MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

So, what exactly do we have to thank for your gracious presence? Did something go very badly today?


Hey @Inigo-montoya any idea when Kirby will answer to her contempt filing? Is she just not going to respond to anything?


One long session - they’ll run it all at the same time with all the attorneys present.


You really raise the bar for ignorance.
This must be coming from the same side of your brain that thinks LK ignored the subpoena in Florida.
LK was already in NJ when they tried to serve her in Florida.
Is there no end to your nonsense?

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Me thinks someone is upset with how certain legal documents were perceived in this thread.

Me also thinks that just any old random person doesn’t have such a problem with KM. Me thinks there is more to that.


Oh @Inigo-montoya, I have another question… or a few. Is Kirby going to hire her own lawyer? Or will the whole Kanarek family share this lawyer?
How did Lauren end up with her lawyer? I mean it seems like a woman with endless means should be able to hire someone who could write a response better than that.
Being a lawyer, do you mind that this lawyer says mean things about a jury? I understand that is one of those lawyer unwritten rules that you always respect the jury even if you do not agree with the verdict.


So LK doesn’t have a problem with traveling due to COVID?




Rut roh.


@Inigo-montoya I am sorry that you think I am ignorant, well, not really, you can think that if you want.
I was just going by the court filings. Are the court filing wrong? The court filing say that Kirby did not respond to her subpoena so there are now contempt charges filed and then the lawyer hired for Lauren (read questions above about the lawyer situation) filed for an extension on those contempt charges.
Isn’t that what the filings say?


I guess you folks never do consider or conceive how your behavior looks to others.


Interesting that someone has come out of the woodwork to make no-holds barred inflammatory statements about MB. Makes me wonder if they are hoping to influence the docs at AK - what with MB’s Krol hearing coming up within the next few weeks (hopefully, anyway). :thinking:


OR, perhaps someone is upset because they have no influence over the docs at AK.


@Inigo-montoya, I thought of more question. I have never been subpoenaed so that is why I have so many questions.
How do you provide all of the records of conversations with RG and LK, etc?
I am not sure how that data is collected and sent along.
Why would someone just ignore a subpoena? Is there anyway to make that into a positive?


Oh bless, you seem unduly vexed there poppet.

Calm yourself before you blow a gasket, have a nice cup of tea with whatever else it is that you’re on.

Edited for making a spelling error due to cackling so hard at the spittle dashed chest puffering effrontery on show :rofl:


Don’t believe anything you see filed by Chris Deininger.
He overslept the day they taught legal ethics at Case Western.

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The hearing is over!

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Oh interesting. What about the other lawyer?
That seems very will written and appears to be full of facts.

There are some very obvious mistakes in the filing by Lauren’s lawyer. I am not sure where he got that information from but I assume you are going to make sure he knows for the future.


@Inigo-montoya, you seem to be familiar with legal ethics. Do you know anything about the information in the above post? Trying to make sense of it.


You’re so blinded by your hatred of LK that you refuse to learn what a horrible human being MB is.
If you knew anything about him you might still hate LK……but you’d hate him too.

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