MB update

A 3 week trial is a lot of pages. But yes, that’s a good rate.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :heart: :heart:


Good one. Lol.


There I go doing what my father told me to never do: “Never judge others by yourself. You’ll always be disappointed.” (OK, he was a total cynic). I know what I would do for my horses and was thinking, if she loves her horses the way she says she does, she would do the same.

But then, I don’t have an addiction problem (except to chocolate). So, you’re right. Her addiction could prevent her from taking proper care of the horses, even if it was just the legal treatment drug of Suboxone making her too sleepy/tired to render the needed care.

Officially giving up my idea of the perfect LK solution.


I have to add mine! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It is really hard to do the barn work for 5 horses on your own in FLORIDA. So there would have to be RG stableboy and at least 1 immigrant type.


I will bite. Why does it have to be an “immigrant type”?


Too far. Way too far.

I don’t understand KM. Is it required in Florida that only “immigrant types” are permitted to clean stalls and feed hay? Do you have a division of duties in mind between “RG stable boy” and the “immigrant type” worker? Would the job description of “immigrant type” be “immigrant stable boy”?

Immigrants, in my experience are trustworthy, honorable, hard working and reliable. I happen to be a first generation of immigrant parents and do not see a problem with KM’s comment.


Because they show up and work hard. And that’s what I see working at barns like I used to. BTW I’m an immigrant type. I am not US born.


I watched a short video today of a guy dressing in a large sombrero and serape. He asked several Americans if they thought his outfit was offensive: general consensus was yes, it’s cultural misappropriation, etc. He went to a city in Mexico wearing the same thing and the general consensus was that he was handsome, they liked his outfit and were not offended.


Thank you - and that is not even considering economic privilege. I guess LK’s gender worked in her favor here, but it often doesn’t for women.

I wasn’t trying to go down a CE rabbit hole, merely stating my observations. Before I slept on someone else’s sofa and woke up to a whole new world, my privileged a** didn’t even know much of this existed.

It honestly shocks me that people are so reactive.

So… Thanks for this, I was feeling pretty down until I saw it. :kissing_heart:


Have tried to stay away from this thread so I don’t have full context… but speaking of immigrants in this business, they are the backbone of our industry and are who allow us all to participate in this sport. We don’t talk enough about the exploitation of labor that affords us the opportunity to even have horses. God bless the people who love and care for our animals and help us all reach for our dreams. And if your grooms are anything like mine, our horses like them better anyways.


Reminds me of the two young people in Charles Dicken’s book - Bleak House - who are born into the ongoing generational chancery case which will deterimine their fortune or loss, where the outcome of the case is likely eaten up by lawyer fees by the time the case is ever settled. Wikipedia says of it " At the centre of Bleak House is a long-running legal case in the Court of Chancery, Jarndyce and Jarndyce , which comes about because a testator has written several conflicting wills. In a preface to the 1853 first edition, Dickens claimed there were many actual precedents for his fictional case.[1] One such was probably the Thellusson v Woodford case in which a will read in 1797[2] was contested and not determined until 1859. Though many in the legal profession criticised Dickens’s satire as exaggerated, this novel helped support a judicial reform movement which culminated in the enactment of legal reform in the 1870s.[3]".

Bleak House, indeed.


Loved that book, so many characters (typical of Dickens). Especially the old woman who showed up at Court every single day.


I’ve said this before. Of course, she would have to clean her own place. JK would have to hire someone to manage the place. Try keeping an employee on that property with that nightmare of a human to work for.


I have not read the book, but fast forward a couple of centuries, and look at all the people who showed up at the virtual court every single day for this case.


Here is the latest post on the special website supporting Michael and his team - enjoy!

The date on this piece is 4/10/20 and is titled “Frequent Flyers”.

“Hi everyone. I wanted to share another one of Michael’s early drawings. I love the detail in the dragonfly’s wings. The color he was able to create by layering the crayon pencil is quite impressive. He only had a small selection of color to work with, not a huge box of nice colored pencils. I wish that the whole picture could fit but the majority of it does.
Michael is doing well and we are just waiting for the hearing, which hopefully won’t be pushed off again, to see what the future will hold.
Please keep sharing the GFM link, the attorney fees keep building and we still have the civil suit in front of us.
Thank you all for your continued support, donations, letters, books and kind words!

I’d LOVE to buy a print of this piece!!