MB update

It looks like LK is showing as much understanding of the legal system as she usually does.


I know I know. I’m just curious if CH has an opinion on the veracity of certain statements. Or if we are going do a little electric slide style side step :slight_smile:


Well, you know. Krol, parole, they probably rhyme, right? So they’re probably pretty much the same thing.



Interesting. Why do they recall judges, especially one that was set for retirement? Shortage?


Any number of reasons. Judges love being judges. In courts they are treated like royalty. Everybody has to kiss their ring. They are omnipotent no matter how bizarro they are.

The chief judge in my courthouse was dying to continue but he turned 70 so that’s it. Legislation to raise the mandatory retirement age from 70 failed. Meanwhile a judge he supervised was appointed to Supreme Court as acting because they were short.


I don’t know the answer, but I just saw something on the news this morning about how pilots are getting their mandatory retirement age changed due to a shortage in that field. Maybe it’s similar with judges.


Some judges are so cool to work with. You can chat with them like friends, tell inappropriate jokes etc. Some are nice and friendly but still maintain their position. We had one that wouldn’t allow you to walk into chambers and was a raging control freak over obsessive yak. There was literally no pleasing her.


My gut says shortage is a big part of it.


In the civil case, there is a pending case management conference scheduled on 10/4 at 2:00. It says remote. Does that mean that outside people can attend the zoom hearing like @eggbutt and @sdel and others did for the criminal trial hearings?

The notes they shared with us were very interesting and made for good discussion.


You inspired me. I have been trying to write a limerick about this whole case, ever since another person (I forgot who - sorry) wrote that brilliant Haiku

Here we go…

MBs Krol Hearing Limerick- By VHM

There once was a hearing related to issues of Krol,

But the empress of insults thought it was about MBs parole,

She tried to portray a victim, so scared and sad

But she was ignored, which made her MAD

then MB was freed, warming hearts, except those made from coal.


It is shortage. Courts just move slower now and people just aren’t into it. The quality of employee has dropped significantly. Positions that required degrees no longer do.


No. Not necessarily. But possible. Remote conference access is controlled by the Court Clerk who uses emails of the parties to send links for admission into the meeting.

Then they would call me up and whine because they couldn’t figure out how to get in.


Not quite what I said, VHM. I am aware of one horrendous FB post of LKs addressed to GJ. The one that’s been posted here or referred to a thousand times. I believe it was originally posted by LK several years before the shooting.

I am not aware of the exchange between LK and GJ that led to that one post. There is no context that I can imagine that would remotely excuse what LK wrote, but seeing the context would be interesting, if she is to be forever judged by that post.

I am not aware of LK continuing to post about GJ “for years”. I don’t follow her on SM and never have.

My perspective on the hearing is that it is that it is about MB first and foremost, but that the purpose of the hearing is not purely to determine what is the best and least restrictive environment for MB. The hearing is still an element of the criminal justice process, and the state will be represented so that the judge can balance what is best for MB against the issue of public safety.

LK, as the gun shot victim, I would think has a more important role as a member of the public whose safety needs protection that you or I. I can imagine that she might well be kept informed of the date. I have no way of knowing whether her interests as the gun shot victim will be represented on her behalf by the state, or whether she will be permitted to be present. I assume the court will handle it according to the law.

ETA. KM has quoted from Wikipedia that victim’s statements are given at sentencing and parole hearing.

In the passage quoted from Wikipedia, it does not mention Krol hearings, perhaps because successful insanity defenses are so rare.

Logically, does the information that a witness statement is used in sentencing and parole hearings establish that a different type of hearing, such as a Krol hearing, does not permit a witness statement?

I’m curious as to your answer on this, VHM. Just as a matter of pure logic, do the passages quoted by KM tell us anything about whether a victim statement is, or is not, permitted at a Krol hearing?

Well poo! Too bad, it would have been interesting to listen to.

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It’s possible.


Can you ask them as a fellow vacuumer to send us an invite? :grin:


That would be incorrect. It is a civil process. There is no criminal justice aspect any more since MB has been acquitted on all counts.

LK has no personal knowledge of MB’s current state of mind. Her opinion is irrelevant and her interests are not now, nor have they ever been, represented by the state. The State represents the state’s interest. Period.


And regarding possible outcomes for the civil suits - awards could be for both actual (compensatory) damages (such as medical expenses, loss of income, etc.), as well as for punitive damages - correct? Is damage to reputation considered under the latter?


Correct. Reputational damage normally falls under slander/libel/defamation of character stuff if that was named as a relief. I think.