MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Who cares? I mean, @Jealoushe has a strong stance on violence against women, and she has shared that position and stayed consistent in her position through participation on a lot of different threads with different subjects.

I for one, see her participation as another valuable POV on here.


Thank you for your apology… Except that’s not what you said… your exact words were:

“I agree— there’s no penalty to ErinMeri or Eggbutt or KM for wandering around with the blissful delusion that MB never shot anyone. They’re not the ones who need a court decision that they can be freed from a voluntary psychiatric commitment without posing a danger to themselves of others.”

And you keep saying that he can’t be released while he is delusional about what happened. That is untrue. The only consideration is whether he is a danger to himself or others. Whether or not he believes or admits that he shot her is irrelevant.

As for a committee, Dr. Joanna Bajgier is a psychiatrist at Ann Klein. So it does not appear that if there is a committee it was unanimous.


She has made several fact positive statements about several of LK’s positions and actions (or she knew what had been sent to SS), while at the same time pretending to not have any connection to LK.

It would have been better to simply admit the connection in the first place. It’s notable because it’s the fourth time someone has come in and made such fact positive claims, claimed no connection, and then was found to actually have one.

ETA: in fact, the only person honest enough to initially outright claim a connection to LK is Seeker. Even IM tried to pretend random nobody first.


I am not wanting to derail the thread, but truly she has not been consistent.
She certainly started out with her ‘it does not matter what the woman ever does she is always right and no one can ever hurt a woman’ stance.
During the trial she appeared to see that Lauren was not being 100% honest and was part of the problem.
So it was surprising (to at least me and I think others) when she came back recently to insist we are all meanies for discussing this still.
The knowledge that she shares hearts and such with Lauren makes it more clear.

I think a strong woman should be willing to point out that some women are just plain evil and by ignoring that they are not doing the rest of the women any good.

But, I guess she does that in her own weird way because she is more than willing to be insulting to other women here on the forum who do not agree with her and insist they are doing things that they are not.

Anyone know what time court starts today.


No time listed on that website that I can see.

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< taps fingers on the desk >


I did not read your whole post, in part because you’ve been rude and snarky to me.

I do not know for a fact whether her parents were allowed to be there as her representatives or not. Therefore I don’t know for a fact whether it was a blatant lie on her part.

It is conceivable to me that it was lie, yes. It is also conceivable to me that she was permitted to have a representative there.

I said well before the Krol hearing that I thought for his own healing, it would be beneficial for MB to admit to himself that he shot her. Not because he necessarily remembered it, but on the basis of his lawyers and loved ones telling him honestly the implication of the verdict. When the issue of his not coming to terms with “what happened” was raised in the Krol hearing, I had the reaction - yeah, I was right. He’d be better off now if he could admit to himself what (in all probability) happened.

There is a lot of lying on social media, including posters lying about me as a poster. Including the lie that I’m a liar.

I’m glad you acknowledge that LK is subject to a lot of hate. I’m subject to a lot of hate, vitriol, and mockery for expressing my opinions on the board.

Suppose there is some person you dislike and find to be “not a sympathetic figure”. There are lots of those people out there. Nick Peronace for example. Why is it necessary or useful to shower them with so much hate? Don’t you see that it says something about you (g)?

I don’t agree with you that the discussions here on COTH have been “very civil” by comparison. I’ve been very civil, and receive as much vitriol and mockery from other posters as will be tolerated by the moderators.

Are you continuing to “suggest” that I am part of team Kanarek? Why? Is it just unfathomable to you that someone other than a relative could express empathy for her and disgust for all the hate?


It is sad that some people can not tell the difference between a mistake and an intentional lie.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


So, am I missing something here, I didn’t understand this the first time, or now…

That can be true, but you will still be judged by the company you keep, or keep close.


I apologize again for not being clearer the first time, @erinmeri.

The way the article was written suggested to me that Dr Joanna Bajgier was a psychiatrist hired by the defense, and was not a member of the committee. My interpretation was that there was a disagreement between Bajgier and the committee. That still doesn’t tell us whether the committee arrived at its recommendation unanimously.

In any case, the judge sided with the recommendation of he committed to not release Barisone.

Meanwhile, people who send cards or whatever to MB are to be condemned.


That’s kinda karmic hilarity, right there.


Patience, Grasshopper!


But… But…


Serenity now!


This :point_up_2: Well said!


I noticed on Nancy Jaffer’s site and the article, that it appears she took the photos of MB inside the courtroom. Perhaps Judge Taylor actually allowed her in, as she is press? If that is the case… maybe 48 hours at had someone there as well?

I used to watch a ton of Dateline. I’ve watched less 48 Hours… but they are pretty similar when covering true crime. If there are hearings or other legal rulings close to the time an episode airs, they all it’s always tack on a few minutes at the end of the episode to cover the recent legal developments. When watching, you can pretty much tell the vast majority of the episode was recorded and done with a few months before the small portion added on to the end with the recent legal updates.

I wonder if this is how it will go with respect to the 48 Hours episode covering this whole case?

I do find it very interesting LK drove to a different farm to do the interview. I don’t blame the current facility where she is boarding if they wanted to keep their name and location out of this whole thing, however. That’s completely understandable.


Cleary not afraid of meeting all those new horse friends or hanging around at a strange barn during Covid.