MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Their handbook is quite informative. Level 3 and 4 patients get to have off site field trips and some free rein around the property that has park and activity amenities…


Oh good. Time outside! That sounds much better than what he has experienced to date.

ETA… hopefully he reaches level 3 or 4 within the 6 months he is there.


correction. I got the levels backwards…its Level 3 and 4 patients that are close to getting released that have the freedoms.


Greystone allows much more freedom in every way. He should be fine there and move through the process. It is so important that everyone comprehend the amount of supporters and friends waiting for Michael’s release to resume a normal life again and rebuild.

It seems the State of NJ has been especially punitive, even completely ignoring the procedures for Krol hearing. It would be interesting to learn why. Perhaps someone will look into why the procedures haven’t been followed.


What was with the judge’s comment about his appearance at trial. It is no different than a defendant wearing long sleeves to cover tattoos or wearing a suit to court when that is not their normal attire.



To many this is a perfect example of Taylor’s blatant bias in this case. It was a completely inappropriate comment from an officer of the court, particularly a judge.



Well this is one hurdle he won’t have to jump!


Thanks for this.

From the article:

“ Bajgier said her patient doesn’t remember shooting Kanarek and “is trying to fill in gaps.” The psychiatrist reported that a state psychologist discussing the wounding of Kanarek with Barisone commented, “he said possibly he shot her and possibly he did not shoot her.”

Under questioning by Barisone’s attorney, Ed Bilinkas, Bajgier said she did not see the trainer as a danger to himself or others. She noted that within days of arriving at Ann Klein, Barisone took himself off medication for anxiety and depression, among other things, and is not on any medication now.”

I have the feeling that MB being off medication, which sounds like maybe was a decision made by himself, and the fact that he still can not recall the shooting and possibly take responsibility for it, is a reason why AK still wanted him to be hospitalized.

Him being unmedicated may be why the judge also had issues with Mb’s potential instability with the civil trial.




Does this mean he has to stay there until the next hearing in March regardless of his progress?


I have a feeling that was damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If he was on medication, it could just have been easily used as an excuse to keep him as well.


It’s a complicated story, but Buttercup’s story is at heart a love story. Many here can confirm that I, Westley, have been here trying to figure out where my mixed-up pal Inigo went astray, and keeping a watch on Buttercup’s honor, for quite some time. With regard to Buttercup’s father, he is alive and is less of an embarrassment than our Inigo has been on these forums, but he’s not a central figure in her life. He doesn’t entirely understand Buttercup’s equestrian pursuits, for one thing (jury’s out on whether he regrets hiring a farm boy to fill that need), but somewhere in his little old heart I think the curmudgeon does love her. Comparison with the humble reserve of Buttercup’s provincial parents makes Inigo’s smarmy swagger on these forums seem all the more grotesque.

The Humperdinck family (like a certain other family we’re all familiar with?) has never groomed anything other than their own vanity. Certainly not a horse. I think you may have a Humperdinck heir and her brute squad escort confused with the prince and my dear Buttercup. I’m sure she’ll forgive you for the unflattering comparison to someone who ridiculed and threatened her right here on these forums. The actual Princess Buttercup is a class act, you’ll find.


Suppose he does eventually remember and realizes a completely different tale than the two witnesses testified to? What then?

But, of course with the severe beating of his face and head and instances of oxygen deprivation, it is likely he will never recall, and may have long-lasting effects from the near death beating.


It doesn’t sound that way.



Inpatient psychiatric doctors are really not crazy about patients who wish to have a different course of treatment IRT medication. It’s almost seen as noncompliance if the patient declines recommended meds or wishes to go unmedicated. It’s just a sad truth.


I wish I could give this a thousand likes! Thank you sir!


Hearings can be rescheduled. If MB moves through the levels and Greystone is prepared to release him, it seems that the hearing date could be moved up if necessary.