MB update

Another thing with Appeals is that there’s all sorts of stupid papers and service and filings and paying money. My court insisted on a $30 fee, a Notice of Appeal, transcripts of the entire proceeding all within 30 days of the decision. A N N O Y I N G


And you’re paying a transcriptionist a boatload of money to get that done in time. The longer the trial, the more expensive the transcript.


I can’t figure out why her father hasn’t just bought her a horse property. That would have prevented the need for cleaning up after her all these years. According to @eggbutt, this isn’t the first sticky situation she has created for herself with a barn owner that JK has had to/tried to remedy.

Set her up in her own place. Whoever wants to train her can go to her place. To me, that would have been the logical solution a long time ago.


August 1 is next week!!! Will anything be posted on the legal document site after the 1st? Any more motions or anything?


I asked our court stenographer what she charged. I thought it was $15 a page (doublespaced) but she said she was cheap at $6 or $7 a page. Plus there has to be a CD of the recording. Forgot about that.


Except then you’re actually responsible for, you know, taking care of the horses. Or hiring somebody to take care of the horses. Either way, you’re responsible for their welfare.

24/7/365. Not just when you feel like it. Or between naps.

Funny story. I know somebody who had ridden all his life, and shown for decades, and had always boarded his horses with his trainer. And he always dreamed of having a property where he could keep them at home. Finally he got such a place, and got it all fixed up, and brought his young horse home to live at his new farm.

And he absolutely loved it. For about a month. Lol.


True. But she says she really loves her horses. Surely, she wouldn’t do anything to neglect their care?
ETA: That’s the only thing I’ve heard her say that I think is true.


If everyone is happy with how it went, no.

If any parties have missed the deadline, you could see a flurry of motions to compel.

I know absolutely nothing about what’s going on with MB, but it wouldn’t stun me if Mr D requested an extension if, say, someone had requested interrogatories from him. Remember, when that deadline was set, everybody and their brother thought MB’s Krol hearing was going to be May 17th. Now it’s not until after the discovery deadline.

I don’t know what, if anything, has been requested of MB, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to ask for an extension in light of the delays in his Krol hearing.


So darn true! Unless you have been totally responsible for the welfare of a bunch of horses you have no idea how exhausting and redundant it becomes!!


Possibly he has some liability concerns.


the girl joey issue can’t be called out enough


Yeah, I didn’t think she would be doing all the care herself. But as someone of “unlimited means,” JK could hire the barn help. All she would have to do is ride and nap (and swim in her pool).


Sure, because it’s just that simple. Lol.

Also, if they really have “unlimited means,” why could they only afford the board and the housing at MB’s farm in 2019 if they made a deal for RG to work off the bill?


Maybe the problem is they can’t afford a place to her standards. They might have to compromise and that just isn’t an option.


Yeah, and then barn help doesn’t show up or a horse colics at 3 AM. Then the barn owner is all on their own and that is what becomes exhausting!


You know what I’m wondering is, will that website show subpoenas for depositions? My local court’s website would, with personal info like addresses/phone numbers redacted, but it shows a lot more than that website, generally.


Re: getting her own facility

Could she even establish and maintain the relationships with people to provide consistent services? It seems like all of her relationships are volatile. I go out of my way to work with my people, they go out of their way for me. I’m not sure she could be that flexible. Being devoted enough to put in the work. Going out and riding consistently is one thing, running a farm is a whole different level of commitment.


Yes, the old saying that good help is hard to find is universally true, but it is really, really, really extra true in the horse world.

And if the help does not show up for their job at the Gap or any other store at the mall, the T-shirts can just not get folded that day.

But when it happens at the barn, the horses still need to be fed, watered, turned out, stalls cleaned, etc., etc., etc.


Plus, what if the dryer won’t shut off?


:joy: :joy: :joy: