MB update

The last 24-48 hours on this thread feels a little like


But check with an attorney in your own state! Things vary and of course, if your home isn’t paid off your mortgage company may not permit it being held in a trust (per family member who is real estate attorney two weekends ago).



So strange that the same person who is insisting everyone is hateful and how dare they be so hateful and this is their posting history on this topic. I guess it is only not hateful if you are saying mean things about people on the MB side?


How very awkward this must be.


Well well well… a little more projection, me thinks.



William Hazlett may disagree, but sports teams fill that role quite well for many. I don’t see team fandom as being harmful, Nor the very real rivalry between Marvel and DC comics. Or people’s reactions to various brands of BBQ sauce.
People may love to hate, and maybe there is a biological component to that. I think you’re going full mountain on this molehill…


Question: Are distributions from a protected trust considered “income”?


Once they hit the bank account to be used any which way, I believe they are fair game.


I am curious if J. Taylor ever issued a statement or complaint against the attorney who called the jurors insane.

While I was frustrated with the judge as a non legal person observing the trial, he was very respectful towards the jury. I can’t imagine he would like someone calling them insane.


I guess that depends on what you value. Sometimes a sense of impartiality is worth the cost. Sometimes letting someone else be the bad guy, so to speak, is also valuable.


It seems like JK has valued having a certain degree of control over LKs spending and decision making for some time though. Assuming the role of trustee seems like it would be an ideal fit for him in some respects.


I agree with SierraMist’s post. Here is my interpretation of it.

I read her post as using the KKK as an example of the concept of “the pleasure of hate”. She referred to “the enjoyment they get from dehumanizing jokes and comments” and noted that “The KKK uses many disclaimers to excuse their hateful comments.”

If some posters here do indulge in “the pleasure of hate”, raising that issue does not mean she is accusing anyone of violence or “heinous killings”. “The pleasure of hate” is just one aspect of hate groups like the KKK.

I have also wondered if some posters (definitely not all) take pleasure in mocking and tearing down LK, RG, her family and any poster who disagrees with them.

The “discussion” on these threads is often uncivil and downright hateful, and often goes far from aspects of the actual public events, which is why these threads are invariably shut down.

I think SierraMist’s use of the KKK as an example of the concept of “the pleasure of hate” was a very effective way of highlighting the phenomenon. I did not read her post as accusing anyone of racism, violence, or killing, or of minimizing the horror of those physically victimized by the KKK or other hate groups.


I have not caught up, so if this has been answered, forgive me. Yes, if a distribution has been made, a creditor may get it through access to a bank account. However, if the trustee has discretion, and knows that the beneficiary has a judgment against them, they can refuse to make distributions that would be snatched. Also, if there is a spendthrift clause, referred to in prior posts, the judgment creditor can not attach the trust assets.


I think anytime folks engaged in debates get into drawing comparison to things like the KKK or Nazis… they get out over their skis quite quickly.

It’s best just to leave that stuff alone.

That’s just my honest opinion though. Some historic societal horrors are just best left out of arguments about wealthy dressage divas, high end dressage trainers, etc etc etc.


What do those posts have to do with the topic?


Does anyone know anything about the civil trial judge?


I dunno. A heck of a lot of people - esp. in the South and Rocky Mountain/Great Plains areas - have a fair amount of proficiency and familiarity with firearms. If they have had good training, they should have a strong tendency to fall back on that training even when in a stressful situation. And folks who have firearms should reinforce that training by practicing with their firearms on a regular basis since having a solid foundation in use and operation of their firearm can help them overcome the “tunnel vision” that usually accompanies being involved in a shooting situation.

And by “practicing,” I don’t mean shooting out the tires of your boyfriend’s motorcycle. :upside_down_face:


The flying monkey krew is just going “meta” on us.

Their preferred topic seems to be a discussion of the discussion.


This is a good question.