MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

If MB is allowed a home visit as shown in the document Sdel posted (# 3151 on my computer) where would “home” be? Is it possible he could have Christmas day away from the facility?


I’m wondering about this too.


You are being friggin’ ridiculous - again.

You are willing to believe that he in fact has no memory of the incident, yet you think he should “fess up” anyway and say, “I don’t remember doing it and that is not the kind of person I am, but two lying, drug-addict grifters say I did it. So I guess I did.”

How would you feel if this had happened to you? Or one of your loved ones? Would you feel the same way? (I’m betting "H*** No.)


Just expressing my opinion here:

Show me the absolute, concrete, undeniable “proof” MB shot the gun that expelled the bullets’ that hit LK in the chest. If you can show me that, I will then stop my own delusions and get on board that so should MB.


I think the ear witness, Ed, was the best evidence the jury had.


Question for you - not specifically, more tangentially, referencing this case. If someone is found guilty by a jury for a crime they did not commit, should they not pursue an appeal? Should they just say “Well, I was found guilty for x,y,z that I didn’t do, but I should just agree that I did do it and not fight for my freedom?”.

Another tangential point - should Sirius Black have accepted that that he was a Death Eater and killed Peter Pettigrew because the government and people around him said so, even if he knew it was wrong?


No, I did not say he should confess to doing something he did remember doing.

Based on all the evidence from the trial, and his lawyers counsel, he needs to admit to himself that be shot her. Otherwise he’s continuing to live a delusion.

Meanwhile, I’m over here wondering how the Plaintiff and her boyfriend are going to improve upon their previous performances and convince a new, non-unanimous jury that Michael caused her injuries. Except…there’s all these conflicting statements out there to impeach them with, again.


Didn’t I already say say the evidence is not absolute?

It’s not OK to nurse your delusions along just because you don’t have an absolute.

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Nobody here “knows” what really happened the day of the shooting. The only witnesses are proven liars. MB may never remember, and even if he did, it would be a “he said, she said” situation.

The forensic processing of the scene and people involved was pathetic, at best.

Nobody knows what the jury truly believed. None of them have talked, that I know of. They arrived at a verdict based on the evidence they were presented with. They were only ‘ finders of fact” (god, I’m sick of that term), to the degree that they were allowed. Being on a jury, you form all sorts of opinions. None of which can come into play when arriving at a verdict.

Please Quit rehashing crap that has absolutely no basis of fact. All any of us here have are opinions and personal beliefs or theories. The trial is over.

Please keep this thread on topic or at least close enough it doesn’t get shut down. I’m interested in tomorrow s info.


Based on the court website, there will be oral arguments heard tomorrow regarding the motion to compel in-person deposition of LK.


You’re misunderstanding what a delusion is.
That’s not it.


My experience is that it is not really “home” but an afternoon out under the supervision of family. We usually did a movie and dinner or some other family type outing. It would not likely be a holiday out. You would be expected to stay fairly close to campus and you are definitely expected to self-report any violations to the agreements made prior to leaving.


Oh. Did they update it? I thought as of yesterday that there wouldn’t be oral arguments.


Are there any details?

Thats all I’m seeing - it links Silver’s motion.


I know, the avalanche of evidence is going to be a lot worse than last time, especially in light of her subsequent postings. And somehow I think Denninger is going to poke some holes in the ear witness testimony, too.

I’m so, so glad Lk is not my client!


What kind of Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot doublespeak is that?

“No, don’t confess to something you don’t remember doing. But do admit that you did it.”



Since MB doesn’t really have “family,” I hope that close friends would suffice.


What would be delusional is for him to state he did something that he has no recollection of doing.

Him recalling the event or even expressing remorse in no way affects his prognosis or recovery. He doesn’t need to understand his prior delusions. Most people don’t. A great deal of delusional people do not even recall the time they were delusional. He simply needs to be without delusion in his present tense. Simple as that. This is how delusion and/or delusional disorders are treated. You wouldn’t expect a schizophrenic to understand, apologize or even have to recall their prior delusions to recover. They simply need to be without delusion in their current state. That is called remission.