MB update

It’s definitely worth asking. I almost hate bringing it up, but the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial was a good example. The $10.35 million he was ordered to pay him is reduced by the $2 million he is ordered to pay her, so she owes him a net $8.35 million.


I am very happy to see the Civil Attorney, Nagel for LK has a dim view of cyberbullying. I hope his view has not changed.


And illegal


Oh my…


It’s laughable SierraM, HH and CH defend LK et al but don’t follow her on SM. Maybe take a look at what you’re defending before you jump in with both feet, not that you can back down now, but maybe it would give you an idea about why people here are so passionate about things.

And if you’re all going to condem the posters here on COTH can you pls end your posts with SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.? I think it’s missing that nice touch.


I’m sure there is also a gif somewhere of the woman from Game of Thrones ringing her bell.


I did not watch that cluster at all, but it does seem like it was useful for educational purposes on the legal system, anyway.

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I have always assumed this is why she bought the house. She was telling her horse friends, well, Shelly Nelly Belly, actually. I don’t think she has any other friends IRL, telling her horse friends to c9ne down with their horses to visit and they. Ould ride together!! I assumed at that time she anticipated having a horse property soon.


Right. They may not have as many discretionary funds as MB, for example. My guess is most of their money is tied up in funding the addict daughter. That has got to be a serious drain on any resource that is no longer being replenished (he’s retired,)


She says it because if she does she thinks people will belive its true, 5hen, when she is denied entrance at the “last minute” in her terms, she can cry foul to those ignorant of the law, and look like a victim, again. I think setting herself up to look like a victim is a repeated trick she goes for in many situations.




There once was a girl at a Krol
Who thought she was there for parole
Of a not guilty man
Which thwarted her plan
To ruin his life, as a Troll


:clap: :clap: :clap:


Some of y’all are so talented. The best I can offer is another quote from Tombstone:

Doc Holliday: Oh, make no mistake. It’s not revenge he’s after. It’s a reckoning.

(Sorry it isn’t a rhyme!)


I am still behind by over 200 posts so I apologize if someone has already answered.
" On a Mac, you simply hold the OPTION (or alt) key down while pressing the letter u . (You must HOLD the option key, not simply press it once.) Then release and press the letter you want the umlaut over (a, o or u). A total of two keystrokes: option-u, then a = ä."

On my ipad I just hold my finger on the u and the different types of marks come up.


Haven’t caught up yet, so pardon me if someone already answered.

I would assume because of the huge backlog of cases caused by the COVID shutdowns. I believe someone also showed evidence that there is a shortage of judges. Between the two, I can see why they would need to recall judges.


I am really ignorant of civil trials. I guess they can go on forever as long as either party still has money to throw at their legal team, right? Can appeals be appealed? Can a judge order a negotiated settlement or some other action to stop wasting the court’s time especially if the preponderance of evidence gives the advantage to one side?

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Those who peruse the tangle of the YT chats, is LK still posting about telling the judge and Schellhorn all sorts of things about social media posts that she finds derogatory?


Bolded mine.


I’m going to attempt to answer some of this.

Yes and no. Eventually, if the plaintiff is screwing around, the defense could move for dismissal for lack of prosecution or something along those lines. If the defense is screwing around, similarly, the plaintiff can ask for a default judgment. They are very unlikely to ask for a dismissal though, since they brought the suit.

Ok, this is kind of another yes and no answer. Yes, appeals can be appealed to the next level court, who can grant or decline hearing the case, depending where you are in the process. A suit like this would very likely stop within the state as I can’t see a single reason it would become a federal appellate issue, but I don’t know anything more than the pleadings as they stand.

Appeals have time limits. You have to do it pretty quickly or you lose your right. For example, over in Virginia, yes, I’m bringing on Johnny Depp and Amber Heard again. Amber had 30 days from the verdict to file her intent to appeal. What’s particularly interesting in this case is, in order to appeal, she had to pay a bond equal to the judgment (that $8.35 million) to the court in order to proceed. I don’t know if Jersey does that. I just find it interesting.

Not really, because the judge is not the finder of fact, that would be the jury the parties have requested. He can require them to sit down at mediation, but that’s fruitless and another waste of time in many cases.

So if the parties are really dragging their heels, he can a) set a trial date or b) look at dismissal.

But, just as a note, civil trials take a long time just by their nature. Johnny Depp filed that suit against Amber Heard in March, 2019. Yes, COVID happened, but the suit wasn’t stayed for a criminal trial like this one.

In this case, paper discovery is supposed to be done by Aug 1st. Depositions are supposed to be done by Nov 30th.

But, right now, MB is still in AK, so it wouldn’t stun me if there were some extensions on those deadlines.