MB update

Sooo, your example seems to reference making a victim statement at a parole hearing? Correct me if I am wrong. And fwiw, sorry you and your father went through whatever it is that you went through.

There are most certainly a variety of laws in place across the country to protect victims rights and their ability to make victim impact statements when it comes to sentencing hearings and parole hearings

But, in MBs case, we are talking about a Krol hearing in the state of NJ, which concerns a current mental health evaluation for someone who was adjudicated NGRI when it came to a crime.

Maybe it would be interesting to look at victims rights legislation relevant to the state of NJ and see what that has to say about Krol hearings?


The existing Victim Bill of rights says nothing about Krol hearings. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re revisiting it in this current legislative session.

Hereā€™s the current victimā€™s bill of rights. Please note, Michael Barisone was acquitted, so all that talk about sentencing, and impact statements for sentencing does not apply because heā€™s never going to be sentenced.



Yes, I know. But this person committed a serious crime, was found guilty, and hardly served much time. So it made me wonder how it pans out for someone find not NGRI and what kind of impact the victim would have on that, if any, at all. I can see victims statements re parole and whatnot, but re NGRI and mental health matters, Iā€™m not sure. So Iā€™m interested to learn more about that, and will read more about it. Iā€™m not articulating my point very well at all, to be fair, I have a headache and should not be looking at a phone screen :sweat_smile:


I wonder if their report will also make notes concerning continuing observations of the patient over the prior 60 days he will have spent at AK as of the end of August?

As for conditional release, it seems like it can hinge upon whether or not a patient can be released to live with a family member as part of the plan. I think this part might prove a little tricky, given his only residence is now in Florida, and might slow things down a bit. Hopefully notā€¦ but I could see it being a procedural challenge and just complicating/slowing down a conditional release plan.

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LK isnā€™t relevant to MBā€™s Krol hearing and that is evidentially very hard for some people to swallow.

As the judge already stated, the hearing is closed. End of story.


Thanks for posting that. I was interested in provision ā€œcā€.

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LK isnā€™t relevant, period, except to her own friends and family. And thatā€™s the way it should be.


I 1000% agree. As for me until the civil trial she is irrelevant at this time.


Even news outlets referred to the verdict as an acquittal.



Just to be clear, here is the text of provision c

ā€œ To be free from intimidation, harassment or abuse by any person including the defendant or any other person acting in support of or on behalf of the defendant, due to the involvement of the victim or witness in the criminal justice process; ā€

Butā€¦ what is your point on this? It seems it would only apply to looking back at the criminal trial, during which LK was a victim/witness. And it seems that Schellhornā€™s office would need to decide to bring charges against any parties who had harassed, intimidated or abused any of the victims or witnesses in that proceedingā€¦

How likely do you think it is that Schellhornā€™s office will pursue such charges?

And what does that have to do with the upcoming Krol hearing? The upcoming Krol hearing is a CLOSED hearingā€¦


As clarification that is to codify that the privacy of the acquitted defendant outweighs the right to a statement or attendance by the victim at the hearing.


YES! Sorry, my bad. I left that part out.



If everyone looks at the link to the NJ Constitutional Amendment for Victims Rights that @ekat so helpfully provided, it specifically opens with the following statement:

ā€œA victim of a crime shall be treated with fairness, compassion and respect by the criminal justice system. A victim of a crime shall not be denied the right to be present at public judicial proceedingsā€

MBā€™s hearing at the end of August is not a public judicial proceeding.


Soā€¦here is the rubā€¦does she actually know when the hearing is supposed to be? If she doesnā€™t, well, then I guess that is your answer.


Iā€™m guessing that particular distinction might have caused some tantrums here and thereā€¦ :laughing:


My point is that provision ā€œcā€ is enumerated as one of a victimā€™s rights. If the victimā€™s rights have been violated by ā€œany person acting in support of or on the behalf of the defendantā€ the issue might come up in the hearing, whether brought up by the victim, or by the prosecutor if the victim is not permitted to make a statement.

I think it is extremely unlikely that Schellhornā€™s office would pursue charges. Not all violations of someoneā€™s rights are criminally actionable.

The Kroll hearing is closed ā€œto the publicā€. Some key people other than psychiatric experts and officers of the court, such as the people who will constitute MBs support system upon release, will attend. It is not clear to me whether LK will be permitted to attend, but on this issue, it seems the prosecutor could raise this issue on behalf of the victim if it is relevant.

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ā€œThat is my answerā€ to what question?

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It is clear. Quite clear. LK cannot attend.

The end.


Because he is with other people that are a danger to themselves and others.