MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

With his own history of childhood trauma and abuse, that doesn’t surprise me one bit. Healing and recovery will take time.


Or when his supposed ‘admission of guilt’ in the aftermath of the event after getting knocked out twice, had his arm broken while being pummeled repeatedly (center mass?) for 7 minutes while being repeatedly bitten in the 'nads was “I had a good life.”?



Another poster, VHM wrote a post giving her interpretation of my position and listed herinterpretation as the two points.

I was clarifying for her what my position (my belief) is.

Is that OK with you?

Except again for the pesky fact that he was entirely stable for all of his career, received regular counselling / therapy and was not “mentally fragile” by any accounts until LK began her campaign of terror against him.

And again, the NGRI verdict has NO BEARING on the civil case. For insanity to be relevant re civil liability, the lawyers will first have to convince a jury that MB shot LK, then convince them that he was insane at the time, and then convince them that SGF should and could have reasonably foreseen that could happen.


No it’s not, since you ask. You keep repeating the same false assertions over and over and over again. What could possibly need clarifying? We all know what you believe because you tell us every 5 or 6 posts, despite many people carefully and patiently explaining to you why your beliefs are not relevant, not based in fact and why your oft-repeated position is categorically wrong.

I am running out of patience. We all know you are wrong. You know you are wrong yet continue to make false assertions for no apparent reason other than to channel your inner Yankee Duchess and irritate everyone else on the board… I’m sure there’s a word for that.

I have done my best to correct the record and refute your willful misinterpretations of the facts. I now join all those brave souls before me who tried the same but got tired of beating their heads against a brick wall and opted instead to put you on ignore and / or simply stop responding.


If it is established that he was “entirely stable” for his entire career, etc, that reduces the burden on SGF.

IM and LK have hinted that they have evidence and witnesses to abusive behavior in his past. I don’t know what the have. They’ll need evidence of make the case against SGF.

If the “did he shoot her” portion of the criminal trial is retried, presumably the “was he insane” portion will be as well. If the civil jury decides he was not insane, there’s less liability for SGF and more for MB/RC.

Let’s be more specific. Bruce Nagel will be the person who has to convince the jury of all this. Though he is a “super lawyer” … and apparently REALLY effective at ambulance chasing and winning money… this is going to be a challenge.

“Like-ability” is going to matter when it comes to the jury in this matter… if it ever goes to trial.

On one side, we have Bruce Nagel arguing on behalf of LK.

On the other side, we have Chris Deininger acting as lead counsel on behalf of MB.

The “like-ability” factor alone weighs in favor of MB. Heavily so. Just look at random people on YouTube’s reactions to LK during the criminal trial! And Schellhorn did a pretty decent job when he had her on the stand at getting her to tell her story and seem somewhat sympathetic. Bruce will not be able to manage her on the stand with the same carefulness and restraint…


I would bet the farm that there are FAR more potential witnesses to LKs bad behavior than MBs bad behavior.

From my understanding he and Vera are still friends. I’m betting LK isn’t with her former spouse. Wasn’t there an order of protection or something against her with that?


You think Taylor didn’t release MB because he knew the civil suit would be grueling and MB needed support? Why not order conditional release with plenty of psychiatric treatment and support?

I respect Taylor’s impartiality. I don’t think he has a grudge against Bilinkas that he would take out on MB.

I don’t see the basis for your confidence he’ll be released in a few months. My interpretation was that he’s committed for 6 months, with reconsideration at that time.

And no, I don’t think the outcome of the Krol hearing was upsetting to the Kanareks. Why would it be? The judge ordered MB committed rather than released.

Oh just stop with this crap. There was no hinting. There was a post involving dropping names and serious allegations. Is Bruce Nagel going to demand VK sit down for a deposition and act as a witness in this matter, providing testimony? I doubt it. Not if he doesn’t know EXACTLY what she might testify to, and whether or not that will work for… or against… his client’s case.


Is that a real offer to bet the farm?

You ducked on IMs offer to take any action on a bet that MB would be out by Christmas.

Not what I said. And you know it. You are just frustrated that everyone, including me, is not biting on the latest attempts at narrative shaping.


Geez. Fine. Drop the word “hint”.

I did not see whatever post you’re referring to.

They’ll need evidence of MBs past abusive behavior to establish the “knew or should have known”.

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Yup. And she realizes it was pathetic. But she couldn’t help herself. It was interesting to read some of the comments.

I-M gave away the game, emotionally speaking, when he rushed onto the forums yesterday to sneer and snarl at @Knights_Mom and @eggbutt following the Krol hearing. The Ks can’t stand that they have no ability to influence the ongoing discussions on these forums.


I didn’t say MY farm.



Oooh. Who’s feeding you that!



I think what’s also happening is a conflation of concepts, by someone unclear on legal concepts.

They are confusing being released from a mental hospital with being granted parole.

Someone who pleads innocent to a crime but convicted and sent to the penitentiary is supposed to be become penitent (that’s the root word) and admit to the crime and feel remorse before he is allowed parole. Someone who steadfastly maintains innocence is thought to be in denial. This is obviously a pretty nasty Catch - 22 situation for those who are actually innocent.

Indeed even earlier in the process some folks without good legal representation can be pressured to plead guilty in a plea bargain even though they are innocent.

Anyhow, none of that applies to MB’s situation. He has been found not guilty (by reason of insanity) and he is not in prison or seeking parole. He has no requirement to repent. The bar to his release is his mental health, presumably connected to depression and anxiety.

However, we are not privy to the details of this and we do not know the contents of what is being termed delusional thoughts. And there is no reason we should know those things.


You nailed it.

There was an earlier post from CH … maybe 50 ago, that FINALLY responded to my queries about the victim impact statement. She brought up either a sentencing or parole hearing in relation to that. AGAIN… it’s more of this conflation between MBs ongoing commitment situation, after being found NGRI, and the legal situations and hearing processes related to guilty people.


Have you ever filled out a lease, for personal and/or for business matters, that inquired about being previously depressed? Having PTSD? Having been a victim of domestic violence? Of course not. Those are discriminating factors. SGF had no obligation, nor would they be within their legal right, to ask any of these questions. SGF should be held accountable just as much as a landlord with a depressed tenant.

The factors that SGF did have to go off of, such as a prior criminal record, prior financial history - all the normal and legal aspects of a background check to determine rental eligibility, checked out for MB. He was a good candidate for rental.


Plus, he was part of SGF.