MB update


Totally agree however it really bothered me that that poster (was it dragonfly?) was trying to lump coth posters into a hate group of sorts. Thatā€™s just wrong.


I see the Flying Monkeys are on the job. :laughing:




I love this!


Well, since many of us, and the trial watchers, came to the conclusion that Michael was the true victimā€¦ā€¦itā€™s very nice of HH to acknowledge their victim blaming. I have every confidence that the evidence of the civil trial will confirm Michael is the victim of LK and RG.


What about being a flying dog? Because that would be cool. Way cooler than a flying monkey.


Iā€™ve been rejecting the bizarre behavior but when someone came in and dropped a little bomb about hate groups and tried to make comparisons, I got tired of ignoring and decided to dish some back.


Donā€™t leave out the shame police.


Still waiting for a crime and a victim to be identifiedā€¦


That is an interesting question. LK is the victim of a shooting where the shooter was proven in court of not being a criminal sue to insanity.

Legally, can a crime be committed if the person who shot was not a criminal?

From the viewpoint of the person who was shot, who stared at the barrel of the gun just prior to the shooting, I would guess that distinction would be a moot point. The shooter is still a victim of a violent act whether or not it is a crime.

On an individual personal note, it seems to pose a conundrum. In some ways it could be something easier to forgive and move on as forgiving is key to moving on but then one has to blame before forgiveness and how does one blame someone who is insane? It would seem to be a place where one could get stuck. Perhaps that is why there are continued SM posts as the process of grief, fear, blame, and forgiveness process?



No. No crime was committed, therefore, there is no crime victim to do whatever you think people are doing.

ā€œ Commitment following acquittal by reason of insanity is not intended to be punitive, for, although such a verdict implies a finding that defendant has committed the actus reus, it also constitutes a finding that he did so without a criminal state of mind. *There is, in effect, no crime to punish. State v. Carter, supra, 64 N.J. at 401ā€

Posting LKā€™s own words only shames her if she is capable of feeling shame.


Some day in the future, when you think about this, when a loved one or you are the victim of a crime and are subject to some victim blaming of various degrees, you may think of these threads and feel bad. Victim blaming is self protective mechanism. While the article said some people do it because they are just mean, that is meaningless because what is mean? It still comes from fear of random unexpected violence from which we feel vulnerable. It is a common reaction to hearing of a violent act. Some of yā€™all have spoken to your own experiences. I think there are several that are very easily fear triggered by violence.

For your own mental health, understand that as you move on.

What were LKā€™s own words?

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When one of my loved ones is truly a victim of a crime, I will feel how I feel. However, if one of my loved ones literally drives someone to snap by harassing, bullying, lying, ninjaā€™ing, bugging, sneaking into their personal space and bragging on SM, calling government agencies to further cause problems, etcā€¦ and I have done Nothing to stop that, Iā€™m going to have feelings about myself, for sure.

Thatā€™s rich.


Do you really want me to post and re-post her FB posts, posts from here, posts from YT, plus some of her own vile testimony? I can if youā€™d like. It will take a while to compile because thereā€™s a lot. 19,000+ Pages as of the time of the trial.


No. I thought you were saying I had used her words. I was wondering what you were taking about since it had not a thing to do with my post. You also ignored that she is still the victim of a violent act whether or not it is a crime.

Are you going to discuss a law or use it as an excuse to vent your bias? Oh wait. Now I have asked a dumb question.

Did you miss LKā€™s entire manifesto???

What does ā€œFINISH THE BASTARDā€ mean to you???

Have you ever questioned your own mental health as you seem to feel the need to vehemently defend the indefensible???


Seriously? If you think there is any forgiveness being processed by LK, you really need to go read her YT posts. Somehow I doubt sheā€™d be calling him a murderer still if there was anything remotely resembling forgiveness going on. Sheā€™s still too busy wallowing in her love of hate.