a hunch it ’twas not I, and if it was, I was going to book a doctor’s appointment STAT because I couldn’t recall saying either of those things!

I read my trainer the tweet, because I found it somewhat disturbing to be tweeted about by someone I have never interacted with, and because I found it somewhat amusing. They said “I don’t even know what that means”… yup, me neither.


With regards to your first point, a few things:

  1. There is not a release in the world that would absolve someone of murder or physical harm if negligent or willfully malicious.
  2. EVERYONE signs releases to ride at boarding/training farms - it’s standard.
  3. Lauren herself has said that the release was akin to the sign on the wall. (I believe she said she didn’t have to sign it anyways because the liability signs were already posted, or similar). If they were so similar, tell me how this would be signing off on her own murder?

As to your second point, I have engaged in precisely zero “LK bashing”, so, no?


Surely you must be aware of “Fixed that for you”…

Edited it to that


LK was wrong about the signs. I’m not at all surprised.

Negligence cannot be signed away. So if someone gets hurt at a barn due to negligence there is liability even if there’s 1000 signs.

The signs legally provide fair warning. Notice to those present. They are aimed at negating culpability for things that happen with horses no matter how efficient and well run a facility is.


I will disagree with you, because I am thankful that people (not just on this thread, but including on this thread) let me know that she was (erroneously!) tweeting about me. Thanks to those that gave me a heads up on COTH and off.

I find it disturbing that she is tweeting about me, period. I have never interacted with her, and I give more thought to those who post lies to defend her than I do to LK herself. Why do I reside in her brain at all, much less so much that she would erroneously attribute not one, but two quotes to me? It is odd. Glad I got the heads up that I am in her sights.

So, I am happy I get to know that I apparently occupy space in Lauren’s brain, even when I have actually offered a lot in her defense, especially when it comes to drug addiction, etc.

No idea what I did to anger her so much that she would single me out, but also don’t care. Just creeped out!

But I am glad I know about it.


Agreed! I think that’s what I said above. No co tract (or sign) will get you out of being negligent or willfully malicious!


Oh right. Me and the prosecutor.

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I thought a liability waiver could protect one from negligence but not gross negligence?

That is what I believe as well.

Hey HH, you accused me of bullying. I think we can all agree that isn’t true.


Funny @erinmeri as the last thing I would describe you as is a bully. In any interaction I have had with you on this board, I have always found you to be open minded, intelligent and reasonable. I think many, many others would say the same!




If LK was serious about suing CBS, would she file in Florida?

If so, it would eventually show up here?



It isn’t true that I called you a bully.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all!! :turkey:

I’m thankful that there are some people I’ve never crossed paths with in person. Lol.