MB update

And… this was why I shared THIS a few hundred posts ago. :wink:


Exactly!!! Thank you @Virginia_Horse_Mom!!!


For anyone following this thread and learning about narcissistic personality disorder, and how to cope and navigate interactions with these sorts of people…

Odds are, you have someone in your life who exists somewhere on the NPD continuum. Some people are mildly narcissistic, some are extreme. People certainly can have comorbidities as well.

I have found this book to be INCREDIBLY helpful and educational when learning how to identify red flag behaviors earlier on, understand what drives narcissistic people, and manage my own expectations concerning what truly is possible in terms of having any kind of relationship with a narcissistic person.

“The wizard of Oz and other Narcissists” - by Eleanor Payson

It’s also an amusing read, in many respects.


This is an excellent book. Sometimes all the books in the world are inadequate and the only way to deal with a narcissist is to completely cut the ties. That can be so hard to do, especially if you’ve loved or loved the person.



I’ve gone through the process of cutting ties with family members who are disordered… it’s very very hard.

I have found reading books like this one to be very therapeutic and reassuring. And that’s helpful.

I also think it’s interesting how the subconscious mind works. If you’ve come from a family of narcissistic people, or been married to one… you can get a bit “trained” and find yourself easily drawn into dysfunctional friendships or work related dynamics with other narcissistic people… even years down the road. This has been my experience. :woman_facepalming:

I have a few books in my personal library that I regularly refer to in order to keep MYSELF on a healthy path, and remind myself that having a healthy inner circle of close friends and trusted family is really essential. And when people are not a good fit for my life? Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.


Are you admitting that you are afraid of LK? It kind of sounds like you are.


I feel for your mare. It’s tough to lose a friend.


Flag police, love it. I don’t dare to comment further, as I don’t want to rouse them.


I’ve known horses who have lost friends to grieve themselves to death. Many times this happens simply because a horse separates from bonded friends when the owner moves the horse elsewhere.

It’s an area of the horse world not really ever spoken about but it should be.

We can’t help it when a beloved horse buddy dies but when a horse is moved from a beloved horse that grieving is especially bittersweet.

My heart to every grieving horse and those who love them. :heart:


Group rejection is a way to correct bad behaviour, and it’s as old as time.

The expression that something is “beyond the pale” is a great example (https://wordhistories.net/2016/08/24/beyond-the-pale/). When behaviour is threatening to the group (beyond the pale), the group reacts in order to preserve the pale (safe place).

So rejecting bizarre behaviour as a group, as I said, is as old as time. We are hard wired for it, it protects the things we love and cherish. It’s not childish or rude, it’s actually survival imho.


No. Read it again for comprehension.

Her awfulness doesn’t make her uninjured. It doesn’t change the mess of this whole situation.
I’m not sure why denying it is such a strong push.


Not to be confused with the peccant police, although quite similar in nature. :thinking:


Here I’ll help.

Another one.

This is absolutely nothing to do with why LK is so disliked.

Nice try, but you have been here long enough to know why LK is in the position she is in.

Obtuse looks good on no one!


Agree, the language used about MB, the ridiculous lengths some stretch this ( “he’s a murderer” ) is sad.


“A” for effort, but once again, we ain’t buying what you are selling!

You really ought to know that emotional manipulation does not work with horse women or an elderly illegal mob!


Just stop with your Psychology Today articles about “victim blaming” unless you are speaking about and convincing yourself of who the real victims are!

The ONLY victims in this horrible situation are those who Lauren Kanarek has attacked, plotted against, harassed, bullied, sullied, attempted to destroy, ridiculed, lied about, threatened, etc FOR YEARS. IF Lauren is a victim, it is due to her own actions.

