MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Tell that to @CurrentlyHorseless


I did not say you were part of a conspiracy, @erinmeri.

BTW, a CurrentlyClueless donated $50 to the GoFundMe, which I assume is me. So I’ve contributed more than you!

I hope MB gets top psychiatric care.

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Oh this is absolutely the current plot that’s running.

And you’re right. LK & Co. want to imply that MB was a bad guy. An abusive husband. Crazy. Out of control. Dangerous.

However, it will certainly be seen that at the time of formation MB was fully able legally and cognitively to enter into contract and SGF did not act irresponsibly. MB was fine. Not perfect but certainly not dangerous.

That totally blows the suit regarding SGF out of the water. Renders it dead and buried.

But LKs and JKs have given marching orders which demand trying to convince people to say that MB should admit wrongdoings. Admit wrongdoings under the guise of “healing”.

But it has nothing to do with healing. Its a ruse. Its a trick so that civil culpability can be assigned to MB and SGF and its like a bad movie script. It’s a shyster move. Dirty.

We all see it. That group of minions plots and conives and thinks they are a 3D chess supergroup. And they think they are that smart because they think we are that dumb. They think we can be played and that can translate to MB falling further into their web. Further into the trap. Further into a civil payout to fund the continuing grift of addicts.

And why do they think this? Because this group doesn’t live by TRUTH. They live by grift. By manipulation. By threats. By posturing. By bullying. That’s what they know. That’s what they do.

That’s my opinion.


I think other people are more potentially more interested in doing that than I.

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First off, amnesia does not equal delusion. That’s the flaw in your argument.

Secondly, reasons why the judge could have ruled the way he did:

  • Judge is in some way responsible for MB’s ultimate fate, therefore erred on the side of caution
  • MB was terrorized and experienced a significant mental health crisis - continued hospitalization supports MB
  • MB needs to learn coping skills in order to set him up for success in the future, especially with the upcoming civil trial
  • Graystone is a transitional program which seems to be a safer route versus straight release

I actually have a sister who went through a horrific custody battle years ago when her daughter was tiny. She became paranoid about her ex husband at one point. He had been illegally recording her, and had engaged in stalking and following her at times. It was awful. But what really set her off into a period of paranoid thinking about him, for quite awhile, was his actions trying to separate her from her child.

Some people can get a bit “primal” in terms of thinking and fears and anxieties when stressful situations involve threats, or perceived threats, to children… especially their own children. I will admit… I can get that way, at times. I think it bears remembering that according to Simring, MB tipped over the edge once he felt that MHGs kids were threatened by LKs actions. There was a pretty specific trigger. I’m not so sure he would have gone over that edge if he was just worried about himself, his own life, or his business. A CPS worker showing up that day though, and that ongoing harassment LK was dishing out potentially impacting the lives of children he deeply cared about? THAT pushed him over an edge.


I don’t know what you’re referring to. I do know that CH is lobbing ridiculous accusations at me.


No, she hasn’t shot herself in the foot, she is currently hoisting her own petard


And I am at the bottom…

I think I’m going to stop posting now….


Just really outrageous!


I think there was an element of spite in the judge’s decision. He was clearly unhappy with the verdict.

Not necessarily saying his decision was wrong, MB probably can use some intense therapy after being driven insane, then incarcerated. Who wouldn’t?


We know CoTH and others were subpoenaed for posts and, unlike other individuals, they complied with the subpoena. If they were subpoenaed for posts, they would have had to asked for the identity of the poster(s) too. We know the quantity of posts but I wonder how many posters were involved? It will be interesting to eventually find out, won’t it? I assume the subpoena came from one of the civil attorneys. What they are looking for I wonder?

IM’s outburst yesterday was epic and reaction has gone far and wide. It is amazing how many people saw the posts before the moderator removed them and apparently told others about them. How foolish to be so irresponsible on a public forum. Talk about delusional!


Actually, the issue of how the finding of insanity influences the apportionment of civil liability on MB vs SGF is an interesting point.

The finding of insanity means that MB was not criminally responsible — hence the acquittal. There was some discussion earlier as to whether he is still civilly liable.

But LKs case against SGF rests in the claim that SGF knew or should have known they were leasing the facility to a man with a history of depression, abuse as a child, CPTSD, who came to be in a mentally fragile state. I think the insanity finding probably does shift the liability away from Barisone and toward SGF.

Whatever damages LK is awarded for her injuries, I think the damages will be apportioned by percentages to the three defendants. So the interests of SGF and MB are at odds.

Coulda fooled me!



This entire premise is nothing but an overindulgent fabrication of imagination. It means nothing.


As far as the bolded portion, I do not agree that is why Taylor didn’t release MB yet. I do not agree at all. I think multiple other factors influenced Taylor’s decision. Some I understand and appreciate. A shooting is a serious thing. MB was suffering from a delusional disorder and psychotic at the time of the shooting. LK is obviously continuing to pursue a civil suit, which will inevitably cause more stress to MB, who is clearly fragile. So there is lots of risk. If MB completes the progr at Greystone? Hopefully it will mitigate some risks.

Other reasons I think Taylor didn’t release MB just yet… like his negative dynamic with Bilinkas… I think are rather crummy. I think Taylor resents that Bilinkas just got a VERY public legal victory, by winning an NGRI case.

Regardless of Taylor’s reasons… the program at Greystone is a pretty reasonable next step. And if MB remains emotionally stable there over the next few months, non violent, and participates in his therapy… he will be released to outpatient treatment in a matter of months. Maybe the full 6. Maybe earlier. I don’t know. I’m not a lawyer or expert in this field. But it’s pretty obvious. But my guess is he will be released in less than a year.

I think this is TREMENDOUSLY upsetting to the Kanareks. TREMENDOUSLY so. Don’t you? LK gleefully posted on YouTube she anticipated he would be locked away in a max security psych ward for years. It seems that was wishful thinking on her part. I think she’s having trouble coping. And that’s a shame… because it’s going f to get harder for her in the near future. Sitting for her deposition is going to be grueling.


And her outlets for attempting to controll the narrative have been significantly limited. Fighting with people on YT is quite pathetic.



#2 No. Not understanding / remembering/ admitting that he shot LK has absolutely nothing to do with delusional thinking. You clearly don’t understand what this term means. Please stop cluttering up what was a productive discussion with the same nonsense over and over again.


Clearly the Kanareks who stated and tried and may have been at the Krol hearing want to punish MB forever. Endlessly.

IMs giddy post (which was removed by Mods) was great evidence of losing control of emotion upon learning of MBs continued confinement.

If MB is freaked out with the upcoming case I can totally understand because LKs behavior illustrates that she just doesn’t stop. She seems to be incapable of stopping.

I know I wouldn’t want LK as a neighbor. Would anyone here want her as a neighbor?


Absolute truth!

What is hysterical is they somehow think that you, Sdel, me and I guess the entire Elderly Illegal Mob have a direct line to Michael and we influence him daily. Apparently we are supposed to encourage him to accept and admit wrongdoing although he has no memory of the wrongdoing. This sort of sounds like bad cops forcing confessions out of innocent people so they can close their case.

Remember the infamous letter from jail Michael wrote years ago? You know, the one Lauren loved to misinterpret? Do you recall her ever mentioning that he wrote one word about her or August 7, 2019? Nope, but she implied he’d said he remembered the events of the day, which was a complete lie. This is the same BS they are pushing again. Put words in Michael’s mouth because they are panicked they will lose the civil cases.

The Kanareks have been wrong about everything. You and I know that!