MB update

And you shouldn’t. Nor will I. People don’t get to assign your meaning to your words.


Absolutely. And I don’t live by anyone’s leave.


If you think that something like race had nothing to do with this case, I would ask you to think again. Think back to Michael’s lawsuit against the WTPD.

The quick and dirty is that the WTPD decided to believe a 30-something white, petite blond female with implants, over a 6’3” 50-something, white male BECAUSE OF APPEARANCE.

Do you think a POC would have received the same response if they were in either LK’s or Michael’s position? Absolutely not!

@erinmeri’s comment was spot on, in addition to the fact that many POC have been executed by police officers serving no knock warrants. It is the reality of these times we live in!


Friendly thread reminder: all the discussion about why posters post what they post is what has gotten the previous threads closed. The only point in posting that kind of thing is to bait other posters into emotional responses and making insults.

As a group we were doing very well until a certain narrative came up…one that is historically very triggering and sure to get a rise. I’m not normally a thread nanny but I do want the thread to stay open, so, pretty please, can we go back to ignoring?


I said RACE had nothing to do with the case. Everyone involved in this tragic affair was the SAME RACE.

POCs and no-knock warrants, or the KKK, etc., etc. have no bearing on this conversation.


I have not been following her posting on YouTube or any other social media platforms. If this thread is supposed to be about MBs hearing, it seems obvious to me that importing her comments from other platforms derails the thread to make it about how much y’all hate LK and why.

That was one of Sierra’s points. If you legitimately fault her for her ugliness on SM, and if you are genuinely repulsed by her apparent taking “pleasure in hate” (as I am), why are you (g) also demonstrating that you (g) indulge in “the pleasure of hate”?

So, yes, I absolutely fault her and think less of her for her ugly SM posts such as the epic one on GJ.

I have not read her current YT posts, and to the extent that’s she’s saying that the hearing is on Aug 29 and that she has a right to attend, that does not strike me as ugly or inappropriate in the least.

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Excellent questions


You and I will have to agree to disagree! There is a police department in North Jersey to which appearance does matter!


Question about LK’s civil suit and the MB’s countersuit. And I think someone asked this before but I don’t recall the answer.

Are those two cases held completely separately? Like, LK’s suit is adjudicated first, and MB’s suit is scheduled to begin sometime after LK’s suit conclude? And with a completely different jury?

Or are they held at the same time, with the same jury?


Same time, same jury, also with SGF and RC in attendance, as they are defendants to LK’s suit.


Johnny Depp and Amber Heard was held at the same time with the same jury. And they found cause to award both of them some damages, but his were larger, so hers simply offset the total amount he was awarded.

I wonder if something similar could happen in this case? They both get awarded something, but one gets awarded a larger $ amount than the CB other, so the damages are offsetting.


Same court setting and same jury, but as with the criminal trial where it went prosecution and then defense it would be original plaintiff and then defendant(s)/counterclaims.


Obviously that’s the goal.


Yes. However this whole discussion line shows someone that doesn’t understand the fundamental ideas they are using.

“Hate speech” as a legal term refers to hate or prejudice directed at a specific protected category of race, gender or disability. It does not refer to merely hating an individual for their personal qualities. Of course, the line gets blurred when you hate someone for their personal qualities but then use a racial or gender slur.

For instance take someone like Kanye West who is black and bipolar, and a very visible entertainer and now fashion collaborator. I feel fairly neutral about him. But say I couldn’t stand his music, his sneakers, his public arrogance, etc. I could go online and rip all these aspects to shreds, I could say I hated him, and it wouldn’t be “hate speech.” It would only be hate speech if I resorted to racial slurs. Or

Anyone who thinks this forum is rough on LK has had their head under a rock for the past 6 months and completely missed the Amber Heard circus.

As far as online commentary, specific individuals can be barred from posting on certain topics due to a restraining order or similar. But no members of chat board full of anonymous true crime fans or other random low level posters ever ends up being on the hook for libel or slander.

For one, if you want to pursue a civil case for libel you need to prove the things being said were not true. If they are true you don’t have a case. Second, the first step in such cases is to demand a public retraction, which newspapers used to offer quite willingly at the first sign of trouble. Then case closed. Third it’s been widely demonstrated that internet chat is basically out of control system wide, especially in regards to public figures and no one gives it any credence. Commentary by one of the parties, yes. But not general anonymous chat.

Finally, while basically all posts from LK and KrewKanawreck have been nonsense, they do tend to point to moments of behind the scenes tension. I would assume that there are all kinds of calculations and conversations going on with and among the civil suit legal team. It is very possible some of these conversations are not to LK’s liking.

I was peripherally present years ago when an elderly relative with NPD tendencies wanted to dispute a fairly low stakes (money wise) will disbursement. The person had a clear coherent story about skulduggery. They talked to a lawyer who clearly set them straight. Six months later they had a clear coherent story about skulduggery that was very convincing except totally different from the first one. They kept in contact with the lawyer, and generated several more coherent but obviously totally imaginary stories that bent the rules of law and probability. Finally they gave up on the lawyer and retreated into a more partial and paranoid grumbling. It was just a very interesting case study in real time about how someone with NPD needs to continually construct fantasies that show them to advantage. And they don’t care if it contradicts previous statements. As long as it feels emotionally true to them at the moment they will say it. They are great at objectifying and projecting their emotions. If they feel humiliated, then someone was intentionally trying to humiliate them. Etc.

I’ve also seen enough posters in chat groups including COTH who come on to tell in detail about some event, which turns out they are really bending facts and were the person in the wrong. But there’s this urge to rehearse their story to a bunch of naieve strangers in the hopes of what? Finding a story that works? Getting emotional support?

Anyhow to me it’s been quite clear that LK goes online and says things that she wants to be true, but that are almost never true or accurate.

Oh, and the whole KKrew thing. It’s a useful shorthand because we have LK, plus several known alters (revealed when she slips up), plus accounts for RG that she appears to post in, plus someone self identifying as her mother on COTH, plus the enigma of Inigo Montoya, plus a small crew of flying monkeys who may be just uninvolved trolls, or may have closer links. Plus the father who is not online but had been heavily involved for decades protecting and enabling his unemployed heroin addict daughter. The situation is fluid enough that we need a collective term. And yeah, I do think Kardashian when I see random K’s these days. And I do not enjoy the Kardashian circus.


I think it was @3PonyFarm that found this interesting tidbit. He was set to retire, and recalled to service for a period of 2 years. I hope with all my might this suit doesn’t drag on that long, but it could.

And, this is an interesting read that gives some of his background.


I agree. The way she has continually posted about GJ for years is deeply troubling. I’m glad you can see that.

I don’t think it’s ugly or hateful to say she has the right to attend the August hearing on YT. I do wonder if it’s accurate. If it’s inaccurate, I wonder why she is publicly saying that she has the right to attend and give a victim impact statement?

Do you have any thoughts about why she might be saying that? Or do you think it’s just a sincere comment on LKs part, and she really is planning on attending and giving a statement?


That’s why I asked. I was wondering how it might go down if the cases were tried at the same time and each plaintiff was awarded “something.”


In judge world, that’s nothing unless you’re planning to move up


Lol, too true.