MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

From what I have come to understand, as a lawyer if you can be present in person, you end up having an advantage over someone showing up by zoom. Part of it is because you can talk over the other attorney (aka what happened in the Britney hearings). But there can be other benefits as well. JD’s attorneys made sure to be present in person for their motions as much as possible, while AH’s attorneys did not (and then had to deal with forgetting to turn on their mics and having to be repeated reminded).


I’m confused. Notice above the words, “beliefs or impressions that are contradicted in reality or rational argument.”

As far as I am concerned Michael Barisone was NOT delusional in his fear of the Kanareks. He had and still has every reason to believe they will kill him. Finish the Bastard…well they tried but Heymer appeared.


…her ride/sleep/medicate/whinetoJK/pool/medicate/sleep/yellatRob/sleep/medicate/whinetoJK schedule.

Fixed it for you. :wink:


How many times are you going to flog this poor, stinking, long-0dead horse?

The criminal verdict is not “proof” that MB shot LK. The evidence heard by the jury was limited in scope and does not reflect the totality of evidence out there - much of which may be admissible in the civil trial.

In the absence of any forensic evidence that shows MB fired a gun that day, and specifically fired that gun, it’s impossible to say with certainty that he shot her. What the jury ruled is only relevant to the criminal trial, which is over. What you believe is only relevant to you - not to the case, MB, or anyone else.

So why on earth would MB “admit to himself” that he shot her when he has no memory of the events and there no way to prove whether he did or didn’t? That would be crazy. Currently the only person sounding delusional is you. (PS you also don’t seem to have much understanding in a medical / psychiatric sense of what “delusional” means. Might want to look it up.)




Yikes on a bike.

But also none of this has anything to do with what you said and I replied to.

But keep talking circles, it definitely strengthens your position.


We know nothing about what delusional means in the case of MB. I’ve watched so many otherwise functional adults in interpersonal conflicts get fixed ideas about what the person is doing, thinking or saying. Or extreme anxiety such that they can’t enter the barn when that person is around. Not to mention people all over the political spectrum that buy into fantasy accounts of how the world works and how politics should or does work. Etc. And then there’s religion.

People can be absolutely BSC about their problem topic, but not have any other significant problems processing reality. Especially if they have clinical anxiety or depression and the ideas play into the mood disorders.

Of course in MB’s case he was indeed the victim of a plot by LK, and she was willing to up the ante on harassing him by bringing in outside agencies.


Hmmmm. If it’s all about virtual hearings and other proceedings being more efficient… Why do you think Taylor didn’t choose to have many of the criminal hearings and proceedings handled virtually over zoom?

Why do you think LK didn’t just give her victim impact statement via Zoom yesterday?


Don’t even reply to CH. It is an utter waste of time.


I stand corrected!! Thank you!


This is all really good, but I have one question. Where does she fit in 38,000+ MORE social media posts, on top of the ones from the criminal trial?


I have a suggestion where she can store them. :laughing:



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And should he also have accepted that he betrayed Lily & James - his close friends - because others said he did?

The answers are No. And No.

And thank you for the Potterfying…


Not an attorney here and don’t work in criminal law or superior court. I could be wrong about this, but the parties, their attorneys have been put on notice that an oral argument will be heard tomorrow. They are probably on stand-by as to the time.




Outside of Rochester NY, and though I can’t remember why I have some recollection that they are not close.

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So the jury was wrong in finding him insane (delusional) on Aug 7, 2019?

Or he was delusional then, but not now?

I was saying his delusion — and yours — is that he is unclear on whether he shot someone.

This is extremely pertinent to recent Krol finding because the prosecutor brought up the fact that Barisone had not come to terms with that aspect of his current situation as evidence his delusions are continuing and a reason he could not be released at this time.

You keep misstating the article. I don’t understand why.


OK. What is your interpretation of the reason he was committed rather than conditionally released?