MB update

Not the first one and you are misstating the second two. Not to mention ignoring LK’s behavior that preceded them.

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I notice you didn’t address my comments.

MB should have loaded those horses and brought them elsewhere. Tied them outside the sheriff’s office if no barn would take them. Then she could have squatted at the sheriff’s office. Gone ninja-ing there.

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Since we are spiraling, tornado-esque, once again into back-and-forth between posters about posting, we’re going to give everyone a breather going into the weekend and close this topic.

I wonder whatever happened to those transcriptions Kirby so handily made? I wonder how Kirby verified who was speaking and how she added tone to her delightful work. Certified? I think not. That said, I expect the civil attorneys have ALL those illegal recordings and are spending very good money with forensic experts on actually verifying what is on those illegal recordings. I can imagine many of the conversations have been taken out if context, embellished, and not accurate. Hmmmm, I wonder if SAL still has her copies as stated years ago? Why wasn’t she called as a state witness? Oh yeah, right, hearsay and all that nitty gritty. I’m not sure how SAL or anyone outside Barisone’s world would be able to identify his or MHG’s voices if they’d never heard them speak. But whatever. So, hopefully, the expensive forensic experts will also be able to confirm if the recordings have been manipulated in anyway. I am anxious to hear LK’s stomps and rants and conspiracy plans on the recordings. Gonna be fun. Yep, a real party.