MB update

Yeah, but they would also know about the risk of ricochet or if they miss their target the bullet traveling. As I recall, it was in a zoned residential neighborhood and NO guns were to be fired within 300 feet of a dwelling.


No one objected to the LK family being referred to as the KKlan (not clan) which is not a good look and really much more offensive. So we can all agree such references should be avoided.


I am by no means a firearms expertā€¦ but even I know itā€™s incredibly dangerous and irresponsible to discharge one in a situation like that.


So waitā€¦because their last name starts with a K, and the motherā€™s first name starts with a K no one is allowed to have alliteration fun with it because someone might possibly add an extra K and make it into something it was very clearly never associated with?
That seems like a huge leap.


Let me add a little more to the trust discussion. Trusts are entities on their own and have situs and governing law. Situs and governing law may not be the sameā€¦Generally, a trust will cite within its terms that ā€œthis trust will be governed by the laws of X stateā€. However, situs may be moved to be where the trustee is located. Since we know nothing about this trust, we have no idea if it came from a prior generation, we have no idea in which state it was settled. Therefore, we donā€™t know governing law.

If a debtor against whom a judgment has been rendered lives in another state other than that in which the judgment was obtained, that judgment will have to be filed(domesticated) in the state of residency.

Trusts often have spendthrift clauses, but not always. Itā€™s one of those boilerplate provisions that people kind of ignore, but can be very important.

Iā€™m not sure where @Knights_Mom is getting a limitation on transfers of real estate to trust? Different states, and different types of trusts, have different rules. In my state, there is no limitation on how much real estate you transfer, unless you are trying to commit fraudā€¦and I am sure that is not what she is talking about.



How does MB ā€œtaking the plea dealā€ in the criminal trial result in LK being awarded MBs Florida facility?

Even if LK wins a big net judgement in he civil case, it would be a monetary judgement. Even if she wins a big monetary judgement, his Florida residence would be protected (if he can establish that heā€™s a Florida resident).


For tax purposes or are they judgment safe? I believe they are judgment safe. But this is not something Iā€™m that familiar with.


Trusts have their own bank account. Iā€™ve taken money out of a trust and it wasnā€™t considered income.


I understand both sides of this one.

Maybe itā€™s best to just call them the K Krew going forward?

If I knew how to type an umlaut I would immediately start referring to them as the ā€˜K Krueā€™ - a la Motley Crue. This would give me a great deal of self satisfied chuckles.

Sadlyā€¦ I am technically impaired and donā€™t know how to do the unmlaut on my little Apple keyboard.

Can anyone help a sister out?


LKā€™s exhibition of ā€œthe pleasure of hateā€ is much more germaine to the topic. Perhaps Sierra would like to explore that thought instead of trying to derail the conversation with references to the KKK. (Horrible as that organization is, it has absolutely no connection to the topic at hand.)


KrĆ¼e - copy and use as you see fit.


Hoo, boy, thatā€™s a question. Trust accounting is an animal unto itself. Some of a distribution will be income (per IRS, income must be distributed first, but trust and tax accounting are two different things) and some may be principal. A distributee gets a K-1 at the end of the year to tell them what to put on their taxes.

And, donā€™t get started on Distributable Net Income (DNI)ā€¦


You are the bestest!!!

K KrĆ¼e it is! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes I agree on all the other paragraphs and tried to explain registering a judgment to a state that was not the issuing state.

On the paragraph above I veered a bit off topic of how to transfer real property INTO a trust and mentioned my state only permits transference of a certain amount of $ value each year. So letā€™s say the state says you can transfer $30,000 in real property value each year and the property is worth $300,000 it would take 10 years for that property to be entirely within the scope of the trust.


Good point, and a classic example of someone who either didnā€™t have enough proper training - including discussions surrounding LEGALITIES surrounding the use of firearms - or someone with little to no impulse control. :wink:


I canā€™t speak for Michael Barisone but if I were Michael, the only thing Iā€™d be remorseful for would be allowing these toxic grifters into my barn.


Iā€™m not changing a thing.


If he took the plea, and was in jail for 10 years, do you think he would have held onto the Florida facility?

And pleading out the criminal case likely would have immediately led to settling in the civil case.

Iā€™m not sure as to how MBs assets would then be sold off and divided up to settle all his debts in such a situation to LK, and other parties (attorneysā€™ fees, etc), but keeping the Florida property for ten years while he was in jail? That seems like it would have been unlikely.


Once it hits the beneficiaryā€™s bank account, it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s income or principal, itā€™s an asset subject to seizure. I think someone else said thatā€¦


@iberianfan said it better than I did.