MB update

Quiet as a tiny mouse. That said, there are times I become infuriated at ridiculous accusations and being considered an Illegal Mob leader. I recall a time beginning in September 2019 that I was the absolute monster to many on these threads because I dared to tell the truth and shine a bright light on particular behaviors. My how time has changed that perception as the behaviors of certain parties has been shown by them!

Specific irritating posters are like gnats - sometimes one needs to swat at the irritation.

Thanks all - Susan/Squeaky out (for a while, busy day).


Thank you for providing that info. That’s very interesting and honestly pretty comforting to read in regards to the appreciation for an individual’s liberty and one not being condemned by potential future actions.

In that case, it would seems that if a patient is stable and nonviolent towards self, people and environment, and if the patient exhibits normal social behavior, then the patient is to be released. I would imagine risk for future dangerous conduct would be gauged upon those things as well.

The way non-forensic inpatient has been described to me by inpatient doctors previously is that inpatient is a way to stabilize the patient. Individual, and more intensive therapy, is done in outpatient settings utilizing individual therapy, etc. Essentially, inpatient settings are not individualized enough to exponentially progress a patient’s individual treatment and are not expected to do so. Outpatient treatment is.

So with all of those things put together, it seems MB will be released soon.


I completely understand your concerns. I think it’s important to note, though, that MB hasn’t actually been committed yet. He’s being held pending evaluation to determine if he should be.

That standard in NJ is pretty clear. Their courts have held, since at least the ‘60’s, that mental illness alone is not enough to deprive someone of their liberty. There has to be a showing that the patient poses a risk of danger to themselves or the public in the reasonably foreseeable future.

The psychiatrist could very well determine that MB poses no such risk. At which point, he should be fully released, no conditions, no future hearings in this matter, nothing except whatever orders of protections they choose to file. If I were his attorney, I’d already be working on those in FL.

Maybe it doesn’t go that way. Maybe the psych doc will decide he needs to be confined in some way. But it’s equally possible that he’ll be free come the end of August. What they can’t do is commit him or restrain him in any way without that finding that he poses a risk of danger to himself or the public.




It is good to read. Heck, NJ doesn’t even think they have to abide by societal norms. Odd is ok! But absent the threat of danger to himself or others, he’s walking out of there (within 48 hours, per NJ statute). I’m truly hoping that is the case!

Edit to add: (not directed to you, a general statement) the NJ case laws and statutes don’t require a showing of remorse, or a statement that people shouldn’t post whatever they want to post on social media or any declaration at all about the incident that got them there. It is SOLEY to determine if the patient presently is a risk of danger to himself or the public. NJ a even carves out that exception that they can be considered at risk to a certain individual or circumstance, and then the onus is on the patient to show what preventative measures are in place to avoid that specific risk - and then they still get released.

This hearing isn’t about our postings in CoTH, LK’s ramblings elsewhere, a gofundme, anything Other than whether or not MB is dangerous to himself or the public in the reasonably foreseeable future.


I would think that if MB and his legal team had any foresight on the issue, and expected that he be held in NJ, that he would not have kept the farm in FL with the intentions of that being his residence. That alone makes me believe that his release won’t confine him to NJ.


I don’t consider MHG an insider after 2019. I believe you’ve been in contact with at least one insider subsequent to the shooting.

The verdict was NGRI, not NG. Big difference.

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@CurrentlyHorseless, you are going to get the thread shut down by continually dredging up things from the past. This thread is about Mb, his hearing, and any updates with MB. Please keep the thread on topic.


How amazing to consider it is apparent some believe the CoTH Forums are the center of the social media universe. This small, yet awesome chat platform can’t carry a candle to the monster chats on YouTube, but here we are. I will continue to remain the target of specific people to vent their angst. :heart:


Bolded phrase for emphasis.

Why? Are you implying some knowledge that MB poses that risk now?


You should read the next sentence. I have provided it in bold.




I responded to a post of yours in which you urged “Please enlighten us as we are all clueless.”

I did not participate in the wild tangent concerning inflammatory posts on YouTube and agree that such tangents derail the thread.

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No. I’m pointing out that one of the considerations for release is risk of “psychological injury” to others, not just risk of criminal actions.

In order to maximize his chances for release, I would think that his team want to make him look as strong as possible on all criterion.

A) you’re reading it wrong and b) how do you know his team hasn’t done that? What risk of substantial psychological harm does MB currently pose?

By the way, the actual quote is “psychological injury”.


I read the statement in its entirety, so had already read the passage you’ve presented in bold.

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If only this were applied universally, to all involved.


Oh sure. One meeting has me away from COTH and the thread explodes.
So weird that this thread existed for days, with a few quiet posts and then 

And more importantly, if we have a long time leader
how did so many of us not know it? Clearly it is a very poor leadership style if none of us knew we were being lead.
Darn, I am now a failure at being a follower along with so many other things in life.

My problem with this is, I think that MB can get far better care/help outside of AK either at home or some facility whose goal is treatment not storage.

They have had lots of time to work thru that since his first hearing was scheduled for May.

I have had this thought too.
COTH forum is amazing and has been for a long time. It is something I am very thankful for.
But darn, it is nothing compared to so many other social media platforms out there. I do not get why some folks act like if COTH says it is green that the rest of the world will suddenly be saying it is green too.


Well, here’s the legal definition of “psychological injury”:

Psychological injury is considered a mental harm, suffering, damage, impairment, or dysfunction caused to a person as a direct result of some action or failure to act by some individual. The psychological injury must reach a degree of disturbance of the pre-existing psychological/ psychiatric state such that it interferes in some significant way with the individual’s ability to function.

(Sounds a lot like “Finish the Bastard” to me, as an aside)

So, are you implying that you believe that Michael Barisone is currently, right now, at risk for inflicting that on himself, or the public?

How do you think his attorneys would mitigate that if the psychiatrist determines that is the case?