MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

What are you really trying to say? What is your point?


Legal question. Can a cease and desist be issued against someone on sm?

Seems to me CH is set on harassing and taunting EB all while giving the middle finger to ever other poster who has asked her to stop.


Is he trying to say the hearing at AK wasn’t postponed but already happened?



To be fair, the hearing very well may have occurred and Lara hasn’t posted anywhere yet… But I sincerely like your photo. It’s a pretty accurate depiction of this entire situation.


Methinks Inigo-Montoya might actually be Princess Buttercup herself.



And such a change from what you had posted before about how Michael was a good guy and how Lauren hopes to train with him again once this is over if only he would throw MHG under the bus.

Did you miss my questions about the legal filings above?

Why does someone ignore a subpoena?
Will Kirby get her own lawyer?
How will Kirby deal with the contempt charges?
Will Lauren’s lawyer be told about the obvious incorrect things in their filing so they have the right information moving forward?
How does one fix the situation caused by ignoring a subpoena?


I agree that threatening a lawsuit was just a bluff and therefore ill advised. But she just wanted to get KnightsMom to stop repeating the statement she found defamatory.

I asked what the alternative tack was, and you shrugged. (I loved the hand made emoji).

But the master has spoken. Apparently all LK needed to do was reply to @Knights_Mom with:

Let me make this crystal clear to you. DO NOT MENTION ME OR RESPOND TO ANY OF MY POSTS AGAIN.

It was clearly postponed because it was originally scheduled for last week.

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I’m not obsessed at all!
The question is why you all seem to greatly admire this horrible human being.

If that is the case, then it seems that IM (and presumably the [Kanareks]) are not happy with the outcome or IM would be letting us know how wonderful he thought it was rather than referring back to ancient history.



Yeah the Kanarek’s are probably really disappointed with the Krol hearing….WHICH WAS TODAY!

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I’m not interested in either worshipping MB or marrying him. As life has taught me every single person has their flaws, some like the Kanareks more than others if one was to go by law enforcement involvement.

I was never here to worship MB. I was here to comment on law until I was drawn in by a psychopath. That’s the trouble with psychopaths - they often do what’s not best for them.

My interest here was justice. “May justice prevail” is something I’ve written many times.

But you’re not like me. And so you don’t see things as I do. You see things in a way which I find revolting. I pity you.

Michael Barisone will still be out by Christmas.

If you’re a good boy maybe MB will make you a fireplace Santa stocking with glitter. I’ll come up what to write on it.


Ignore the bait please.

Some upcoming proceedings information:

Where it says “Oral Arguments Granted” “N”, does it mean the judge will issue his rulings without the attorneys present?



You post for the first time in 4 months and by your very own lonesome, bring up MB and Vera, which hasn’t been discussed in the entirety of this thread, and focus on them for half your post in this thread thus far.


So either he will be detained longer which will delay the civil trial or he is getting out which won’t delay the civil trial. I guess they could be disappointed by either.


I did. At that time.


Sorry! That was a typo! I was focused on whether it’s spelled with an E or three A’s and didn’t notice the t/k switch, and got it wrong on both counts. It wasn’t intentional.


Funny today you’re writing like LK. Has she possessed your soul?


But it was great !