MB update

I believe they list it as “maximum security” in that area online to create a public image of safety. This facility is “super secure” even though there is no variation of security within facilities. When you get to the actual description, it says nothing regarding security levels, etc. because they don’t apply.


Exactly, the psychiatric hospitals I’ve been in had the same levels of security, from the expensive voluntary to the state forensic unit to the VA.


Question: Does anyone know how often in the U.S. an individual who has been adjudicated “mentally ill” gets sued for an act they committed while “mentally ill”?




There are so many jurisdictions, v that could be hard to know. But based on how many neighbor disputes there are, I’d say: more than you’d think?

Edited to add: Assuming you’re not talking about the suits where the plaintiff has the MH problem


And regarding MB’s upcoming birthday - in addition to a card, also please consider making a donation to the GFM. Every $ counts… :grinning:


I think an important piece is whether the adjudication is known to the plaintiff. Probably fewer of those.


Past adjudication doesn’t really matter though. In other words, for the sake of this particular case, it doesn’t matter that the previous jury found Michael NGRI, and most certainly won’t be introduced in the civil trial.

Different standards apply. In the criminal case, in NJ, the standard was:

“ A person is not criminally responsible for conduct if at the time of such conduct he was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong”.

In the civil case, one of LK’s claims is Negligence. The standard in NJ is what a reasonably prudent person would do. This is from the NJ standard jury instructions on negligence:

“ every person is required to exercise the foresight, prudence and
caution which a reasonably prudent person would exercise under the same or similar circumstances. Negligence then is a departure from that standard of care.”

Edit to add: Michael is certainly raising competency issues with his defenses though. So that will come into play.

Edit #2: Michael is also claiming negligence in his claims against LK. So, that reasonably prudent test will apply to her, as well.


Cuff and Link, in a nod to “Rocky,” who prevailed against huge odds.


Also good names!

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Or, because they are box turtles, “Amazon” and “FedEx.” Boxes and boxes and boxes!


I think there is a vast difference between a psychiatric ward for involuntarily committed patients shown to be a danger to themselves or others and a psychiatric ward for voluntary commitments for depression or other treatable psychiatric issues.

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I’m really behind but I think the answer to your question is bc they really really want MB to have a black cloud over his head for the rest of his life but they are totally discounting all of the wonderful things he’s done and how he’s been a huge contributing factor to society at large.

We can argue all day he did this, she did that, but when the chips finally fall everyone can see that he’s a highly functioning contributing human and the other party, not so much. Really that’s what it bills down to.


I have not posted on YouTube.

No, I’ve agreed all along that based on the NGRI verdict, he did not commit a crime.

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But the big competitions are in Wellington - professionally I would think he needs to be there IF he wants to continue in the big leagues - of which he is part of.


Voluntarily committed patients can walk out the door any time they please. They are not locked in.

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Absolutely! A success in so very many ways and liked by hundreds and supported by thousands. He is an icon who will return to his pre-2018 glory in no time, if that is his goal, with tremendous love and support.

LK will be like “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”, re-litigating her version of fantasy into cyberspace for the rest of her life. What a shame she does not have the ability to have the support system Barisone has. It really, really is quite sad :pensive:


Are you sure about this?

I understood that was not the case. Not just from the informative posts by @Warmblood1 who appears to work at a facility.


I have never posted comments on YT.

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