Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

It was about the Barisone trial and the related tweets refer to CotH. You can see why one would have thought it was you.

Edited to remove screenshot.


Off-putting is quite a bit different than ā€œso incredibly aggressiveā€. Thank you for correcting what you meant.

Somebody just posted this idea in a different thread, but Iā€™m going to add it here as well.

ā€œWhen people show you who they are, believe them.ā€

Maya Angelou


I find it hysterical how certain posters here assume others are either stupid, brain dead or both.

Many here have long, long memories.

Many here have screen shots of what we saw.

Maybe they are trying to play 57D chess like LK. But we see where that has gotten LK, so maybe take heed and learn from her experience.

I so hate a liar!


They arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


Please delete this as my name was changed some time ago on there and also my account is now private. This was from during the trial so funny you guys screen shotted that back then and what have been passing it around in private messages I assume. Not sure why or how it would have even been found. So itā€™s ok to stalk other posters social media because they donā€™t agree with all of your opinions? Kind of messed up.

Also your name displayed isnā€™t the same as your handle on Twitter. My handle was not what was said above ā€œBossmareventingā€. Never was.

People consider their ā€œhandleā€ as their @ and official profile name.

Also @trubandloki said I said I followed her which was the whole point of the post and I donā€™t follow her and never have. Smh

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I thought you had posted here (on this forum, not this specific thread) once with your name thereā€¦ Sorry I did not put spaces in your name.

I learned it from a previous post in one of these threads.

Edit to remove the double quote.


I didnā€™t. Stop saying I did. You clearly thought it was because you had some screen shot from private messages.

Thatā€™s how you knew. But it wasnā€™t my@ handle at the time anyway! And it still isnā€™t now. What you see as ā€œBossMareventingā€ was my name on there but that changes all the time and it was changed shortly after that and that wasnā€™t my actual Twitter handle. Itā€™s just what shows in the feed.

Since you donā€™t know how Twitter works I suggest you stop this nonsense.

Never followed her still donā€™t for the 100th time. My handle was never what you said. Jesus

Oh my my myā€¦

People do assume so many here are stupid!


I have no screen shots. Period.
I have no saved screen shots of anything. Actually.


Sure, I will, but youā€™ve splashed it all over CotH inviting people to follow your blog and social media. Put in that @handle into google and you get everything including your Twitter handle so Iā€™m not sure why you are denying the ownership or following LK. Several others have also admitted to following her on several platforms as well.

ETA: If I have it, it was public. I do not even have a Twitter account. And I remember seeing you comment quite a bit about the Barisone trial in real time.


Im sorry I have not splashed my recent Twitter or my blog. I donā€™t even write my blog anymore and have not for MANY years. What the actual f. My @ handle was never that! Ever! It was taken when I wanted it. If I posted my Twitter ever it was my old deleted one @jealoushe.

I would not care at all to admit if I followed her on Twitter. Clearly Iā€™m not afraid to speak my
mind. I donā€™t follow her on there. Truly bizarre why anyone would be interested in my social mediaā€™s at all. Weird.

I am pretty confused by this exchange. Not stalking, but did what Sdel suggested and Sdel is right. The connections are first up via Google, and you can find links to the COTH account.

Edited to clarify: turkey stupor


Seriously? Do I really need to provide the thread name or screenshot I just took from Oct 20th? Just stop already.


In one of the previous threads I swear there was a screen shot of someone with a boss mare eventing handle (I might have the spacing wrong and I might be using the wrong word using handle) that had the same avatar as you, that actually told Lauren she looked great or something like that.

But you have posted your blog on this forum.

It took far less work to find that than it did for someone to out Eggbutt so many years ago.

In the big picture, I do not know why you are so upset that people say you follow Lauren Kanarek on social medial somewhere. Lots of people have admitted to doing that. Prior to the shooting she appeared to actively want as many followers as possible.


Thank you for deleting.

Yes at the time I was tweeting on my own timeline about it, not commenting elsewhere.

I made my account private shortly after that time AND changed name for the ā€œfeedā€. I donā€™t wanna post it here for proof for obvious reasons but thatā€™s the jist. Iā€™m not worried about my tweets I just prefer my profile not be linked here because a lot of ppl in real life know me here and will go running to creep.

PM it to me cause Iā€™m confused

I canā€™t tell if some of you are just being melodramatic or if you really are so fragile that you think my posts today truly are ā€œso incredibly aggressiveā€, but I guess it doesnā€™t matter because either way itā€™s just weird. I guess the fact that no one is able to tell me specifically what it is about my posts make them seem ā€œso incredibly aggressiveā€ is a good clue.

I havenā€™t written on my blog in YEARS AND YEARS.

Again, I donā€™t follow her on Twitter. I would have no problem admitting it but I donā€™t.

if you think you are being very private or hidden, you should know you arenā€™t. You post your handle here quite frequently (in the last month ant least and asked for followers too) and you didnā€™t really hide the new one.