MB update

Correct. When a trust is set up, you (g) have to have a lot of faith in the trustee to act on behalf of the trust, even when the beneficiaries are whining that they need that one new shiny thing.


I believe I read in one of her YT comments that she is kept informed by the prosecutors office of all MBā€™s movements. So itā€™s possible she does have the correct date of his upcoming hearing.


If what I remember from the trial is correct, Taylor reserves Monday AMā€™s for status updates. This would be an evidentiary hearing I would think.


Aaaah. This is what I was wondering.

I can see how it is easy to nerd out on this. I am googling all sorts of questions as we speak. Jurisdiction (it seems like Florida will apply), Spendthrift vs. discretionary trusts, domestic asset protection trusts, etc.

Iā€™m very curious as to whether or not JK is the trustee, and what sort of trust might be involved. My guess based on a few different pieces of information that came out in court is that they set up a Spendthrift trust for LK.

Also, my guess is that her trust is separate and distinct from her sisters, given they are married.


What would be interesting to me, is if JK is currently the trustee, who has he named as Successor Trustee? Because he canā€™t live forever. And, how do things distribute if he were to pass on.

*it should go without saying, but Iā€™m saying it anyway. I have no idea if a trust exists (although it would be smart), who the trustee is, nor do I wish any harm to befall JK.


Very interesting question. And ditto on wondering who might be a successor.


Of course, if MB loses the civil suit, all this is moot. I mean, I know which way Iā€™m hoping, but my hope will have zero sway over the jury.

But I am always fascinated by estate planning.


I seem to recollect reading a description of the incident somewhere that indicated he was on the bike when the shooting occurred, and was trying to leave after they had an altercation.

Maybe you are closer to LK than I am thoughā€¦ :thinking: or maybe you have just been Facebook friends with her for some time? I havenā€™t followed her Facebook page ever. It seems like you might have a lot more information about the specifics of this incident than I do. :woman_shrugging:

Regardless, if she could accurately hit a tire of a motorcycle, while in the midst of a stressful domestic argument, that indicates a certain degree of proficiency and familiarity with firearms. Which is interesting in and of itself.


They probably assumed MB would have taken the plea deal and wanted a house close to what they assumed would be their facility.




We Americans are becoming ever better at vilifying people who disagree with us. This taste for hate seems perverse, an intentional pursuit of displeasure. Hate disturbs oneā€™s inner peace, as does being hated.

But the compensatory pleasures of hatredā€”in particular its enhancement of self-esteemā€”are underrated. Hatred is self-congratulatory. It involves expressing superiority to its objects, and patting yourself on the back for not being them.

The pleasure of hating is also the quickest and most effective method of bringing people together. When you declare your opponents to be obviously evil and stupid, you are congratulating not only yourself but the people who agree with you for being intelligent and good. Any expressions of disagreement in your vicinity, on the other hand, threaten your sense of the purity of your own motives and the indubitable truth of your opinions. Such things menace your self-regard, and hence the meaning of your life.

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William Hazlitt in the essay, On the Pleasure of Hating, asserts his view on the way people need to have something to hate, to feel disgust for, to feel bigotry towards, and to overall have something other than the bland pool of neutrality to keep themselves entertained without a real meaning as to why they feel that need to respond to another being that way.

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The judgment will be from NJ. So either a motion is filed for a change of venue due to lack of personal jurisdiction OR it continues in NJ, a judgment is gotten and that judgment is then registered in FL via filing such a case.


Assuming she was aiming at the tire.


Interesting! Time to look up NJ law on spendthrift & discretionary trusts :slight_smile:

If JK is the trustee, which seems likely, heā€™s an NJ resident. So thatā€™s also relevant.

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This is really rich. Exactly who are you preaching to?

Just as Seeker was told, not one soul here has used the word ā€œhateā€ regarding the Kanareks, so who are you preaching to?

How special you are to presume you know the emotions of anyone on this forum, or anywhere for that matter.

Clean your own house @SierraMist.


Could be someone not related, such as a lawyer, accountant, etcā€¦too.


In the age of social media, this principle of the universality of hatred is amplified to the extreme. A study of the New York Timesā€™s most emailed list found that articles which incited anger were the ones that got shared the most. Sparked by the subject, such things inevitably incite a torrent of comments, and, as more people get pulled into the fray, they in turn react to the already spiteful sentiment, feeding the general anger like dried brush feeds a wildfire. It becomes an engine of hatred, its wheels turned by the steam of rage. A spectacle both loathsome and irresistible.

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That will cost them though. And if it is a closely managed type of trust, I wonder if that makes financial sense. Iā€™ve had questions all along about the K familyā€™s true net worth. Though they seem financially secureā€¦ Iā€™m not so sure that they are THAT wealthy ā€¦


Trusts are wonderful especially for real estate. Plan early if you are trying to transfer already owned property into the trust as you can only transfer a certain amount of $$ each year.