Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

key phrase “to most reasonable people”. the K Klan don’t understand this…


We have many pro se landlords so the system is set up for them to use. Then, upon the filing of the petition the petitioner also provides with stamped postcards that the court mails to each occupant named in the petition.

Nonpayment petitions have postcards that say to come in and file an answer. Holdover postcards indicate the date/time/place of the first Holdover hearing. (Covid complications and papers aside)


Totally. Sometimes, juries will talk after a verdict, and it’s always really surprising what they notice. In general, they pay pretty close attention to experts - which can be good or can be bad. I think that might have been the case here with respect to the state’s expert. They watch the lawyers very carefully. I always have to be very aware because I can be…expressive. LOL. They do pay attention to the judge, but IME, a judge who maybe isn’t so supportive to one side doesn’t mean the jury won’t be.

And a ton of all of this is lost while watching a video - or on Zoom. We only saw the witness who was testifying and - sometimes - the questioning attorney. There could have been a whole lot more going on in there than what we saw.

And some witnesses were for sure more compelling than others. I thought JH was VERY compelling and straightforward, and I could see a jury liking that. I could also see a jury thinking “oh for pete’s sake” about his purported “stealing the phone and doing searches” thing.


In many ways, that’s good. People shouldn’t have to have to get a lawyer to do fairly basic legal things pro se, IMO.


There were so many things that happened to sway that jury.

Certainly LKs admission of wanting to destroy him and the recording devices being placed by RG and them planning on disabling the farms security system.

So many things said on that witness stand that would shock the average person ESPECIALLY LK and RG behaving like they had the absolute right to other people’s property.


I was wondering if Daddy didn’t agree to support her with two horses, but then she went out and got three or four more, and he told her she had to figure out a way to pay for their board, because he was only paying for two horses board, so she cooked up the RG gonna fix the house (maybe even made the pipe burst so the house would need fixing up) in exchange for horse board for two other horses.

Except where would she get the money for two more (or three more) horses, except from daddy. Or, he said, okay I’ll buy you another horse (and another horse) but YOU have to find away to pay the board.

That might have put her in this psosition of needing to live on the property to save rent and to fix up the house. Then, MB doesn’t want her there any more, because, you know, drugs, grifters and all, and she’s bound and determined not to leave because there’s no way she can afford to pay for horse board elsewhere without some kind of deal.

I don’t now. Just musing.


There were quiet a few witnesses that completely drew me in, and I found myself wishing I could see how the jury was responding.

The State’s expert was not one of those, although I did wonder if anyone was awake after he got through his CV.


There is literally no way to know this. We don’t know if aimed the gun at her and pulled the trigger, or if it went off in a struggle. In fact with the lack of GSR and fingerprint evidence, many people who watched the trial don’t even share the jury’s confidence that the evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that MB was the shooter.

You have no idea whether he was trying to kill her or not. Neither do we. Nobody knows. We do know he’s not guilty of a crime.


Yeah but when I had to check all the necessary items to issue an eviction warrant Pro Se landlords have to correct the papers many times via nunc pro tunc applications and when you use a Latin term or name landlord’s eyes just glaze over LOL


That is exactly what MB did. Pay attention.


Well, for sure, though I’ve seen very unlikeable people - where even the jury says things such as, “we didn’t like him or her” - and still find in favor of that person on some claims.

I think there was probably more to it. I think the state’s expert was truly awful. I can’t see any jury liking or listening to that guy; I really can’t. And I think that - along with maybe some reasonable doubt in the back of their minds as to in what order events occurred - may have been determinative.

But that’s just speculation, of course.


I wouldn’t have used him, that’s for sure. :slight_smile:


Tarshas told him to file it. He refused. I don’t see you putting up with nonsense or drama or trying to scare her out.

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I laughed when it came out that the Def expert was often used by Prosecutors too. Made me wonder if that pool of experts is limited and Bilinkas, being the specialist that he is, made sure to grab the best guy first, leaving Sir Talksalot for the Prosecution.


Welcome to the Chronicle BB! Lol.


Definitely could be - that happens a lot. We all know who the good ones are in civil practice for my particular (main) area of the law, and we snap those ones up quick.

He was so bad. I couldn’t believe the state hung its hat on him. I honestly can’t think of a time when I’ve seen one that bad on direct. (I’ve definitely seen experts fall apart on cross).


I’m dying. :joy:


Indeed! Remember IM getting their panties in a wad about Simring being a defense witness?! You’d think with all their inside information they would have known exactly when he was hired!


And honestly, that was one of the moves by Mr B that impressed me a lot - bringing in Dr Hasson to work with MB after the Moustache spent 13 hours with him, and Dr H was able to rebut that man’s testimony so well. They didn’t need a 2nd expert after Dr S, but that was a great move.


I have thankfully never watched Frozen, but did have a coworker who played the soundtrack every single morning, which is how I learned about :snowflake: :snowflake: :snowflake: