Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I can not like this enough!


I agree with this because on another thread a poster that has a pretty good handle on the K clan said they believed one attorney was advising them all.


I mostly agree with all of that, but if the money isnā€™t hers, and she doesnā€™t actually have any/or much, she might not end up being able to pay MB, if it comes to that. Meanwhile her father can still fund her lifestyle, I would think? Basically, I think it depends on how her/their money is kept and structured. Just a thought.

Also, sheā€™s of unlimited means, so how could she ever be limited, financially :wink:

Sheā€™s already damaged her reputation, but there could always be more, I suppose.


Reading these threads makes me NOT question why I did NOT attend law school! LOL

I am pretty sure first semester would have made my eyes cross.


I wouldnā€™t have been able to handle the working for the benefit of slimy people aspect of law.


Iā€™d really love to know more about the status of any inheritance, etc. Just from a legal perspective and what would be protected and what wouldnā€™t. From what I understand, not every trust is untouchable.

Iā€™m not sure if LK has ever earned her own way in life or if sheā€™s just been given money. If she does owe MB money and her trust (if that is indeed what she has) is protected, then she is still going to have to keep assets out of her name and perform 47D chess for any financial decisions for a very long time. Not the way Iā€™d want to live.

As far as daddio - just looking at real estate assets that are very easy to check online - I donā€™t believe JK or KK are of unlimited means either. I think this suit is draining them financially. JK comes across as too angry, bitter and resentful to be just concerned about golf. I also think he would have hired a better lawyer than Nagel if he had more personal resources.


I think I could to a certain aspect because it could be all about making sure they had a fair trial.

Just curious in terms of money - who officially owns her horses?


Itā€™s not about begrudging them a fair trial. I wouldnā€™t be able to live with myself to help someone slimy get away with any form of societal benefit from treating other people like dirt.


My husband is on his way home from the Keeneland sales and found a signed Kyra Kyrklund book at an antique mall somewhere in Indiana.

Heā€™s a keeper.


I donā€™t know about that, sheā€™s apparently already got herself established in a pretty high end barn, and had the rented apartment as well, so sheā€™s got that going for her.
I suspect sheā€™ll have trainers as long as she keeps paying, since money talks. Now if for some reason she leaves that location, thatā€™s where it could come up when trying to get another high class place. and if she doesnā€™t pay timely, that could give her a worse reputation than this case does.


not always, there were several ahole billionaires that I refused to do any security work for (Ross Perot was number one)


There is a big difference is paying a large amount of money to board and get private lessons and being a successful international level rider.

Without a doubt, there are going to be some BOs that will take her money and some trainers that will give her lessons. But she will still be severely limited on BNTs who will be willing to take her as a client. MB had many connections in dressage and most are in favor of and sympathetic to MB. What LK did to MB is of pretty much every professional equestrianā€™s nightmares. Most people are not going to risk their own hard earned reputation on LK and that is why she will constantly be fighting an uphill battle.

She is going to be hard pressed to get sponsors. Hard pressed to find breeders who want her to promote, ride and represent their horses. Hard pressed to develop relationships with trainers who have influence in competition. She will be able to find some people to take her money but her options in dressage have become severely limited IMO.


So in thinking about this, if LK has to pay damages to MB. We donā€™t know if her money is hers or in a trust. We know that JK writes the check(s) that come from the bank. We know her home in FL is protected. Doesnā€™t she also have a home in NC? Is that jointly owned by LK and JK? From a very quick google search, if I read it correctly, the NC home can be auctioned off to pay a debt.

Just thinking about the potential future.

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Someone either needs to get a horse and ride or maybe take the LSAT and go to law school. Although, based on their skill set, the LSAT may be a bit of a challenge.



Both Sceusi and his clerks are doubtless perfectly aware of the acquittal form and also understand that there is no inconsistency between the NGRI acquittal and what Sceusi stipulated regarding the plaintiff being shot by MB.

But letā€™s wait for Bilinkas and Deininger to file their motions expressing outrage that the judge would state as a background fact that MB shot LK multiple times without provocation. I donā€™t see how it benefits SGF to attempt to deny that MB shot LK, so Iā€™m not waiting for a filing from them.

(TBH Iā€™m not waiting for objections to Sceusi stating as a fact that MB shot LK from Barisoneā€™s lawyers, either. That was sarcasm.)

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Itā€™s a free country.


Iā€™n the states were Guilty but Insane exists, the party found guilty goes to jail for a regular term and is a criminal but treatment is mandated by the court. It is different from Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity where the defendant was found to have committed the act that would otherwise be a crime but is not guilty of the crime because he was unable to form intent. NGI goes to jail for a specific period of time like any other criminal. NGRI goes for mental health evaluation and is institutionalized until no longer a threat to self or others.

Certainly not DH! SW is a hard-core MB supporter.


I am honored to be deemed by you to be wrong in the company of Hut-Ho and Judge Sceusi.