MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

The only thing I’m worried about is my tee time tomorrow.
Please tell me and your followers you think KK or JK are worried about the civil trials.
They aren’t parties to anything.
They got subpoena’s……SO?
As far as LK she has been offered money to settle the civil cases. She rejected the offers .
Is is laughable that you think anyone other than the defendants have anything to worry about at the civil trial.

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Have y’all noticed what is actually missing about IM’s very vague posts? Exactly what happened at the Krol Hearing today? I’m thinking it didn’t go as expected.

But, we’ll see and learn and I suspect Michael’s attorneys will look at options if things are truly as IM has indicated. I think I’ll wait to get info from a) someone I trust, and b) someone I know who would actually know the truth.

Prattle on IM.

Oh, yes, there is currently Open Membership to the Elderly Illegal Mob, with preferential treatment given to sychophants! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blah-ba-blah-blah. I really can’t hear you. Oh, will Taylor be in your foursome?


“Just last week, SGF received, via subpoena, 38,000+ additional pages of public bulletin
board material containing hundreds of additional statements made by Kanarek about this

LK had a private message group here. Her posts from there would have been turned over to the lawyers. Would others’ posts in that group also have been turned over so the lawyers would have a context of the conversations?


Oh my. A lot happened between 5 and 6:30.

IM I have a question; your predictions did not come to pass in the previous trial, you know the criminal one, why should I believe your predictions will come true for the civil trial?


It is not that they GOT subpoenas that is being discussed, we all expected them to get subpoenas. What is being discussed is the fact that the subpoenas were ignored to the point that contempt charges were filed. Don’t you think that is a strange response for a lawyer?
That is why I asked if Kirby was going to get her own lawyer for this situation.

If I was in the position of Kirby I would be worried that my husband was not giving me the best legal advice right now. I would also be worried about being added to the case once discovery shows just how involved you were.


It’s probably a good thing Princess didn’t find herself flush with cash from a substantial settlement. She and Humperdinck might blow it all at once, on some serious “celebration.”

You must be so proud.


I chose to believe this source.


Thank you for confirming my suspensions.


I am about 300 posts behind but is it possible that if you refuse to give the information then MB lawyers would be able to talk smack about both JK and KK.
Like the lawyer could say, or put on a witness to say, or use a SM post, JK refused to give us the video that Rob sent him from the day of the shooting and that video shows a different story.
Of course this could just be wishful thinking on my part or I read too many books! :rofl:


The mob?
Doesn’t the editor of this publication as well as the moderators frown upon such suggestions?

Its a head scratcher

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I am sad that IM is ignoring all of my questions about the civil case. Seems so strange that he is not willing to explain why a lawyer would ignore a subpoena and why he would advice his wife to also ignore a subpoena,


Well then Mr Silver is too lazy to ask the Morris County Prosecutors office what really happened.

You will have to forgive me for chosing to believe him over you.


That’s up to you.
Why would LK not want to show up at Barisone’s trial?
But you keep believing Florida didn’t screw up and that the NJ prosecutor didn’t have to tell Florida to stop screwing up.

What really happened when?


Considering she doesn’t even want to show up for a deposition for a case she filed, I’m not sure that you make a good argument at the moment.


Methinks someone was drunk posting a little while ago. Reminds me of someone else… :thinking:

And I hope someone was able get a screenshot before the post was edited.


Doesn’t she have a history of not showing up?