MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Thank you for posting that info!


You’re welcome!


OH goodness.
The 48 hours episode this weekend and the well written responses by the two good lawyers…So much to read and watch.


Yes, this! I got so excited I forgot to say thank you!
Thank you @ekat for dealing with tractors for us.


Wasn’t it IM who claimed on here that the responses were lost? I don’t think that’s the same as JK giving an official response to the court.


Exhibit A in the first motion is hilarious. “Hey, give me a call,” is supposed to be evidence of Nagel/associates abundantly contacting CD and EB over the issues with the subpoenas.

Also, are the elderly not supposed to respond to subpoenas? How many times were JK/KK described as elderly? Poor souls.

And saying that since JK is a lawyer, LK’s communications with him fall under client/attorney privilege is a FAR reach. Withholding evidence involving any crime does not fall under that privilege.


All good points.

Not to mention, Why Didn’t the Lawyer Respond to his subpoena? Or help his wife? Why wait this long, after requests for contempt, and now, someone who isn’t claiming to represent you is fighting your contempt battle?

It’s all very, very strange.



And just because the police department and prosecutor got info off of LK’s phone does NOT mean that LK didn’t send JK (etc) relevant recordings and information and then delete it prior to her phone being taken by police.


I want to circle back around to a previous filing. Deininger has already told the judge that he can point to a (pre trial) transcript that was used in a report that arguably triggered the whole event. He can point to a post that KK made bragging about having made that transcript. He also has the official transcripts from the trial, that may or may not be the same as the ones KK made. I don’t think he’ll have a hard time if they do not match. And I don’t think he’d have bothered to bring it up if they did match. The moment he can prove to the judge KK’s transcripts do not match the official ones, the Ks are toast.


That email/exhibit is made even more amusing by the date it’s sent, which is one day after the response deadline in Kirby Kanarek’s subpoena.


Great catch.

I’m still convinced that JK and KK do not want to comply because the information they have is incriminating.


And they, like their daughter Lauren, feel like they are above the law.


Wait, I’m confused. How so?

Just catching up during lunch but “Mentally Instable” should be on a t-shirt or a mug at least. I might order ones for barn holiday gifts.

Give me a call. OMG, isn’t that longhand for TTYL?



And she sounded cognizant … if had been shot and was bleeding out I would not be so calm…. It is an odd recording….


Legal types:
There seem to be two copies of the exact same thing. Nagel lumps the two subpoeneas together (JKs and KKs) in his motion to quash instead of responding to each. So does he have to file two copies, one as answer for each subpoena?
Does that mean that not only is he too lazy to proofread his filings, but he’s too lazy to tailor them to each motion he is responding to?


The behavior analyst covering the Depp/Heard case talked about this: liars add random details because they think it adds credibility to their claims. His example was when AH talked about an event and spent a few sentences hyper focused on the details of the carpet. In this case, the hyper focus details would be MB’s full name and the height details.


So I’m assuming (based on the above) that the lack of response to the subpoenas is probably due to Nagel/associates simply dropping the ball. I can’t associate such a weak email in exhibit A and the timing of it to anything else.

Can you imagine the wrath Nagel/associates would have felt by the Ks if that were the case? Maybe why IM is so pissy.


First impression was always that they thought they’d be able to sweet talk their way into stalling for a few more months and were mad that no one else was interested in playing that game. It seems to have been the purpose for JK’s negotiations to leave the farm. Once bitten, twice shy.