Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I would use this post as an example. Or, alternatively, you live on Olympus and occasionally descend amongst us mortals. If the second scenario is the case: Hail, Hephaustus.


Why are you stalking my Twitter? Truly bizarre.

It’s common to be private or open when commenting on things. So perhaps you crept me when I was open. Still don’t really get what your point is other than you are watching me?

I have never posted my Twitter handle at least not my new one. It’s not what you think it is.

Or a good clue that nobody wants to interact with you. As stated above by Eggbutt, I believe.

~Quoting myself from a different thread earlier today: If you’re getting the same reaction from multiple people, maybe that’s on you, not them.


I can’t see your Twitter. I don’t have Twitter so not stalking it at all, but you post your handle here quite frequently.


I said social media. You are saying Twitter.
Is it Instagram instead of Twitter that the screen shot is from then?

I do not do either so
Maybe I am getting them confused and for that reason, that is why I am saying social media.


So, melodramatic. Got it. :rofl:

Now I’m even more confused :upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

You post your handle here. A Lot. One quick google brings up a lot of your SM. You aren’t hiding very well if you are worried about creepers. Especially when you are using all the same profile pictures between old, new and differing accounts.


Darn, wasn’t Jealoushe the one who recently told someone else they could find their ID on some social media in a very short time from their avatar photo?


LOL eggbutt stated that she didn’t want to interact with me by
wait for it
interacting with me. Just like you are doing now. You guys are hilarious.

To be clear, plenty of people have interacted with me pretending that they answered my simple question - what specific parts of my posts are “so incredibly aggressive”? - but all they have really pointed out is things they disagree with. That’s really common here - if you don’t like the post, act like the poster has done something egregious that has hurt you personally.

Just stop already please because those are not true.

None of my profile photos are the same.

My social handles aren’t the same. I don’t even use my real name on Fb.

ONE of my accounts is normally open and it’s horses only and I’m comfortable with it being open however not open currently. ONE of my accounts I have posted here to share videos.

Not that I should have to post any of this but you’re keen on exposing my social media use for some reason.

Well getting back to Airedales I inherited a 17 year old one. She is pretty deaf and blinded by cataracts but she must still have a keen nose as I have to watch she does not track the animal night visitors first thing in the morning. And she can disappear pretty quickly. I understand they have otterhound which makes their coat more water resistant than most. She and her brother who predeceased her had keen noses.


Yes COULD as in people could because clearly I was right and that’s what ppl here are doing. I’m a big advocate for privacy online for people.

I very nearly didn’t bother, but I thought I would give you a piece of friendly advice, just in case you were actually that oblivious to how your posts come across to others.

I won’t waste my time doing that again.

Good night and good luck.


Thanks for the attempt at a dog detour. Much appreciated. Sincerely. :slight_smile:


The only thing wrong with my posts is that I’m not kissing Michael’s back side. I made it clear that I’m no fan of Lauren’s, but that isn’t good enough for all of you. I’m not a Michael Barisone butt kisser, so I am the enemy. I write the same way here as I do in other parts of this forum, and no one has a problem with my posts but you people, and it’s only because I don’t think that Michael walks on water. I tell the truth here. And most of you just don’t handle that well. I don’t need “friendly” advice or luck, but thank you for thinking of me.

You seem like you need a hug. Relax.




What is going on here today? :grin::grin:


Well, I don’t kiss Michael Barisone’s a$$ and never will. I don’t care what your agenda is. Mine has always been clear and it has little to do with Michael other than seeing him released to resume/rebuild the life he had prior to the Finish the Bastard plan concocted by the Kanareks destroyed the life he had. The truth about that family is now known far and wide.

I am particularly offended at you vaguely saying posters here don’t accept the truth. I actually don’t know a profound truth you’ve posted other than a CDC screenshot of mental illness criteria.

I’m not sure of your pot stirring motives and don’t particularly care how you are received on other threads. Apparently it isn’t just me you’ve rubbed wrong and I don’t intend to interact with you anymore today.

Please attempt to get off your tangent and have a nice Thanksgiving evening.