MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Unless Taylor has an impromptu vacation or golf game or whatever. :wink:


I guess the real answer there is “it depends”. I trust MB knows what is going on with his treatment more than we do. If it was really a problem, I don’t doubt AK was willing to force the issue….and as it seems, the judge left things up to the docs anyway. It sounds to me like he wanted to wash his hands of it as much as possible.



I did not realize there was also a Buttercup poster on these forums. :sweat_smile: I shouldn’t have attributed her moniker to the faux princess residing in south Florida.

I do wonder why Inigo Montoya decided on that COTH handle for himself though. Maybe it has something to do with a fixation concerning revenge.


He has the right to decline medications. My personal experience has shown me how that can be viewed by treatment teams, however.

I’m happy he will have the opportunity to have more freedoms and more situations to prove himself stable if he wishes to do so. The program seems well structured and like it sets patients up for success. He may really blossom in this type of treatment, more so than he was at AK.


It seems like he may be stared at level 2 as level 1 doesn’t seem to apply to him according to his Dr at AK


So, it seems earlier behavior predictions were accurate…

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I’m confused about the March date. It’s reading to me that he will be admitted to Greystone to work his way thru the levels.
As seen by the commitment hearing doc above, after the initial hearing in 20 days, it’s up to the judge to call the next hearing. Did Taylor call the hearing for March which means MB could proceed thru the levels to level 4 which means he’s allowed home visits etc and then everyone meets back in March to make sure he’s doing well with all the given freedoms?

Sorry for the run on sentence. Not sure how else to phrase it.

Attempting to edit for clarity


I’m neither a lawyer nor a shrink, but I’m appalled by the judge’s insinuation about appearances, especially given that Barisone was deprived of things like well-fitting clothing and haircuts during his long and ultimately unjust imprisonment. I’ve never seen a man come fresh out of the pit of despair looking like a million dollars and I can tell you just how hard it is to feign confidence when you’ve just had part of your life sucked out of you. I do hope that transfer to a therapeutic program signifies progress, albeit slow, toward regaining the freedom and dignity that have been taken from him.

I think we can also confidently conclude, now, that Inigo has joined the brute squad again and took one too many tipples tonight from the Humperdinck mead that must have been passed around to make the townspeople think this is a victory for the ignoble nobles. Poor Inigo never figured out that there are things to fight for more noble than vengeance.


I noticed the article didn’t say anything about comments from LK or JK/KK. Probably safe to say they weren’t there after all. Not surprised.


According to that screenshot you posted. Greystone has the discretion to release him prior to the hearing. No matter what is going on, I think Taylor has to have a hearing: either officially ending the interest of the state of NJ or either continuing to assert the interests of the state of NJ. However, it seems the psych progress will not be hampered by the judge in insisting on them having to get his sign off for MB to move through to being ready to discharge. The idea is that in 6 months he’ll be wherever he is on his path and they will go from there.


That’s how I’m reading it too. This could be not terrible news and a standard step in the process as you stated hours ago.

Either way. He now has some definitive answers and is well on his way to release. I’m so glad he was found to not be a danger to himself or others (even if Tayor has doubts)




This is correct. Krol patients can’t be released without a hearing, as opposed to other civil commitments.

And I read the article the same - he has the opportunity to move up levels without seeking court approval for each individual step.


I certainly hope so - This Judge Taylor should be questioned… he was and is so obviously bias. I hope Bilinkas and Denninger go after him…


Because of this, I think if MB gets to level 1 in 6 months or less, Taylor will be obligated to release him to at least out patient therapy.


I wonder what level he will be admitted at if he was deemed not a danger by his Dr. At AK, is it possible he could be admitted at level 4?


I have no idea, honestly.

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Is it normal to handcuff a patient at a hearing like this?


Was he cuffed?

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