No, you just chose to quote. That generates a notification just the way tagging does.
I was catching up on the part about MB being sued by the treating hospital for $25,000.
Here are my thoughts.
If he had medical insurance, I don’t see why the insurance company wouldn’t have paid their share. It suggests to me that he did not have medical insurance.
If he had enough funds to pay what he owed the hospital, Mr B may have told him not to pay, and put up all his liquid cash for a retainer to the defense team. He probably paid for his insulting civil suit against the township, but not for his medical care.
If he had liability insurance, I can see the liability insurance company not paying if he’s liable for damages to others, especially if he were convicted of a crime. I’m not sure how the NGRI would affect that issue, though.
I think it’s possible that he didn’t have medical insurance or liability insurance.
Juries are much more likely to stick a corporation or an insurance company, instead of an person, with a big judgement.
I think the primary target of LKs suit is the insurance company for SGF, for leasing the facility to a trainer with known mental problems and for permitting guns on the property. I think the insurance company will try to settle the case.
This may well be testified to by MHG and the J assistant (forget his name, sorry). It can explain why she was shuffled off onto lower and lower ranked instructors and why she didn’t get MB’s attention. Her lack of comittment to the sport should be part of the history shown. I mean, if people unrelated to her are aware, such as “we”, how she wouldn’t even show up for competitions when trainers brought her horses to the venue, certainly there are ways to present that sort of disinterest of the sport in court.
Medical insurances decide they overpay all the time and claw back their payments. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been dunned for money by a medical provider a year or two after having paid off “a final balance”. Or have been issued a refund by a provider only be told I owed them again a few weeks later. I guess I don’t have insurance either by your logic.
What I found interesting is that for someone to come dunning for 25K means MB’s medical bills were fairly substantial in their own right.
I think LK is counting on the insurance company considering this a nuisance claim so they’ll just roll over and pay.
It may not work that way in light of all the other considerations at play.
For instance, MB took the pink Ruger and put it in the safe for safe keeping. That is not an irresponsible act. The other guns in the safe played no role in the incident and therefor are irrelevant.
Given LK has posts alluding to the location of that gun it’s providence in relation to the shooting may create doubt as well as the circumstances and timeline of possession and discharge. LK alluded to the gun being missing. Well how would she know that?
I’ve helped my insurance avoid a large payoff once so insurance companies are very willing to accept help.
I am glad to know that I am not the only one to have some of those same medical insurance issues in life @Sdel. Generally I think medical insurance, like every other insurance, puts far more effort into not paying than they do into paying.
And generally take out insurance on what they have to pay out so they don’t actually lose money. Gee, it sure seems like they like to keep their money…
I think it’s also telling that SGF has been by far the most aggressive in litigating this to date. (Plus that whole indemnification waiver they claim to have)
Hmmmm, exactly who should have known about Barisone’s well handled problems he had worked on for YEARS with apparent success? And please explain what working “farm” type facility isn’t permitted to have guns on the property. Will you be objecting to shovels in the back of a farm truck next?
“Medical insurances decide they overpay all the time and claw back their payments”? I’m not familiar with the that at all. I’m not saying you don’t have insurance; you would know if you did or not.
Given that hospitals are stiffed by uninsured patients all the time, many of whom genuinely don’t have the funds to pay their bills, and can’t refuse treatment of uninsured patients, they compensate with what seems like huge bills to keep their doors open.
Here’s a question for you, Eggbutt. It came up in the trial that MB had several hand guns or revolvers (in addition to long guns) in his gun safe, but the hand gun/revolver type guns were not operational due to having their firing pins removed.
Why would the firing pins have been removed? Did someone realize that, given MBs known problems, he should not have access to functional hand guns?
RE the $25,000 hospital claim. I wonder if that amount is the copay against Barisone’s health insurance policy? Considering the coindidental timing of the hospital’s suit, it appears they were waiting for the verdict before proceeding with their suit. I have absolutely no idea what the circumstances are but I fully expect the hospital to be paid in full.
There is a lot of emphasis on MB not having insurance that is really odd considering:
the claim MB didn’t own SGF. If MB didn’t “own” SGF, why would he be concerned about if they owned insurance or not. His liability can’t be transferred to SGF and theirs can’t be transferred to him.
there was testimony about the amount MB paid in insurance during the criminal trial. So, he either paid for insurance or someone is obliquely stating there was perjury going on. Since that testimony came from prosecution witnesses under oath, I guess we should take their word for it over unconnected random nobodies.
Gosh, I have no idea. Do you? You seem to be making a grand leap of assumption though, aren’t you? And here’s another question for you…who had access to his safe other than Barisone himself? What a puzzle.
Oh, I see what your trying to do here. Downplay his injuries by suggesting the entirety of his medical bills were $25K, which he didn’t pay because he didn’t have insurance….
Newsflash, his broken arm alone cost well north of 25k to fix.
Insurance companies make it their job to not pay out.
I was actually medi-vacced 2 years ago, unlike others who have claimed to be medi-vacced, but were not!
I have excellent medical coverage, who initially denied coverage as they said I did not get pre-approval for the flight. After I asked how I was supposed to get pre-approval when I was lying unconscious in a field, the bill was immediately paid and I never heard another word about it.
BUT, I spent hours on the phone with the insurance company getting to the correct person. For those who don’t have hours to spare, this can be an issue.
Hmmmm, exactly who should have known about Barisone’s well handled problems he had worked on for YEARS with apparent success? And please explain what working “farm” type facility isn’t permitted to have guns on the property. Will you be objecting to shovels in the back of a farm truck next?