MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Maybe she was an orphan? Was that the story?

Oh well. We can declare Inigo-Montoya a heroic father like figure, who seems to try to come along and “rescue” Buttercup when she gets into trouble periodically . :wink:

It’s sad though. In the bizarro version of the story that has somehow become tied to this COTH thread, Wesley never showed up for Buttercup. She’s been stuck with Humperdinck for YEARS. And he hasn’t even married her! And the Prince thing is just a title… he doesn’t even have any MONEY! At least he does laundry and grooms horses though.

ETA: Nevermind. Inigo in the original was supposed to kidnap Buttercup, then helped rescue Westley, who was trying to rescue Buttercup. I’m clearly super confused by all of this. I only watched the movie a few times. :upside_down_face:


I’m rarely interested in any of IMs offers.


I didn’t pick up on that. How did she “suggest” it would be “soon”?

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Jesseh… didn’t know a dress code was required… I am definitely part of the Elderly Illegal mob… and wear tee shirts and yoga pants… so clearly can’t be part of the middle aged illegal mob, that has a dress code … we are more easygoing in the elderly mob… sigh…


We have no dress code although ninja costumes are prohibited. Our new younger members can be referred to as Mobettes.


Where the heck have you been?

IM has been my favorite poster since I first got an account.

I do try to be polite and respectful, even to posters with whom I disagree. And even to posters who are blatantly disrespectful to me.

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We have hat racks with bags to hang our dentures in.

We don’t let ninjas in. We are anti-ninjaites


Does that mean we discriminate?


Old ladies excel at that.


I am sticking with the Elderly Illegal Mob…


Thank you - I too have a head ache - we need to take Princess Buttercup to task - or at least question her if we can get her out of Maine! and live and assimilate into a kind and loving family.


It they would have had the hearing when it was supposed to happen, I would think he would be that much farther ahead in the treatment phase. Still don’t care for the judge.


Very sorry to read this. I don’t understand how this same partial judge is allowed to make this determination.


Good. I can assure you that at the end of the day pirates are far more useful than ninjas.


It sure seems like a violation of MBs civil rights. The delays with the hearing meant he was denied from starting treatment.

I also think it’s a shame there isn’t another hearing in 90 days. I thought @ekat had said that was part of the Krol process.


It is part of the Krol process. Very irregular or more


This seems contradictory. Can someone explain this? I don’t get why Taylor set a date for another hearing yet also said he doesn’t need to go back to court to go through the levels of treatment. Bolding mine.

Does it mean that he may end up released by Greystone yet still have a hearing? What would that hearing be for in that case? I’m not following this explanation, it seems to have left out something.

From the Nancy Jaffers article:

Bilinkas observed it was a plus that the judge said Barisone would not have to come back to court for permission to graduate through the treatment levels at Greystone.

“Normally, Level One, he’d come back in six months, and he’d say he can go to Level Two,” which is less restrictive.

“The judge is putting in the order he can go through the process,” Bilinkas continued.

“Once they have any dealings with him, I think he’ll fly through the process and be able to be released. I vehemently disagree with the analysis of the experts, but that’s what he ruled.”
Taylor set a date in March for Barisone’s next hearing.


You have always been a charter member!


He’ll have to officially release the commitment. He needs a hearing to do so.