MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

I just checked the 48 Hours episode list and nothing is listed yet. I wonder if they will continue waiting for the civil trials or Michael’s release before airing.


I would think they would want input from someone other than LK and I can see that with pending litigation, MB’s side isnt going to say anything.


But come on @LiberalSnowflake! Jealoushe has no dog in the fight as she stated yesterday- like we were going to believe it!


I’m almost positive people in the Barisone sphere have been interviewed already, at least initially. Being interviewed does not necessarily conflict with the civil trials I wouldn’t think. The Barisone team is pretty sharp about not commenting on anything that isn’t already out in the public arena.


What matters is when someone comes here, makes it a habit to continually point fingers and make accusations at other posters, then outright lies and says they don’t have a dog in the fight, when many of us knew for quite sometime that they did!

For many of us this is not our first rodeo with that particular poster or the object of her affections!


Indeed, other than from Bilinkis or Deininger if that, they have very little from MBs side of this


It couldn’t be just a tiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeny bit possible that at one point she followed LK on Instagram, and LK follwed her back? Both accounts were public at one point.

I follow both of them, if one of them randomly followed me back, would I “have a dog in this fight”?

I guess I just don’t see the need or logic to start digging up screen shots of posters just because you don’t like their opinion or because they said some things to you that you didn’t like.

I realize these threads are not very friendly to those with differing opinions, which is one of the reasons I so rarely join in.

I love the legal information, I want to follow along with the case. There is a lot of good information buried in here.


Per Google, she works at AK.


The jury would only get to a verdict of NGRI if the prosecution succeeded in establishing all elements of his case other than intent, so by “succeeding” in getting a NGRI verdict, the jury has determined that the defendant committed the physical act, even though the defendant has not admitted it.

No. The jury acquitted him. They found him not guilty. They found him insane at the time of the incident. In your scenario, I would think they would have found him GUILY RI, no?

It truly doesn’t matter how many times you say your version, it is not accurate.


That’s fine. It doesn’t contradict what I wrote.

Legal people: I thought I heard at the end of the trial Mr. D presenting “notice of violations”. Is that common or did I not hear it correctly? Is there a way to read them? Just curious in light of judge Taylor’s recent comment at the Krol hearing. There’s another trial in the news with a similar type of judge inserting himself in the proceedings and limiting the defense who is being investigated for misconduct.


Actual legal experts:

To put the NGRI reasoning to rest, hopefully once and for all

Had the jury believed MB truly shot LK, but was insane at the time: Would the verdict not have been GUILTY REASON INSANITY?

By finding NGRI, are they not saying he is not guilty, but was insane at the time of the shooting? Edit to add clarity: in other words, they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt he shot her, but he clearly was insane/delusional/psychotic at the time of the incident


No, the jury did not find him Not Guilty wrt the charges regarding LK. They found him NGRI. NGRI is an acquittal, but not the same as Not Guilty. If he had been found Not Guilty on all charges, he would not be committed to a psychiatric hospital.

I believe there is another potential verdict which is Guilty but Insane, but that different.

NGRI means the his shooting her was not a criminal act because he was determined to be insane and not capable of forming the intent that is required for a conviction. While his shooting her was not a criminal act, and he is not in the custody of the psychiatric hospital as punishment, he is in custody for the protection of the public.

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I wonder if those “resent” responses to the Kanarek subpoenas have been received yet or did the dog eat them again? So many sets of documents all going astray at the same time is puzzling, at least to me.


If this is what I’m thinking it is, after both sides present evidence, but before the jury sits to deliberate, both parties’ council meet with the judge to read into the record motions they didn’t like or evidence they wanted admitted, but was not. This is in case the case goes up for appeal, you can point and say - see excluding these pieces of evidence (which the lawyer would be saying was excluded incorrectly) is why my client didn’t receive a favorable verdict. Its a very normal part of trial.


GRI is not an option in NJ.

I guess I just keep coming back to: how the jury got there is irrelevant, Barisone was acquitted on all four charges, the trial is over, and the verdict doesn’t get to influence the civil trial.

Not directed at you @CindyB59 at all, Sorry.


If you are going to use what I posted, could you please use the entire quote as it provides the complete reasons as to why I feel the way I do!

What people don’t realize is it is not that people are unfriendly to those with different opinions.

We are unfriendly to those who harp on the same old things, when it is pointed out they are not correct.

We are unfriendly to those who twist truths, known facts or legal precedents.

We are unfriendly to those who claim to not edit their posts or delete them, when we know if fact they do.

We are unfriendly to those who try their damnedest to get threads shut down when they don’t like what is being said there.

We are unfriendly to those who push their individual agendas and assume the rest of us are too dumb to figure out that they have hidden agendas.

If you don’t behave in those manners, you shouldn’t have any issues here. Most here are friendly, reasonable and respectful people online. I have been lucky to meet many on COTH in person, and they are in real life as well.

Just don’t play us for stupid or for fools!


I’m behind and this may be irrelevant to the current conversation, but it seems to me that MB believed LK was threatening his life. If he was unreasonable in that belief, then it was a delusion. If he was reasonable in the belief, then it was self defense. Either way, he is not criminally responsible if he truly believed his life was in danger.


Let’s say the verdicts in the criminal trial don’t influence the civil trial; that will start from ground zero.

The fact that MB got four acquittals in the form of 2 NG and 2 NGRI matters for his being committed to a psychiatric facility as opposed to being a free man.

If his four acquittals had been 4 NG, he would have been free in April.

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I’m really not interested in getting into a pissing match over forum decorum. I have lurked these boards for many years, and I have read every single word of every Barisone thread. I am really not your audience for a lecture on how people post.

That said, I will stand by my opinion that posting SM screenshots of other posters and commenting along the lines of “Ah ha! You once liked an LK post and she sent you her string of emojii’s back! Now we can all see why you defend her!!! You are buddies!! Now I know why you seemingly have inside info sometimes!!” is really unnecessary in a thread supposedly about the legal filings.

For what it’s worth, and I don’t want to put words in her mouth at all, but I’m gathering that @Jealoushe’s big individual agenda is that she has been a victim of violence before, and no matter the circumstances, she feels a need to vocally stand up for victim’s of violence. Just because you differ on who you consider the victim, doesn’t make her have some evil agenda.

Guess I’ll just take off my robe and put it back in that box in the basement.