No he didn’t. He said he did not remember anything from when CPS showed up, which was before he went to the office and could have seen the gun was missing. That has been a consistent statement that has been made more than once. And yes, he did lock it in the safe several days before.
And in the intervening time LK recorded the conversation between RC and MB (so she knew the gun was on the property and where it was located.), made several attempts to enter the barn/club room /office at night (at least once while RC and the other barn residence were asleep and resulted in one 911 call), posted a lot of FB messages about guns (and since she was posting everyone else’s private conversations she probably posted something that was said between RC and MB about the gun) and then had everyone evicted to sleep outside the barn while unbeknownst to them she was still roaming around on the property with easy access to to office.
And then the big question mark about what was said to trigger SS to send CPS out for neglect and want to speak to RC.
Really, the only thing left to prove is that LK could actually get inside the safe. I expect that will come at some point.