MB update

As I’ve had a gun put to my left temple by a hooded male who then held us hostage for a few hours threatening to shoot me as I was taken to a back bedroom and put face first against a mattress leaning against a wall while someone else got pistol whipped I have zero issue in telling you that you are full of :poop:


I can always repost her PMs to me as I was never told I can’t.


Why y’all? Why sink so low to give air to these absurd rhetorical posts? It’s the same BS day in and day out. Don’t swat at it, just spray some imaginary fly spray and slide on by.



You know, I used to respect debate with you. Whether or not I agreed with you, I could respect your conviction and could see your points.

However, the last few times you’ve logged in, you’ve been, well, enough unlike you that I was concerned. It’s not like you to resort to insults and quite frankly, trying to shame people into your way of thinking.

The law is the law, not an excuse for me to vent anything. If that inconveniences you and your beliefs, I can’t help you.

There were several victims on August 7th, 2019. I won’t champion the one who repeatedly stoked the fires leading to the explosion. If you choose to do so, cool. You do you.


And your little dog too!


“Get rid of her.”
“I will make sure she will never be able to compete in FEI.”
“I will make her so miserable she will beg to leave. I’m very good at it. I’ve done it before.”

The latest game show, coming soon to a forum near you!


You’re damn right these things were probably said.

Get Rid of her off the property. An unwanted customer needs to remove themselves. Had it been me in charge I would have served her notice that in 24 hours her horses would be removed to another location. Because while tenants may have rights, stabled horses DO NOT have tenancy rights. LK should THANK MB he didn’t do that. He should have.

Making sure she didn’t or doesn’t compete in FEI is EXACTLY what LK tried to do to him BEFORE SHE WAS EVER SHOT. LK wanted to keep him from competing and in fact earning a living SIMPLY BECAUSE SHE WAS A SHITTY CUSTOMER and needed to GO.

Making an unwanted customer feel unwanted is not a crime and it’s weird that you apparently think it is. You are not thinking clearly.

LK held MB and everyone at that facility hostage. She reaped what she sowed and is now unwanted, unliked and a pariah FOREVER of the entire FEI affiliated horse community. She’s persona non grata. She will never achieve what she wanted to achieve by her own hand.

And quite frankly, GOOD.

She doesn’t deserve respect.


Only evidence of that statement being said is LaLa claiming to have heard it on her recordings.

Not exactly what text said. Nonetheless, it’s after LK called MHG worse than pond scum on the bottom of a shoe and many other posts on FB that LK herself, under oath, said could be perceived as threatening.

Didn’t say “I’ve done it before.” Also, text written after many of LK’s own derogatory and threatening and very public FB posts.


I am sorry - that is one of the strangest comments made on any of these threads. What exactly would we have to be afraid of? Aside from chemtrails, lizard people running the government etc. etc.

LK is the one displaying herself loud and clear on SM and even on the witness stand. Worse, you know it. And yet somehow, posters here are the issue?

Moving on to the morning poop report.

Nice normal poop this morning - no more cowpies. Mare is bright and enjoyed a small helping of hay with her morning porridge. She can go out today and mingle with her herd! Thanks for all the jungles and well wishes everyone!


Hooray for normal poop!!


We love happy :poop:s


Trying… but then someone else leaves more pee and you have to sniff that… :wink:

… and that probably did it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LK was a victim of a tragic shooting. But to somehow turn a blind eye to her intent and machinations that contributed to that tragedy - and the behavior she has continued to demonstrate with great glee… is just tunnel vision. It seems that Finish the Bastard is still in effect and she will do her best to make that happen. Just based on, you know, her own words… but as she also admitted to constantly lying, only LK knows and owns her actions from this point on. Hopefully fantasy and reality will sort themselves out…

BWAHAHA!! I love the typo I made in my previous post. Of course it should have said jingles and not jungles - but then, it is a jungle out there!

Once again - this forum which some so erroneously insist is the the source of all LK discussion, victim blaming and other woes… is extremely small. Check out the YT comments where LK holds court, sneers, insults - and often gets it right back… far bigger, far more participation and far wider ripples… worse, y’all know it.

And all merrily strewn out there for everyone - and their flying dog - to see. That is the saddest part of all.


OMG - a TOTO picture!

I love it.

I will admit to being an obsessive Wizard of Oz fan… for my whole life. Even before I read the narcissism related book. I’ve read and reread all the Frank L. Baum books. I watched the original Judy Garland film probably 100 times. As well as “Return to Oz” - which featured Belinda (the hen), and “Oz, the Great and Powerful” - which was actually a great little film.

I even had a horse with a Wizard of Oz themed name. Who has been sold. But I considered breeding her for a while, and had a dozen more Oz themed names picked out for foals. :woman_facepalming:

Anyways… I digress.

But thank you for the Toto pic.


I’m wondering why someone may be afraid of LK and I can only assume you are referring to her cyber and barefoot ninja stalking, her history of verbal and physical assault and her predisposition to threaten people with law suits and take away their possessions and homes. The instance where she ridicules a mother and the death of her child or the incident when she stalked someone in a public store while videoing them and verbally harassing them both come to mind. As do the other incidents where she has tried to inappropriately find the identities of posters on the forum so she could verbally harass and threaten them.

At least you acknowledge the behavior. That’s a start.


Thank you. I’ve been trying to point out that is what was going on instead of good decisions.

THIS!! A MILLION TIMES THIS!!! Barisone was too nice to this witch and her daddy.


MHG read all this from texts from MB to her in court.

Sorry dear…this applies directly to YOU. So, now it’s your turn to Tat.