MB CIVIL SUIT UPDATE #10 K’s Request to Adjourn (delay) DENIED 11/01/22

Especially since Shellhorn asked all those stupid questions about the photos, of horses, in a horse training facility.


How do you know for sure he had a gun with him when he went to the house?

He has no memory of the event, and the only testimony indicating he did is that of two impeached admitted liars and drug addicts.

HINT: How do you know if an addict is lying??? Their lips are moving.


The fire inspection guy was going to notify MB by email the next morning about the problems/problems solved at the farm house, but did not do so that morning nor that afternoon.

LK sent him pictures and videos of the fixed smoke detector(s) and he let them know the issue had been abated, is that the correct word?

MB was never notified before the shooting that the farm house was not an issue any longer. Another SO, he may not have thought anyone would be at the farm house.

It’s plausible.


Kind of a pet peeve, but the word some folks are trying to use is “vicious”, NOT “viscous” or some other mispelling. Not trying to pick on anyone, several folks have done this.

Carry on.


Thank you! I get those wrong all the time. Spell check goes with it…


Yes. Here is some of the conversation I was referring to. I never suspected sabotage though. That was others. Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I am with you 100%!


Yes, it is very plausible.

I thought one of the inspector people said they were going to go back out the next day. The Fire Marshall definitely testified he didn’t notify anyone that LK and RG had been allowed to stay in the house, which I find flabbergasting.


At least he looked uncomfortable about it, as I recall.


And how many times did he have to ask what “dressage” was?


And in that case, may have relaxed his vigil of the farm allowing ninjas to sneak in and access the office now that the way was clear.


Fire guy said he was not going to go back out that night to check it out. Was “not” going to go back out that late at night.


Right! That’s why he agreed to the video (sigh). (That would never fly in my world) But I thought someone said they were going to go back out the next day.

And I could be completely wrong. If I have time tonight I’ll go watch to him and the nice health inspector lady again.


I wonder if that inspector was given a harsh rebuke or possibly lost his job with his failure to follow procedures? Morris County, NJ…a small area in NJ where training is lacking and procedures are not followed. Live there at your peril! /s


Please double check me, but my memory seems to recall that he said he would notify MB the next day. I don’t think he said he was going to return to the property. Seems he also said he did not have MB’s contact information.

My last sentence give me pause, because you know public records. And HOW hard would it be to get the owners information, really.

It seems to me that this would be part of his job. But by todays standards, I guess you don’t have to do a complete job. Partial is A-ok. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :unamused:


you mean like the police who did such a wonderful job collecting evidence? At least one of those guys received a promotion after the shooting.



Gov’t protects its corruption and incompetence. God forbid the citizens expect the services they pay for.


I’ll see what I can find.

I just remember thinking, there is no way a video from me, a property owner, would fly with the inspectors I know. I may have misheard.

(Glad we are on the same page with the propane tank/heat situation)


That’s what I asked TL. Why repeatedly tag IM and Seeker if they haven’t posted in months?

I thought you preferred not being tagged, and have attempted to not tag you, when I remember. Is that still your preference?

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So you’re saying it’s plausible he isn’t the one who brought the gun to the scene at all. Glad you are finally starting to get it!