MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

And? So?

Taylor is still miffed I bet. My position remains unchanged.


Yeah, what does her decision have to do with Taylor still bruised from Bilinkas winning an appeal over Taylor’s actions?


I thought that was exactly the point that the case that was overturned on appeal was EB and Taylor so Taylor holds it against EB. I believe EB probably helped with that appeal with the public defender (read that as this person likely could no longer afford the expensive lawyer anymore).

Edit to add - We had the same thought @eggbutt.

Edit to add 2 - And really, I am not sure it makes Taylor’s actions better if you take away the excuse of him being mad about this appeal case. Though it is not the right way to do things, at least him being mad about the appeal case gives him a reason to be jerk. If that goes away he is either just being a jerk or he has some type of tie to the Kanareks.


Imagine how well off and successful he’d be if the bold happen? /S

I’m not sure we can say his management of his business was a weak link here.
Unless you know otherwise, things we haven’t yet been privy to?


Your position on Taylor remains unchanged?

What about your position on Bilinkas?

The successful appeal was filed by a different lawyer, a public defender, bringing up an issue Bilinkas failed to bring up in the original trial.

As is very obvious from watching this trial, most likely if something was not brought up at trial it is because this judge would not allow it to be brought up at the trial.


Vertetis was convicted of murder in April 2017 for gunning down retired New York City police officer Patrick Gilhuley, but in 2020 an appeals court found a problem with a jury instruction and awarded her a new trial.

Can anyone explain to me how it was Bilinkas “fault” the appeal was based on faulty JURY INSTRUCTIONS? Again, alway trying to twist FACTS.


Mehhhhhhhhh, judges are supposed to be impartial. They “should” want the correct outcome. No one is perfect all the time. Everyone makes mistakes. If he can’t stand the heat he needs to get out of the kitchen. Appeals happen. You win some you lose some. Get over it. EB won that one. Taylor needs to get over the sour grapes.

How many more little stupid sayings can I come up with?


Please read my post. Bilinkas did not win the appeal. Bilinkas apparently failed to challenge the judge’s incorrect jury instructions.

Convictions get overturned on appeal all the time. That’s kinda what the appeals courts are for.

If Taylor is an experienced and impartial jurist, he knows that all judges get convictions overturned on appeal some of the time.


Thank you for clarifying that @eggbutt. Some other posters make it sound like a totally different situation. I am glad you have the facts and shared them.


A gentle reminder…




Legal type folks…

What are the chances of EB filing anything against the judge for his (obvious to most) unprofessional conduct? Also, the obvious bias against MB?

Is it worth it? Would any actions realistically be taken against Taylor?


You beat me to it!

ETA: And here I thought I would be able to contribute something, until I read to the end. :pensive:



Unchanged. Maybe EB did bring it up and Taylor displayed the same partial behavior we all have just seen.


Did you remember the hearing in the Barisone trial in which Taylor consulted with Bilinkas and Schellhorn and previewed his intended jury instructions? If that’s the procedure, in the Vertetis case Taylor would have previewed his jury instructions, including his instruction that Vertetis had a duty to retreat despite being in her own home in front of Bilinkas.

The trial transcript would indicate whether Bilinkas objected to that instruction as incorrect.

Why do you think it was a public defender who brought the appeal? Bilinkas could hardly challenge the jury instruction on appeal if he had stood there while the judge previewed the instructions and Bilinkas raised no objection.

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Anybody can file against a judge.

Given the massive number of people who witnessed and stated/commented publicly both here and on YouTube/Law & Crime that Taylor’s bias was disgusting, I’d be very surprised if no one has filed a complaint.


But if Bilinkas challenged the jury instruction it was previewed for him, why wasn’t he the one to bring the appeal?

The appeal was brought by a public defender.

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“If” being the operative word. Experienced, yes. Impartial, not in my opinion.