MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

What confuses me, is Nagel hasn’t submitted to the court that he’s representing either Jonathan or Kirby. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that the K’s didn’t even tell Nagel & Co until it was too late. I don’t know. It just doesn’t make any sense.


It shows conspiracy for one. Seekers’ transcripts are not protected by any privilege. And I have a hunch, maybe based on experience, that you can’t really plot a false report without some discussion of what your going to say….


Ahh. Thanks.

I figured they were focusing on MB‘s height to make it sound like RG was that much more of a superhero for subduing him, given the difference in size between them.

But as I said in an earlier thread, one of them seems to have had some sort of military hand-to-hand combat training, plus a lifetime of shady behavior and assault arrests. And the other one rode dressage horses for a living.

Not to mention that by their own sworn testimony in court, they were attacking MB together, two on one.

Plus Rosie. Poor Rosie.


Yes, and this makes perfect sense for something that was pre-planned and scripted. For a spontaneous emergency situation……it’s an odd detail to take the time to focus on and include.



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Where can you see the comments? I’m lucky to see the preview.


On Youtube, there is a section underneath the video where you can make comments.


Since seeing the timing of the 48 Hours episode, I had the thought that IM was so pissy (and gave us that horrendous anti MB rant) because they may have seen a preview of the episode? Now LK is advising people not to watch I wondered if the K’s are aware of just how bad this all looks? Their version of damage control?


Now wait a darn minute! Neither Kanarek have been invited to become members of the Elderly Illegal Mob!! He must have meant aged or geriatric or just plain old, but they definitely are not elderly!


When viewing from Canada it simply says “Comments closed”

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That’s too bad. It is likely to get quite lively when LK eventually shows up.


To everyone questioning what was said in the 911 call: I agree it was extremely bizarre. However, I am compelled to wonder if it was fake (?) what was the purpose? Did she plan to shoot herself and blame it on MB? If so, then what? RG beats him to death (or at least unconscious) and the he shoots her? Or she shoots herself? Sorry, but none of that makes more sense than the verbiage on the call. She was likely not making sense because she had been shot and was in shock. She’s claimed all along that she had “so much blood” on her hands that she couldn’t dial the phone. We know that’s a lie. It’s all just so crazy. Maybe she was going with a script that was already in her head, not knowing she would actually end up shot for real.


Its certainly possible.

Several have posted LK is discouraging people from watching 48 Hours. Where is she posting this?


I got the same feeling from some of their testimony in court, when it seemed like they both responded with statements that did not have much to do with the questions they had been asked.


We banned the Cat.J95 account as it was another alter for a previously banned account (not affiliated with the parties related to this case to our knowledge).


With LK now telling people not to watch the 48 Hours piece, all I can say is how the tide has turned! Does she think doing this will change people minds. What about the bombshells we were going to hear about? Karma, you gotta love it.


Maybe Bruce was not aware that he was now the lawyer for the whole family and that is why it looks like he dropped the ball.


I had a feeling.