MB update

That’s a healthy dose of perspective from the legal side. Your opinion is that essentially they (officers of the court) are all just going to ignore the insanity from a certain someone, and go through the steps in the legal process professionally.



I might also speculate that a person who has a judge in their pocket normally doesn’t go around announcing it.


This is a very valid point. And so obvious.

It is hard to ignore the threats that some people make though.

One has to wonder if the person making claims that the judge is in their pocket realizes they are making statements that could put that judge’s livelihood at risk.



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Also the part about judge notes: Nobody gets those. 3 people would have access, tops. The judge, their law clerk and judges secretary. Even their court clerk wouldn’t get it. They just don’t get shared. Ever. At all.

My cell phone may have the private cell phone numbers of 6 judges because I knew them that well but I’ve never ever had access to private notes.

Also, most judges don’t keep notes. They may jot a sentence or two on the case file but to my long time amazement they rely on memory.


I hope Safe sport is paying attention


That’s my challenge with it. I looked at some of the recent comments and couldn’t help thinking, “WHOA. That’s a monster of a red flag! What does this mean? What the heck is the next twist in this string of events going to be? Is his legal team watching this stuff and preparing for whatever is going to be slung at him? And how the heck is this poor guy going to recover and rebuild when he finally gets released if all this antagonistic behavior on social media about him continues?!? That’s a big part of what started his whole downward spiral to begin with…”

But… intellectually I understand the correct thing to do is to ignore the noise. It just seems in this case that ignoring the noise is a little bit like turning one’s back on a viper.


There is no evidence that a person named on a comment is actually that person. I can create a screen name of George Washington but it doesn’t mean I’m actually GW.

So name or not, when it comes to YT comments they are all basically anonymous.

Now of course MBs legal team will deal with the warnings any commenter brings. And for when MB is released - and he will be - the precautions and suggestions to help him are I’m sure already known.


I sadly doubt it. I think the civil case and his counterclaim is the best chance he has for some accountability for this behavior, and to get it to STOP when they all eventually go forward.


The behavior will stop when there is a consequence for it not stopping.


I keep on wondering about the attorney involved on the civil side. The attorneys I know would have been on the phone with their clients MONTHS ago telling them that this continued online behavior is a BAD idea, and if they don’t stop it and exercise some restraint, the attorney will drop them.


@Virginia_Horse_Mom, remember, this is an attorney who posted an online video of themselves saying that the jury in the criminal case must be insane. So, clearly an attorney who has an interesting theory on how things appear to others.


Apparently not. I mean, getting shot wasn’t enough to stop it.


:joy: :heart: :joy:

You better believe my next horse’s name will be Squire L.


The words from the NJ bill of rights of victims are “intimidated, harassed and abused”. The victim has a right not to be “intimidated, harassed, or abused” by “supporters” acting on behalf of a perpetrator.

LK is a victim. Judge Taylor is not a victim in this context.

I’m not saying MB has ever been actively orchestrating the harassment of LK and her family on CotH. I’m not saying he should “make a statement to the world” to back off LK.

I’m saying that Eggbutt in particular has admitted she has been in contact with Barisone insiders the whole time. If Barisone or the lawyers who represent him did not approve of the content harassment and mockery of LK, this stance could easily have been conveyed at some point to the long time team leader.

But wait. In the last couple months, there was a marked change in the tone and frequency of Eggbutt’s posting here. Her posting is very different from what it was last fall. Hmm.

Oh look, there is one of the jumped up Squire L.'s now.

Are there any more examples of Michael’s art work floating around?


Sounds to me like you’re accusing @eggbutt of a crime.

@Moderator_1 do you think so too?


No, I am not accusing Eggbutt of a crime. What would the crime be?

Yeah, you did.


Why on earth would MB, or his lawyers, try to dictate public opinion?

Who the heck is the long time team leader? And why do you assume I would be so easily persuaded to follow the instruction of anyone?

Please enlighten us because we are all clueless.

The opinion I hold of others has nothing to do with MB. It has to do with the individual’s actions. I know you are unhappy with other people’s opinions regarding LK but these conspiracy theories are delusional.