MB update

I don’t have a clue. I’ve just been wondering why there hasn’t been some kind of insurance defense or if his attorney has filed a bad faith claim if they won’t cover. I don’t know why MB Dressage LLC was not included in the civil suit.

My gut tells me the bulk of his assets were tied up in MB Dressage. Even his truck had that logo on it in the crime scene photos. Therefore, logic would dictate that his insurance was designed and purchased to cover MB Dressage. The farm was owned and insured by SGF, so he has no separate homeowner’s policy in NJ. But MB Dressage’s insurance has exactly zero obligation to defend MB the individual, who has to pay someone (Mr D) to defend him at this point.

So, I hope that GoFundMe keeps on trucking.


I feel like this question has been asked and answered in the past, but I don’t recall the consensus. Is Mr. B likely to be involved in the civil case? Or just Mr. D?

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And you think this is a newsflash because…?


Just a general question, not about MB. Horse Industry professionals who use insurance through USEF-are they covered if they are under a safesport suspension?


That’s an interesting question.

Can someone under a SafeSport suspension even get professional insurance coverage?

I thought just Mr. D.

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I was curious if someone obtained insurance while they were in good standing if the coverage would be dropped if they faced a suspension.


Please edit this post to make a note that, while my name appears above this quote, it is NOT from me but rather one of the folks who copy long nested quotes in order to push nonsense like the above. I know you know this and didn’t quote this way intentionally. I just want to make sure no one doing a quick skim would ever think I’d type something this dumb/have this little comprehension of what’s actually going on.




Careful now, they’ll accuse you of not having them blocked b/c apparently no matter how many times they are told/how many people tell them, word :face_vomiting: from blocked users does leak through in various quoted material in posts from non-blocked users they “appear” not to “understand” this feature of the platform. It’s another favourite attempt at neener neener from that quarter.

I wonder if playing deliberately obtuse is as exhausting as it is to witness the performances? :thinking:


All insurance companies loyalties are TO THE COMPANY. Liability, homeowner, auto, medical, life.

The fights to get treatments approved and covered for medical are legion. I know more than a few people who filed homeowners claims after the derecho and who were dropped when the policy came up for renewal. I can’t imagine liability insurers actually paying out if they can arm-twist a settlement to their own benefit. Or drag out the process to the point that the insured party settles for a pittance.

Insurance companies are there to generate profit for the shareholders.

Carp. I’m agreeing with you, Sdel. In case that wasn’t clear.


The prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she got shot. My opinion is that they were not all convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he INTENTIONALLY shot her. That story line came from only two witnesses whose lack of credibility was aptly revealed during their testimony. And thanks to the Keystone Kops, other than the two shell casings, there was no forensic evidence such as GSR on anyone’s hands or clothing (other than LK’s shirt). Plus there was the evidence that MB suffered a severe beat down by LK/RG, plus dog bites, including to his groin.

So since the jury wasn’t convinced that he INTENTIONALLY and DELIBERATELY shot her but it seemed pretty clear based on the testimony of the psychologists/psychiatrists that he was suffering from a mental health crisis AT THE TIME, they (the jury) decided on the NGRI verdict for the charges regarding LK, and completely dismissed the charges regarding RG.

And I am of the same opinion as others that some members of the jury probably wanted straight NG on all charges but others believed there had to be some kind of guilty verdict because LK had indeed been shot. And to avoid having to go through a long holiday weekend with the implications of the trial hanging over them, and having to come back the next week - and also to avoid a hung jury - they agreed on the NGRI verdict regarding LK.

I suspect very few people with half a brain and that watched the trial - particularly the testimony of LK/RG - truly believe the incident went down as LK/RG said it did.


Many years ago, I had a good friend that bred and showed Standard Poodles. She had mostly blacks but also a few chocolates and I once urged her to get a parti colored poodle and was dejected when she told me they couldn’t be shown.

Parti poodles are quite striking looking. Here is one with an undocked tail. Very cool dog.




Well maybe the Leader of the illegal mod, @eggbutt can call up her best buddy (because of her leadership role in the illegal mob) and get you a date, I mean appointment, with Mr. B.
:rofl: <---- laughing emoji in case anyone missed that I was making a silly.


Excellent synopsis. :100:


It is odd… isn’t it? She sued SGF, RC and MB himself.

Maybe the lawyer advising LK on the lawsuit tactics (was it Nagel all along?) was simply of the opinion that the professional insurance was a lost cause for whatever reason, and property insurance was the better route for a payout?


That makes sense to me.
Who had a deeper coffer to rob, SGF or MB Dressage?

I doubt it has anything to do with the claim LK would still train with MB… so not touching the MBD entity.


He believed that MB was not delusional because his fears had basis in actual fact - i.e., LK/RG were in fact “out to get him.” In trying to make his point, Schlessinger stated that even MHG was afraid of the K-Klan, and asked if that meant she was also delusional.

It was quite interesting testimony because it actually confirmed what Bilinkas had been chipping away at - exposing LK/RG as grifters and predators who were deliberately engaging in a campaign of psychological terror against MB because he wouldn’t acquiesce to LK’s “demands.”

