MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Please do not misconstrue my posts. I never said he never shot anyone. I also never said he did. I simply do not know. Yet again, you twist words. Why?


Apparently, so is @CurrentlyHorseless. I have never sent a single penny or so much as a card to Michael, but I am part of the conspiracy. These people…


He was under the delusion that she was going to physically harm him, his family, his horses, etc. hence his need to stay awake and vigilant all the time, and the need to place a security guard on the property.

My understanding is that delusions are often based on something real, and then taken to an extreme level. So her campaign to ruin him, and the harassment and mental torture were very real, which pushed him into the delusional state where he believed his life was at risk


I think at this point it’s just entertainment for her.


Apparently, according to @CurrentlyHorseless, I am “blissfully delusional” despite the fact that I have oft stated I don’t know what happened,


I am so sick and tired of this poster continuing to use my name in vain after I have asked nicely three times that she move on to another target and not use me as her erroneous proof of her fantasy.
It’s like she’s stalking or obsessed with me. What a sad person. Guess how many posts she has made tonight forcing her ideas of delusion. Everyday she’s given a topic to drone on and on and take up space. For heavens sake, why don’t we all just agree with her delusion so she will shut up?


Since CH has clearly demonstrated she doesn’t understand what “delusional” means, you shouldn’t waste any brain power thinking about that statement.


Why don’t you just put her on mute / ignore, or whatever it is thst you don’t see with her posts or any replies to them.

In general I don’t respond to her and agree that ignoring her is the best way to keep the discussion loving forward. However when she is so egregiously wrong, and keeps posting false information like her claims re delusion and the Krol hearing outcome, the record has to be corrected.


No. I don’t hate MB and I have empathy for him. I hope he heals and moves on with his life. I think he can’t heal mentally without “coming to terms with what happened” while in a delusional state, or however Schellhorn put it.

I can’t really imagine the lawyers in the civil case trying to go for the claim of “it was an accident” or “it was self defense” or “RG shot her to frame me”. None of those are going to fly. If you want to cling to the fantasy that the defense lawyers are going to deny he shot her, then I take your point that he can’t acknowledge what happened. But in that case I think there’s a conflict between regaining his sanity and defending the civil case. It’s just tragedy piled on tragedy.

I hope hope and expect justice will be done in the civil case but have zero personal stake in the outcome. I’m not trying to make MB’s “people” do anything. How would I?

I interpret all these questions as rhetorical and will not bother you or others with answers.

If you don’t wish to see my posts, please put me on ignore. If you think my posts violate forum rules, please flag any individual posts for the moderators.

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For everyone except CH. It’s blackberry and so good.


I agree with you in that I don’t think you have any control or influence over MB and company. I do think you begrudge him and those affiliated with him for whatever reason.

MB has not stated either way whether he remembers shooting her. Likely won’t. It doesn’t matter. Him admitting to anything or showing remorse has no bearing on his ultimate release. No institution will hold him indefinitely for not showing remorse or not recalling a memory. Not how it works.

I can absolutely see self defense being pursued, and isn’t that named in the suit anyways? Regardless, delusional or not, MB felt his life was in danger. Why wouldn’t self defense make sense? Again, self defense is a constitutional right and I’m willing to die on that hill.


The way you phrase it? Yeah, nobody is buying it, at least without context. With context and a better narrative? I think a TON of people will “get it”.


I’m pregnant and I’m SO JEALOUS of this. Drink 3 for me.


You got it. They really don’t like the possibility that:

  1. MB was psychotic & delusional for a very specific duration of time in 2019, and this was primarily due to LKs actions that literally pushed him to a mental breaking point…


  1. There is not a history of MB being psychotic & delusional before this specific period, nor is there obvious evidence, like a substantial arrest record, of him engaging in violent conduct on a regular basis. Soooo… it’s very hard to argue SGF should have foreseen the risk of this situation, and therefore should be liable in some way.

They are in a potential lose lose, legally speaking, when it comes to liability and the civil suit they launched. They are pushing hard on people on this forum for some reason. Maybe they think we will convey messages to LO or MB directly, and persuade them as to the wisdom of MB making some sort of statements acknowledging he shot LK, in hopes that he is considered “cured” sooner, and released from Greystone sooner?

Yeah. No one is going to carry that water. And even if someone tried… I think LO and MB have competent legal counsel advising them that this is foolish. MB should not admit to anything he doesn’t know he did. If he still doesn’t remember the shooting, there is no good reason for him to “admit” or “acknowledge” ANYTHING in terms of his role/responsibility related to that shooting.


I shall drink all the rose for you.


I don’t believe 1. at all. It’s not about the amnesia.

  1. is closer. MB not understanding that he very highly probably shot LK indicates that he still has delusional thinking.

Does that automatically mean that he is dangerous and psychotic? No.

Does it mean that the judge was not convinced that he could be released without danger to himself and others? Yes. Apparently.

What is your interpretation as to why the judge decided to commit MB instead releasing him?

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Agree, except when they lie about you.


Done and done.


I thought it was against the rules to assign/discuss mental illnesses of other posters.