MB update

Hundreds behind but just wanted to address this.

The issue with LK’s ‘prior arrests without convictions’ is the plural. Having multiple arrests regardless of disposition is, in and of itself, a problem; a HUGE red flag; an indictment of character and behaviour; utterly and completely NOT NORMAL. That this pattern extends to her parents and life partner (or whatever) amplifies what a big issue this is.

LK herself came on here once and made a big noisy fuss about the dispositions of the many arrests calling her record, and I here quote, ‘squeaky clean’. This shows a disturbing thought process. She and other members of her family/social circle have so normalised acting in ways that result in arrest yet doing whatever it is they do to avoid conviction, that she actually suggests with a straight face that such records can be accurately described as ‘squeaky clean’.

No one - not one single person - in a normally functioning family would describe the sheer number of arrests of which that family can boast as indicative of ‘squeaky clean’ records.

Just the thought is mind blowing. That’s a level of delusion, lack of self awareness, and narrative manipulation beyond anything anyone commenting here or on YT or whereever could possibly be accused of.


Well, I’d think there is a legitimate distinction between a forensic psychiatric hospital like Ann Klein which handles patients committed via the court system due to a NGRI verdict, as compared to other psychiatric hospitals handling patients who become patients voluntarily.

Under the circumstances, MB cannot simply discharge himself. Maybe that’s what she meant.

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:blush: thank you very much.


I love this so much! I loved the other ones but these turtles might be my new favorite.

I’m glad Michael can get birthday cards. Hopefully this will be his last birthday away from home.


Why would you even think about the risks to the defendant of a second trial in the event your holding out caused a hung jury?

As a juror, you’re supposed to render your true assessment of the facts. Of course it extremely difficult. Of course there’s a lot of gray. But if you are genuinely not persuaded by the deliberations to change your stance, you’re supposed to continue to hold out until unanimity is reached or a hung jury declared.

If your honest assessment results in a hung jury, so be it. That’s the law. It’s not your job as an original juror to ponder what the second jury will decide.

Yep, two sound like you and CH. None of them sound like me though.


You mean Teflon?


In a utopian world, perhaps a juror, who is, at the end of the day, simply human, would forget all else but what was heard in the trial. But that’s not how people think or act. We all bring our biases and opinions with us wherever we go and in whatever situation we find ourselves. That is why both the prosecution and defense have the right to strike potential jurors. In your world, there would be no need to do so.

I think your argument negates human behaviour and is unrealistic. Again, as @ekat and others have said, we really do not know what the jury was thinking. And I firmly believe that they most certainly were thinking of the long holiday weekend, missing another day of work, having to find daycare, and all the other trivial but important things that rule our lives.


I came here to make sure that someone had shared the turtles. Off to get Michael a birthday card!


I feel like the turtles need names. I really am awestruck by them! Especially knowing the limited supplies and drawing from memory, and everything. And that little mushroom in the corner. It’s just amazing.


Soooo , you’re criticizing my hypothetical thought process and hypothetical considerations if I had served on the jury in the criminal trial, deliberating various verdicts in this situation?

How about you? Would you have a perfectly clear head, and be willing to hang any jury over any potential doubt? Because you 100% live by the courage of your convictions, all the time, unequivocally?


If he was going to shoot 2 people would he check the rounds? I would. Wouldn’t you?




I absolutely agree that juries are human, biases creep in, and that a long weekend may have added some pressure.

But if one or more jurors believed, as finders of fact, that the prosecution had not met its burden of proof on all elements other than intent on the issue of his having shot LK, it was a serious miscarriage of justice that those jurors did not hold out for a verdict of NG on all counts, or a hung jury.

I am assuming that the individual jurors took their duties sufficiently seriously to not reject the finding of straight NG just because coming back from a 5 day weekend was inconvenient.

Also it was fairly early in the jury deliberations that the jury asked for the expert psychiatric testimony be reviewed. They were instructed that the psychiatric testimony was only to be considered after they had decided the prosecution had met its burden on the elements of the case other than intent.

When the five day weekend approached, the jury was deciding between Guilty and NGRI wrt the two charges regarding LK. Straight Not Guilty was already off the table.

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So much THIS


Super post!


Hear, hear. Jurors are not robots. Heck, they aren’t even Mr. Spock. :laughing:


George & Gracie.




I don’t think CH has ever been in a jury. It is not black and white and instructions are not always clear. And there is pressure. I decided not to hang a jury once.