MB update

[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:1914, topic:774547, full:true”]

I was thinking specifically about tax purposes. If she gets a distribution of say, $100K per year, then that is $100K of income that has to be reported to IRS (and taxed) - correct?

And yes, for those the back that might want to quibble about the $100K figure - I made it up just as an example.


I was the trustee and didn’t take much so perhaps my situation differed. I don’t know. Was ages ago.


The thing about settlements, you can agree to anything, even non monetary forms of compensation.


So this is the super interesting part to me. And where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.

I admittedly am not a beneficiary of a trust at this time, so am ignorant of the way things work, on a practical day to day level.

Can trust beneficiaries of a spendthrift or discretionary trust write checks directly from the trust account to pay for essential living expenses, such as groceries, health care related bills, etc etc, up to a standard distribution amount?

Or does the distribution amount go into their personal checking account, and they have to pay expenses from that account?

This is all assuming distributions are authorized because they are routine distributions that happen on a set schedule, or, the trust is discretionary and distributions are allowed and approved.

I hope my question makes sense…


Aaaaah. And there it is. I see :slight_smile:


I’ve been puzzled by the obsession, as SM says, with trashing, mocking, and tearing down LK. It doesn’t end with a focus just on LK, but is extended to her parents, her sisters, the prosecution expert witness “Pornstasche” (So, so funny), and anyone expressing empathy for LK as a victim and human being.

I think the phenomenon of a “pleasure of hate” is very real. It is writ very, very large in full on hate groups, terrorists, and fascists like the KKK or the Nazi’s.

But I agree with SierraMist that I see “the pleasure of hate” as a phenomenon here and on SM generally.


I’d also love to know this.

If the civil trial goes in MB’s favor and LK owes $$$, even if the trust does provide protection, it seems like a huge headache to deal with.

Also, if I’m understanding correctly, even if LK’s house was paid in cash, it would take years to transfer the entire house to the protected trust, yes?

On a side note, I’m ignoring all the connections certain posters are attempting to make to a certain racial group due to its absurdity. I encourage others to do the same. It’s a sad attempt to completely derail the thread and get it closed. Please don’t take the bait.

Edit: changed I’ve to I’m


You’re right, LK indulged in the pleasure of hate in her horrific post about Girl Joey. Is it necessary for Sierra to “call out” LK on that post or her other nasty posts, when it’s already been called out 4,000 times?

Sierra was bringing up the concept of “the pleasure of hate”, and using the KKK as the poster child of the concept. I see the pleasure of hate at work in these threads (as well as in SM generally).

In these threads, the simple pleasure of hate has not fueled horrific acts of physical violence, as with the KKK. That’s an important distinction.


No idea why you’re so surprised or confused. Everybody knows the age old adage “You reap what you sow”.

“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.”

“Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.”

“Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.”

“A wicked person earns deceptive wages, but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.”

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

“Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.”

Most of the above are from the Bible.

"Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. You get what you earn. You are what you eat. If you give love, you get love. Revenge returns itself upon the avenger."


@CurrentlyHorseless, this thread is about MB upcoming hearing. Not hate groups. If you’d like to discuss that, please start a new thread. You are going to once again, get this thread shut down.


I listened to a segment on NPR this morning discussing landlords and eviction. Several small landlords in the northeast were interviewed and they all said they did everything they could to help tenants in trouble during COVID-19. Several said they were reluctant to formally evict these long term tenants because an eviction stays on one’s record for a long time and would make it hard to find another home and/or possibly employment, regardless of the pandemic excuse. It made me wonder if JK had been working with MB at one time to try his luck at getting LK to move without formal eviction. And, who’s name would the eviction have been in, Lauren’s or Jonathan? Who worked the domicile deal?

If only she had left three years ago this week. Just imagine.


Okay .

I decided to share the urban dictionary definition of “meta” with you:


  1. Meta means about the thing itself. It’s seeing the thing from a higher perspective instead of from within the thing, like being self-aware.

Soooo… if we are going to have a discussion about the discussion, and look at it from a higher level, and try and be more self-aware about this whole concept of the pleasure of hate and how toxic it is, and how it really seems to be a social media issue in general…

Doesn’t that apply to both sides of the discussion?

Let’s discuss LK’s half of the ongoing discussions. Is that off limits, because she got shot in August of 2019? Is her personal style on various social media platforms all simply a matter of her defending herself against the criticism she received in the wake of the shooting f?

Or… is there just a teensy tinsy bit of evidence that her personal style on social media platforms… which can objectively be described as aggressive, caustic, and involving significant amounts of mockery… did that particular style predate the shooting?

I think there is quite a bit of evidence it pre-dated the shooting.

Given all that… are you and Sierra Mist equally concerned about LKs ongoing comments (she’s limited to commenting on YT now, but no doubt she eventually will be back on other social media platforms, awaking her mind), and how her words and conduct perpetuate this ugliness?

Just curious.


I’ve never been Facebook friends with her which I have said several times. I don’t know her. I don’t follow her on social media. I usually can’t find YouTube posts even after people here describe where they are.

Her Facebook was still public for a very short time and she still seems to have some Facebook “friends” that post her Facebook posts here to decry them.

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Great list of quotes! :+1:


If a beneficiary receives $100k, it may or may not be income. Taxable income is distributed first, per the IRS regs. Say you have a $1mm trust, invested in marketable securities. Chances are, it’s not throwing off 10% income. Say it generated $50k in income. Then, the distribution would be $50k income (taxable) and $50k principal (not income on the beneficiary’s 1040).

All of that is reported on the K-1 issued by the trust at year end.

@Virginia_Horse_Mom, generally, a beneficiary cannot write checks on a trust bank account. Certainly not where you have a disinterested trustee. Only the trustee can access trust funds. The trust may be set up to distribute a certain amount periodically (annually, monthly, whatever) or it may only distribute at the beneficiary’s request. If it’s a discretionary trust, the beneficiary cannot demand distributions and the trustee has discretion whether to make distributions.

Some trusts require that all income be distributed, or other terms that express the grantor’s wishes. They can say pretty much what they want unless it violates public policy. (distributions to be made on the day of the first full moon of the month…jk).

Depending on the beneficiary, expenses may be paid directly to the provider (landlord, cable TV, utilities) or the beneficiary may pay them. Some beneficiaries are capable of money management, some not so much.

Hope this helps all the trust questions. Trust 101…


Thank you. It’s how I feel. There is no way I will curb my speech in this case. None.


This is really well written and very informative! I appreciate it.


?? I find it odd that some posters refuse to acknowledge that such things go 2 ways and feign innocence. “Uncivility” never comes from only one “direction”. One can see that from recent posts. Referring to other posters as haters/hateful is another great example. I have seen a couple of posters get irate once or twice (not including LLPR’s many tirades in the older threads) - but that is it. Not the suggested and pretentious (in this case) “pleasure of hate”.

I do not hate LK in any way - I feel very sorry for her and what she is continuing to do to herself…

This is not as bizarre as it may first sound - our bad episode with the TBFH (Trainer B*tch From Hell - as the boarders named her) who sought to take over or destroy our barn and the BO’s boarding business shows us that. TBFH told all her clients, other trainers and others at the big shows that either A) she would make everything so uncomfortable for the BO in every way possible that she would just let her (TBFH) take over the barn and run it as she pleased… or B) be so thrilled with all the blue ribbons and TBFH’s amazing talents that she would would just be gifted the facility…

10 acres in prime horse properties area. A 34 stall boarding barn. An 8 stall barn with runouts. A large covered arena. A 3 bedroom log house. Lots of parking. Lots of paddocks/turnout. Easy access to over 800 acres of wooded trails. Yeah - all of that would be given to the amazing TBFH… :roll_eyes:


People who think this way have mental illness which allows them to think this way.


It seems delusion can be common place, even outside the walls of a psychiatric facility.