MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I want to see that, though maybe it looks like the drunk Dumbo pink elephant scene.


Really? To make a point of being snide toward KM, you’ll cosy up to IM? Did you see IM’s despicable post earlier? Someone made the point that you, CH, are generally polite… I would have thought also smarter than to jump on board with someone throwing around such disgusting accusations. At this point, IM’s credibility factor is non-existent and for s/he to post that unhinged, emotive, unsubstantiated diatribe was about the lowest one could go. Please don’t align yourself with all of that; you’ve stated that you “just have a different p.o.v. than most” - fine, but don’t stoop.


That post was scrubbed by the Mods, so CH wouldn’t have seen it.


You have become awfully boring. Not only do you cite outrageous claims, but you refuse to answer cursory questions. And unlike @DreadPirateRoberts, you are not amusing.


Dang it, I miss all the juicy stuff.

Edit to add; unhinged post, I really could have used a good laugh


Because I have met him, watched him train top riders and before this LK crap was in high demand for top riders in the dressage community, aka riders going to the Olympics. And as witnessed at the trial - the top riders, Olympians, that he coached came to testify for him. On the flip side: my trainer when discussing the trial when I say “LK has damaged herself in the dressage community”. Trainer responded " she is a nobody - she has not damaged herself in the dressage community, she doesn’t exist in the dressage community - who ever heard of her?" so who is the horrible human being…?


Compromise vote from over here… the two of them are related.


The two of them have an agenda.


Ok, I’ll stand corrected.

Really? A claim that the Krol hearing happened today counts for zero substance?

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Not one person here believes terrible things about LK because of what Michael says, or eggbutt says, or KM says.

We believe terrible things about LK because we have experienced her here!

When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!!!

LK has more than shown us!!!


I’m probably using the phrase wrong :sweat_smile: - what I mean is that I believe you.


Thank you!

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Who knows if it actually happened today. I’m inclined to wait for proof after today’s hysterics.


Personally… I didn’t follow any of the Barisone threads on the forums until the trial, although I had seen some Lala posts on other threads… and thought she was off.

Then I watched the criminal trial.

And after watching it, and the testimony of LK and RG themselves, as well as many others? I fully believe LK is capable of many terrible things. She made the hair on the back of my neck stand up when she testified. She just puts out that vibe.


googled, who was Buttercups father? jeesh can’t find on google… did she have a father?

Like in many fairy tales, the heroine’s parents are conspicuously absent. It’s opens the void for said damsel to need rescuing.


Maybe she was an orphan? Was that the story?

Oh well. We can declare Inigo-Montoya a heroic father like figure, who seems to try to come along and “rescue” Buttercup when she gets into trouble periodically . :wink:

It’s sad though. In the bizarro version of the story that has somehow become tied to this COTH thread, Wesley never showed up for Buttercup. She’s been stuck with Humperdinck for YEARS. And he hasn’t even married her! And the Prince thing is just a title… he doesn’t even have any MONEY! At least he does laundry and grooms horses though.

ETA: Nevermind. Inigo in the original was supposed to kidnap Buttercup, then helped rescue Westley, who was trying to rescue Buttercup. I’m clearly super confused by all of this. I only watched the movie a few times. :upside_down_face:


I’m rarely interested in any of IMs offers.


I didn’t pick up on that. How did she “suggest” it would be “soon”?

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