MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

While that sounds fantastic in theory, I don’t know if Safe Sport has the resources for that kind of thing. It sounds like they stay pretty darn busy trying to protect kids from the more typical predators.


That is correct, or it was the last time I glanced at the USEF website. But it only takes a few minutes to update that SS training once you’ve done the initial version.

I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t bother doing it if they do not plan to attend USEF competitions anytime soon.

LK has not shown in a USEF competition in more than two years, after showing multiple times during the summer of 2020, according to the USEF competition results.


Just asking our currently sans equine poster to weigh in. It appears journalists disagree with you, @CurrentlyHorseless. Care to comment?

And SS’s mandate is to protect minor participants in sport. While MHG’s kids surely suffered as a result of LK’s harassment, it has nothing to do with their participant in sport and probably nothing to do with SS.

Is there a code of conduct for USEF members?


Ahh. Interesting, thanks.

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There is for officials and I imagine to make a team one must be absent drama as well.


While it makes sense that D would use both terms, I think we can all agree that for laypeople, “illegal recordings” suffices. Sadly, only @CurrentlyHorseless does not understand that.


Plus I’m thinking that would only apply if MHG’s kids actually participate in sports/levels that are covered by SS. I have no idea if they do or not.

There is indeed a code of conduct for USEF members. I’m thinking a lot of this behavior would not comply with the code. To say the least.


Forgive me if I missed it… @CurrentlyHorseless, did you ever speak to your unabashed support for @Inigo-montoya? Has your thinking changed now that it is alleged that IM is in fact intimately involved?


Illegal would be the correct term given laws exist for that offense specifically mandating what would make it legal/illegal.


Here we go. How many infractions can we identify? :thinking:

Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish the United States Equestrian Federation’s (“USEF”) common expectations in the sport of equestrian. It is a foundation intended to promote a positive environment and good sportsmanship. As ambassadors for the sport of equestrian, this Code of Conduct applies to the following individuals at all times: Board of Directors, Officers, volunteers (including all committee, council, and task force members), employees, members, participants, athletes (and athlete support personnel), owners, competition organizers and managers, licensed officials, coaches, chefs d’equipe, and others appointed or authorized to act on behalf of the USEF:
❏ Act as an ambassador of the sport and in a manner that does not bring embarrassment to USEF, or otherwise may be detrimental to the image or reputation of USEF or the sport of equestrian.
❏ Adhere to the highest standards and rules and regulations of the USEF, including the Sportsman’s Charter.
❏ Adhere to the USEF Safe Sport Policy, U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, and Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policies.
❏ Adhere to the rules and policies of the Federation Equestre Internationale (“FEI”) and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”), including the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions, where applicable.
❏ Adhere to all applicable state, federal, and foreign laws, including those governing the possession and use of drugs and alcohol and providing of drugs to any person and alcohol to minors.
❏ Place the well-being, health, and safety of horses and others above all other considerations, including developing performance.
❏ Engage in no verbal or physical threats against others.
❏ Instruct one’s support team in sportsmanship and demand that they display good
❏ Model fair play, respect, and the highest levels of sportsmanship.
❏ Model inclusive behavior, supporting diversity while opposing all types of discrimination,
including racism and sexism, at all levels of the sport.
❏ Promote the sport of equestrian and treat officials, athletes, coaches, trainers, support
personnel, participants, media, and fans: fairly, properly, justly, professionally, respectfully, with
sensitivity, and without any form of discriminatory behavior.
❏ Report Code of Conduct violations.
A violation of this Code of Conduct may be grounds for action, which could result in an admonishment, warning, required training, or penalties set forth in General Rule 703.
Adopted June 2021 1

Code of Conduct violations must be reported promptly to the USEF Regulations Department Director, Emily Pratt at epratt@usef.org USEF does accept anonymous reports. All reports will be investigated and the Chief Executive Officer, or a designee, will determine whether a violation occurred. Respondents will be afforded an opportunity to be heard on the merits before disinterested members of the Hearing Committee prior to limiting one’s opportunity to participate in competition. Temporary measures, such as a temporary suspension, may be imposed where circumstances warrant. See Bylaw 702 regarding Temporary Measures.
For information on the disciplinary process for Code of Conduct violations, see Bylaws Part VII - Complaints and Disputes. For procedural guidance, please contact Emily Pratt at epratt@usef.org
Retaliation against someone reporting a violation in good faith will not be tolerated and will be considered a Code of Conduct violation and grounds for discipline hereunder.
For guidance on the USOPC grievance processes and information regarding athlete rights, please contact
the USOPC Athlete Ombuds Office, toll free at 719.866.5000 or at
visit www.teamusa.org/Athlete-Ombuds.
ombudsman@usathlete.org, or
For additional resources and to access An Athlete’s Guide to Filing a Grievance Regarding Opportunity to
Participate, see https://www.usef.org/compete/resources-forms/rules-regulations
Adopted June 2021


Oh, look, they even provide a nice little checkbox for us to use….


I know, I was thinking the same thing!

Who has the big red pen handy??

I think the first checkbox alone would need about 10 big giant red checks in it.


Gotcha. 8 out of 11. Impressive.


Emily Pratt might start to wonder why her email is overflowing on Monday morning. Lol.


You missed a fail: Model inclusive behavior, supporting diversity while opposing all types of discrimination.

Remember her public online disparaging of a couple who owned and ran a boarding facility? In that lovely missive she was sure to note their non-white ethnicity. Charming as always.


I can’t tell, did you miss “place the well being and safety of horses and others above all other considerations, including developing performance”?


Ah and the following of that girl and videotaping but I kept my charges solely to the topic and actions regarding MB.

Additional charges would have to be filed for that one.


I’m not aware of her putting horses at risk in a significant manner.

Have I missed something?


Wasn’t the Hay Guy (bless him!) on guard duty overnight at the farm in New Jersey all week because MB was afraid something bad would happen to the barn or the horses?