MB update

Wow. This is a great post and really insightful- thanks for this.

Regarding the bolded, this is a key distinction I hadn’t realized yet. That he hasn’t even been technically committed yet. But the way you put it completely makes sense. Especially in light of how the evaluation typically happens over a 5 day period immediately preceding the first Krol hearing.


I know I’m guilty of thinking that, he’s in AK, he’s committed. It’s easy to think that way. But that’s why this hearing is so very important. And why I get aggravated on behalf of everyone personally involved, that it keeps getting delayed.


It is a true blessing that MB is such a patient man, clearly!

I do wonder, are they allowed hair cuts at AK? I understand that in jail that the covid rules were not allowing hair cuts so wonder if now that MB is at AK if he has been able to do some of those personal maintenance things that jail did not allow him to do.


I have wondered that myself. Because I imagine that would feel really good.


Yes. I think it would help him feel back to some level of his known normal.


It may seem silly to some, but when you’re stripped of even the decency of a little personal grooming, getting that back would be a huge relief.

I totally understand the jail did what they thought was best to slow down the spread of COVID. But I’m with you. I hope he’s getting some of that back now.


I also want to point out that being held (in jail or in a psych ward) is FAR more stressful than most people realize. There is no reason to believe that outside of confinement, with his harassers no longer in residence, undermining his business, violating barn rules and societal norms, his behavior will change for the worse.

He may be told, or opt for, regular therapy. It will very likely include his closest confidante. I don’t doubt there will be legal and physical barriers between himself and his harassers.

In other words, AK patients who are FAR more volatile and fragile than MB. It is very unlikely they will want someone whose situational stressors are removed to stick around AK. Not when there are many people who truly need to be there for their safety and for those around them.


Note that the psychological injury can arise “as a direct result of some action or failure to act”.

I’ve already said that for the Krol hearing, I would think it was important to establish that MB was no longer under the delusion that he was “at war” with his former student. Not at war physically with firearms, and not engaged (through acts of commission of acts of omission) in a proxy war on SM.

He is not required to express remorse. But how is it not a contradiction to say “I now understand rationally that I should not have shot her, since I am no longer insane and delusional, but nevertheless I still feel no remorse”?

Yes! You said this far better than I did! Thank you for helping me say what I was thinking.

I agree, the jail did what they had to do. But darn, no haircut for how long …


Since none of that is part of a Krol hearing, I don’t see why you’re stuck on it, so, I’m going to bow out of any further discussion on this.


I would like to know if he is receiving any sort of treatment or counseling at AK or is he simply being detained until whatever? Could Simring and or Michael’s long time therapists be speaking with him either in person or on the phone? If nothing is being done for his mental health, what a true waste of time for his healing and progress.


I went out and got my hair cut for the first time in a long time last week. It was magical. I mean, the whole experience felt so luxurious and this was HAIR CUTTERY - not a fancy salon. Still - nice shampoo, warm water, someone massaging my scalp, conditioner, etc. sigh. The stylist did a really nice job too. I feel so cute! (My husband and others noted and admired it too, so I’m not terribly out of line).

Now imagine how awesome it must feel to have someone cut your hair when it’s gotten a bit scraggly and you did NOT have access to scissors for months on end.


Maybe LK will get an apology once she apologizes for all her actions that contributed to the shooting. After all, she caused the break that resulted in his delusional state to begin with.

Did I miss the part of your posts where you call for her to own up to how wrong her behavior was and apologize to MB and MHG for putting them through this?


Not only just MB/MHG but all her other victims over the years. But hey, why on earth should she be held accountable for anything? After all, she’s a “perpetual victim” and always will be.


And I can easily believe there are perhaps dozens more in the area who SHOULD be at AK but are stuck in city or county jails because of a lack of space and/or manpower shortages at AK. I would certainly think the courts would be mindful of the fact that delays in hearings such as MB’s are negatively impacting not only HIS life but also the lives of many other people who may be in urgent need of psychiatric help.


I would think that since you are an “MB insider,” you would know the answer to this. :laughing:


Personally, I think the answer, plus the direction of SM posts are hidden within the shading of Squire L. It’s very, very subliminal.



She set out to do so too.


Sounds a whole lot like the legal definition of psychological injury to me. And I’m sure that’s why it’s included in MB’s counterclaim to the civil suit.


Statements of remorse. How interesting this is being brought up.

Personally I couldn’t feel remorse for an event I don’t recall nor could I feel remorse if my only recollection was months of terror for myself and my family. My only remorse would be a personal matter and certainly not shared with any outsider.