MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

This was proven to be false with trial testimony.


Yeah, I missed that too. Interesting, to say the least. I am wondering if it was sent in response to an inquiry from SS - and probably regarding the complaint that MHG had sent to them about LK.

I can’t remember when MHG mailed that complaint. Was it just before the shooting? And wasn’t it a huge bunch of info (700 pages or something like that)? Did SS take THAT LONG (Aug 2019 - Dec 2020) to review it all before asking for a response from LK? Or had they requested a response that was ignored, or perhaps she sent a cursory response that required SS to ask again for more complete information?

And does anyone remember when LK’s various rants about SS showed up on SM?

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The stellar reputation of the Nagel Firm due to all the wins they have obtained for their clients is a nothing burger. Most ambulance chasing attorneys have high settlement rates. Think Better Call Saul. This man, Nagel, is completely out of his depth with this case, obviously.


Per LK’s trial testimony she called SS around Aug 3rd and filed her complaint Aug 5th. MHG sent her complaint Aug 6th, but had previously contacted them prior.

The summary being dated 2020 is odd.


As odious a person as LK is, I will cut her some slack on this one. Yeah, I know she made some hints about “barn fires” that might make one worry about her intentions in that regard, but she does seem to genuinely love horses and I am not convinced she would put them at risk. I especially wonder about her willingness to start a barn fire, when her own horses are residing in said barn.

That said - does anyone know if her horses were insured?


IM was clear in one of his posts on this thread after the Krol hearing verdict … Nagel’s firm is “top” in terms of $$$$$ they have won on behalf of clients.

I think @LilRanger posted earlier about a certain type of practicing attorney that is good at intimidation tactics, and getting their clients settlement offers. I suspect that is the sort of attorney Nagel is.

It does seem, from a cursory Google search, that Nagel has won a few substantial jury verdicts as well. But… these are mostly related to med malpractice cases. The defendants in these cases are mostly hospitals or doctors (who carry substantial malpractice policies). The victims in the med malpractice cases are very sympathetic people who had horrible health issues that developed, for whatever reason… but mostly through bad fortune. Soooo… Nagel’s “bulldog” style, combines with very sympathetic plaintiffs, and unsympathetic defendants that have deep pockets? I can understand how that might add up to a big $$$$$ jury verdict for the plaintiffs.

But neither of these two pathways to success necessarily mean that Nagel is good at drafting motions, or effectively making legal fine points during discovery disputes in the lead up to an actual trial.

Last thing… it has seemed to me all along that Nagel has fundamentally erred by trying to apply a med-malpractice framework to LKs complaint. LKs injuries were not the result of a random illness. She contributed significantly to her own situation. SGF is not like a large hospital, with lots of employees and a corporate board of directors, etc. MB and SGF almost certainly have insurance policies… but this situation is unusual, and these policies are not going to easily shift to settlement negotiations.

Last thing… at a trial, LK is not a sympathetic plaintiff. As we can already see in comments on the various 48 hours teasers… the general public might find NEITHER MB nor LK sympathetic, and consider the whole case to be a matter of “rich people drama” related to “elitist hobbies.” But the Kanareks and LK have done themselves ZERO favors by trying to push the notion that they are really wealthy, and MB was keeping LK as a client because of “the money.” This whole angle won’t play well with the jury in terms of making LK a more sympathetic plaintiff (regardless of the fact that it doesn’t make financial sense).

So what does a lawyer like Nagel do with a case like this? He’s good at getting settlements, he might be decent at trial when representing a certain type of plaintiff and facing a certain type of defendant… but this case isn’t going to fit either of those models. And there are BIG risks for the entire Kanarek family involved in the discovery phase. Honestly… they should cough up the cash and bring on another attorney, right now, that is much better with respect to technical issues, and can better protect their interests during the discovery phase.

I mean, the K family has “unlimited means” … right? They should have no problem paying a highly qualified attorney to work with Nagel from here on out to protect their interests…


Apparently RC was so concerned that she began sleeping outside her horse’s stall, so something somewhere was said that was alarming.


Did I read the Silver filing incorrectly? Did it state that COTH had confirmed the IRL identity of IM?

I thought it weird that SGF said they confirmed by subpoena the IRL identity of the screen names of KK and LK, who had voluntarily admitted thrr eta irl identity, but not IM.

Did the filing say that COTH had confirmed IM was JK?


I believe it went in the mail the day before or day of ( 8/6 or 8/7 )
And yes was about that many pages.


I’m not going back through the Silver filing for you but I seriously doubt he would ID IM as JK without proof from CoTH. As I recall earlier in this thread, CoTH has complied with several subpoenas.

I’m sorry you were deceived in your belief IM was just an outsider. Most of us knew immediately who he was by his bluster and smug posts.


Come again?


IM was reading along most of yesterday, and never denied being JK.

Also, to the best of my rudimentary understanding, the way this sort of thing sometimes works with internet related platforms is that they provide IP address information associated with a given account to the party who subpoenaed it (Silver in this case), and then identities can be determined that way.

In the past, the mods have said that the E-MAIL address associated with I-M didn’t provide any obvious indication it was linked to JK. But that is neither a confirmation nor a denial as to I-M’s identity. In a lawsuit situation, it is most likely that either COTH or SGF’s attorneys tracked down IP addresses, and determined identities behind certain screen names that way.


Especially if they already had the IP address of KK, the wife who put forth her identity.


Your pushing this in your shifty I’m a random nobody but I’m going to harp on this in a well-connected insider way……

As far as I’m concerned there are only two possibilities as to identity (which isn’t rocket science based on all the I’m so connected bragging IM has done) and they are each just as bad an idea as the other participating. You have already suggested that RG has a log in, so I’m guessing you are trying to hint that you think it’s RG and not JK. And considering the “I know something you don’t know” gloating….again, strange for random nobody.


You felt free to accuse me of “twisting” things, but you are uncertain as to whether my statement is or is not consistent with the Silver filing and can’t be bothered to reread it?

So you are withdrawing the “twisting” accusation? Thanks.

The reason I like IM is that he’s an insider with insider information. Unlike you, he never claimed to be an outsider.

Like everyone else here, I had suspicions of IMs real life identity from the get go. There was considerable speculation here that I was a member of the Kanarek family, or working tor their lawyers, or “coordinating” with them.

All that was and still is untrue.

It’s interesting and not terribly surprising that you’re long time friends with SW.

The filing did say that COTH had responded to subpoenas confirming the identity of the two people who had voluntarily disclosed their screen names.

It did not say that COTH had revealed the identity of IM.

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Where did I suggest “RG has a log in”?

I am not an insider. As a “random nobody”, of course I have a suspicion as to who IM is. How could I not?

When have I said “I know something you don’t know”?

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Then how does he keep on being wrong?



