MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I got that yesterday or the other day too! LOL

The dog had a history of biting. It was supposed to be tied up when outside because of it’s issues. Dogs that bite are a cause of lawsuits and often are (in normal areas, but obviously not this part of NJ) put down because they are dangerous.


I really appreciate the posters, like you EADoug, who provide the numbers/stats and those who provide the court documents. Thank you.


When you own a rental property, a dog with a bite history is not something you want.

Why or who it bites is irrelevant.


In many states that can still result in a lawsuit and/or the dog being euthanized. So that’s something to consider.


So the question now is who to believe, @eggbutt now or @eggbutt a few days ago?

More credibility:


Not all of what you said was “proven in criminal court” so there’s that.


I do not understand this flatlining business having anything to do with MB. I have wondered why people keep harping on LK and “flatlining”.
Was this caused by her blood loss, drug overdose, or what?
Flatlining is used more in my area of Canada for drug overdoses.
Generally ER’s stabilize pts before surgery.
She was in surgery when this happened. Why is it not the surgeons/hospital’s fault?

(Retired RN who used to work, years ago, on a surgery floor.


It is to create more drama. Notice the numbers increase as time goes on. At one point the number of times LK was shot kept increasing as well.


You missed the “one trainer removed” part of the statement, so it actually confirms what @eggbut wrote a few days ago. :thinking:


Okay @hut-ho78…here ya go (I don’t lie).

Lauren trained with Robin Brueckmann, an Olympian, for several years and was the most prolific and successful while under Robin’s coaching. She moved to Donna Kelly several months before Donna invited her to the FL season with her and to clinic with Barisone. The rest is history.

Any more questions?


As well as how long she was in ICU, intubated.


Remember when LaLa said she had to get an in-flight transfusion during the helicopter ride?


They’re not the ones who caused her injuries, technically. She wouldn’t have flat lined if she was not shot/injured, but she was. I’m sure the hospital staff was doing their best, but sometimes with certain injuries/trauma it still happens. I can’t see how it would be their fault?

I don’t think this has anything to do with a drug overdose. It had to do with her being shot.

It’s entirely possible for a patient to flat line during surgery, sometimes sh*t happens, not due to incompetence or malpractice.

Maybe your experiences were different?

Some posters bring it up for dramatic effect, in most cases.

Not trying to defend anyone, really, but it’s just an odd way to pick at it. If she lost a lot of blood and had chest injuries, I’m not surprised that she flat lined, personally.


Well, I know you are going to believe whatever you want to regardless of fact. So, comment on my response back to you? Huh?


strong text[quote=“clipper, post:7001, topic:775980, full:true”]

I do not understand this flatlining business having anything to do with MB. I have wondered why people keep harping on LK and “flatlining”.
Was this caused by her blood loss, drug overdose, or what?
Flatlining is used more in my area of Canada for drug overdoses.
Generally ER’s stabilize pts before surgery.
She was in surgery when this happened. Why is it not the surgeons/hospital’s fault?

(Retired RN who used to work, years ago, on a surgery floor.

Here you go.

Come on @hut-ho78, you started this. No snarky comment or better yet, an apology? I’ll wait.


“Flatlining” is mentioned as often as possible by certain posters so that LK can continue to assert that MB is a murderer. Cause she died. Twice. Also, IM, caught in another lie that MB shot two people. In caps, so it must be true.


Naw, he just ‘forgot’ to put the s/ behind all those obviously sarcastic lies, erm, claims.