MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Can he get a protective order stating she is not to approach him or contact him?


I’m sure he can.


I wonder if Balinkis has another sanction against Judge Taylor in him. Is sanction the right word? When he complained and Taylor got his hand slapped?


Ans for what it’s worth, I have not one shred of doubt that IM was Lauren. None in the least
It was full of her absolute rabid anger, obviously drunk, started with her snide remarks about MB and Vera, spittle flew calling him names, and she slung cow patties of lies, and included hints that she knew something, suggested that if someone asked nicely she would spill, then spilled anyway. IM was completely unhinged and it was entirely in the maniacle style of LK.


But what about her victim impact statement? From what I understand JK was there at the courthouse yesterday representing LK’s interests, while she remained in Florida.

Do we know if he was allowed in the courtroom during the closed hearing? Or was he relegated to hanging out in the hallway?


How did you find out JK was present?


CH, if you’d left your post at this, I would have hit the like button. The rest of your of your post sort of slid off the rails.


I thought CH said earlier that JK attended on LK’s behalf to represent her interests, and that’s why she didn’t show up to make her victim impact statement?

Maybe I misinterpreted CH’s comment though.


I’ll bet you a nickel they think it does.


I keep thinking about that photo from the hearing yesterday.

I hope MB has been able to rest a bit easier now that he knows he will be going to an even nicer facility than AK, with more amenities, and will be receiving counseling and treatment from therapists who are allowed to help him.

And Mr. Bilinkas and Mr. Deininger also look like they need a good night’s sleep. I hope they will be able to rest a bit this weekend, esp. after tomorrow’s “festivities” (isn’t that when the civil court judge will rule on the order to compel LK’s in-person deposition?).


Let’s assume for the sake of argument that MBs amnesia is real and his memory has not returned.

That means that he does not have a memory of his shooting her.

But the jury of twelve fact finders did not have first hand personal knowledge of what happened either. They determined, not with absolute certainty, but beyond a reasonable doubt, that he shot her.

He saw the same evidence the jury did. If he were sane and if his lawyers are not feeding his delusions, he would understand that the evidence is that be shot her.

If he’s not going to admit that to himself, despite all the evidence and the jury verdict, he’s delusional. His continuing delusions may keep him locked up.

I don’t think the evidence proved that it was MB who shot the gun.

If the police had done a proper forensic investigation, that showed, finger prints, gun residue etc, then and only then would I have considered that MB without a shadow of a doubt shot the gun.


He saw that there was no physical evidence and that she and RG lies through their teeth.

Jury nullification. He got RI so the jury could ensure he got help recovering from her torture.

ETA: and before you get into “but Simring”….I would like to point out that Simring’s testimony about what MB said was hearsay, and MB surely knows what he did or didn’t say to Simring and what Simring might have misspoken about during testimony or not.


You seem to not understand that his delusional disorder was an actual psychiatric diagnosis, involving specific symptoms. Those symptoms have nothing to do with your statement in the bolded paragraph. That’s just your opinion.

Psychiatrists like Dr. Simring and Dr. Bajgier are qualified to evaluate MB with respect to whether or not the symptoms of his delusional disorder seem to have resolved, and he is now in remission. That really has nothing to do with whether or not he ever recovers his memories from the day of the shooting, or what his opinion of the evidence that was presented at the criminal trial is.


As long as he actually cannot remember he cannot confess. It’s not just “I must have shot her” but what did you actually do step by step that led up to the incident. The other 2 eye witnesses and 1 ear witness have provided mutually incompatible accounts and the eye witnesses changed their versions over time. And there is no video. We’ve seen enough legitimate accounts of tbi in riding accidents where the rider never remembers the actual event.


Exactly. Think of how many crime victims who have experienced severe trauma that do not remember the actual event, or the events leading up to the event.

From what I was told a long time ago by a professional in psychology, this is one of the way that the brain protects the owner of that brain. A survival skill of sorts.

I am sure I am butchering how it was described to me and like I said this information was provided to me years ago, so the science may be outdated or have changed.

edited to correct spelling


LOL. The jury thought he was straight Not Guilty but tacked on the RI to make sure he got help? You’re delusional, IMHO.

It’s a harmless delusion for you to hold. Not so harmless for MB to hold.


I assume then you are a psychiatric expert as well as having familiarity with continuing delusions?


Hey. Any thoughts on LK’s victim impact statement? Do you know what happened with JK and KK at the hearing yesterday? Were they both there? Did they get to read her statement during the hearing?

Or… was that all complete BS?


He doesn’t need to express remorse. He doesn’t need to confess to something he doesn’t remember.

He needs to understand what he did while delusional.