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MB CIVIL SUIT UPDATE #10 K’s Request to Adjourn (delay) DENIED 11/01/22

To those who knew her or knew of her:

Kay Meredith passed away this evening. She contributed so much to American dressage. She served as president of the USDF, represented the US in the World Championships in Toronto and the Pan American Games in Caracas, Venezuela, won several national titles with her horses Blue Jay, Domino, Encore and Engarde. She was a judge,a mentor and a friend to countless people. Along with Robert Dover she made freestyles fun and exciting to watch. God speed, Kay.


God speed.


What a remarkable, wonderful life. I hope she passed peacefully, dreaming of horses.


Kay was also a successful writer of historical novels. She was truly unique and a real friend.


Eggbuttism for today:


Then don’t come here to get your information if you don’t like how a discussion board works. You could simply go to the NJ court site yourself and look for new info if it’s important to you.


This is a test. (The explanation for this will come after there are a few more posts.)

Okay, here’s one.

Here’s another.

:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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LOL, guys!

I had someone respond to one of my posts WITHOUT “quoting” me. The response was brief, and it didn’t tell anyone (me, included) what I had said or anything identifiable.

I clicked on the arrow in the upper right-hand corner of that post pointing to my name. I thought it might show all of my recent posts. What it did was bring up the exact post of mine that the responder was answering. I tried this with other posts, where someone was responding to another (again, no quote, but arrow and poster’s name in the upper right-hand corner), and it worked there, too.

I don’t know if I am/was the only person here who didn’t know you could do that, but it’s what I found out today. Kinda useful and nice.

Thanks to you guys who added the posts for me. :grin:


I find the behind the scenes legal stuff interesting. Its the stupid back and forth stuff that is frustrating.


Came home tonight and the pilot was out on the furnace. It happens maybe once a winter when the heat is on low and wind comes in the flue due to perfect circumstances. I have a full propane tank and a new thermocouples. It’s just a fluke.


I just had my downstairs heat fixed. Thermocoupling went so pilot light kept going out. Ended up with a new damper too. It happens.


So what changed? It was all about conspiracy theories that RG and LK had something to do with the pipes freezing but now it just happens? Did someone find out what was written on the receipt for the last propane delivery? Did MB cancel the other deliveries to save money because he didn’t realize the heat needed to run while they were away?

Ok, they really need to get the ignore feature fixed before my iron skillet comes out of the drawer.


Aliens came and upon landing on planet earth reverted to their bug stage where they crawled into MBs ear canal and traveled to his brain stem and began controlling his words and actions.

Then another alien from a planet in perpetual conflict with the first landed, crawled inside LKs brain and began to control her actions and thus their agelong war was perpetuated here on earth. Thus causing the pipe to burst.

There. Is that good?


Which would explain why RG said on the stand that MB looked “mournful” or “sorrowful” (or a similar word) with his empty hands raised when he exited his car on arrival at the house - as opposed to “angry” or “aggressive”.


Hut, I am going to ask this again. Did you watch the insurance adjuster testimony above?
That testimony is the answer to your question. People theorized before, now we know the facts. Stating other than the known facts is passing around misinformation. In this area of the case there really is no reason to make up and state lies as facts and then say that at one point someone said maybe it could be that so it is OK.
Watch the video from the trial, where the insurance adjuster says that there was nothing wrong, just pipes under a counter freezing, something that happens.


So no space bug civil war then?
